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{{Topquote|The Imperials test my patience with their incompetence!|Taldeer in ''[[Dawn of War]]: [[Dawn of War#Winter Assault|Winter Assault]]''.}}
er. Fellow Farseer [[Caerys]] has a bit of a thing for her.
Recently, it was believed that [[Macha]] shot and murdered Taldeer in her sleep for being an insufferable bitch. It is unknown whether the story is false, or whether Taldeer was raised as an animate corpse at the bidding of her father. Considering the story took place when Macha was fifteen and doesn't mention [[LIIVI]], more than likely it took place only within Macha's own mind.
It was revealed in [[Dawn of War 2]]: Retribution that Taldeer was killed by the Blood Ravens (As told by Azariah as he taunts [[Ronahn]] before the Exterminatus). As [[Ronahn]] was her twin brother, the Eldar campaign is all about saving Taldeer's soulstone. Which is <strike>[[gay]]</strike> touching.
On the other hand when was the last time Chaos told the truth about anything? For all we know Kyras just killed a body double and didn't care enough to tell the difference. Or he made up the story about killing Taldeer completely to fuck with Ronahn, he's kind of a dick like that. 
But if you're a stickler for canon, Taldeer returns in [[Dawn of War III]] as a [[Wraithknight]]. While the loss of her mortal coil sucks, on the bright side she does get a nifty sword. Like every Wraithknight, they have a pilot that must have similar soul connection to each other, meaning Ronahn has to pilot it. [[Approved anime|Clearly, Eldrad was the one that tells Ronahn to get in the damn wraithknight]].
On one final note; despite her having red hair (assuming it is hair and not something attached to her helmet like a Greek Hoplite crest and her twin having white hair) for her in-game sprite, 95% of her fan-art has black hair.
==Codex Taldeer==
Now you too can field this potent Farseer in your army.
Warning. May include [[cheese]].
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! PTS !! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! W !! I !! A !! Ld !! Sv
| '''Farseer Taldeer''' || 280 || 5 || 5 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 5 || 1 || 10 || 3+
'''Unit Type:'''
*'''Infantry (Character)'''
'''Unit Composition:'''
*'''1 (Unique)'''
*'''Twin-Linked Shuriken Pistol of Taldeer'''
*'''Singing Spear'''
*'''Runic Armour of Taldeer'''
'''Special Rules:'''
*'''Ancient Doom'''
*'''Battle Focus'''
*'''Independent Character'''
*'''Psyker (Mastery Level 3)'''
*'''Runes of The Farseer'''
*'''Runic Aura''': Due to her talent in utilizing runes, Taldeer can generate an aura that revitalizes those around her and knit their wounds back and reconstruct the Wraithbone of lesser Wraith Constructs on a molecular level. All non-mechanical Infantry Units in 12" radius of Taldeer gain the It Will Not Die USR. Units that have a single wound additionally gain an extra one.
*'''Warlord Traits:''' '''An Eye on Distant Events'''
'''Psyker:''' Farseer Taldeer can generate her powers from the '''Daemonology (Sanctic)''', '''Divination''', '''Runes of Fate''' and '''Telepathy''' Psychic Disciplines.
'''Remnants of Glory:'''
*'''Twin-Linked Shuriken Pistol of Taldeer:'''
:The custom pistol of Farseer Taldeer. Crafted with some uncommon modifications, this double-barreled Shuriken Pistol can unleash as many shots as a Shuriken Catapult, and additionally grants greater precision.
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Range !! S !! AP !! Type
| Twin-Linked Shuriken Pistol of Taldeer || 12 || 4 || 5 || Pistol, Master Crafted, Precision Shot, Twin-Linked, Bladestorm, Cutting Wind
**'''Cutting Wind:''' Taldeer is capable of shooting twice in every Shooting Phase with her pistol.
*'''Runic Armour of Taldeer:''':
:A unique set armour that Taldeer wears on the field of battle. Being comprised of a Ghosthelm, as well as a combination of runes and armoured Wraithbone plating, this piece of wargear makes the wearer incredibly difficult to kill and grants supreme, if not uncommon protection. The runes themselves allow the Farseer to utilize her powers more efficiently.
:'''The Runic Armour of Taldeer''' grants both a 3+ Sv and a 4+ Inv Save. In addition, it allows for the same capabilities as a Ghosthelm. If Taldeer manages to roll a 6 while passing a Deny The Witch test, she gains a free Warp Charge.
==External Links==
*[http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Farseer_Taldeer WH40k wiki on Taldeer]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000:_Dawn_of_War:_Winter_Assault#.22Forces_of_Order.22_Campaign Wikipedia WALL OF TEXT]
== Gallery ==
Image:Taldeer justasplanned.jpg|[[Just as planned]].
Image:Smile_for_the_camera_baby_by_IronShrineMaiden.jpg|10/10 WOULD BANG
Image:Tumblr nr4yu6JViq1rj5kr0o1 1280.jpg
File:DOWTaldeer1.png|Taldeer in ''[[Dawn of War]]: [[Dawn of War#Dark Crusade|Dark Crusade]]''.
[[Category: Warhammer 40,000]]
[[Category: Dawn of War]]
[[Category: Xenos]]
[[Category: Eldar]]
[[Category: Craftworld Eldar]]

Revision as of 18:35, 24 November 2020
