The Guy Who Cried Grendel: Difference between revisions

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Image:Grendel 2.jpg|Grendel in all of his nerdy glory
Image:Grendel 2.jpg|Grendel in all of his nerdy glory
Image:Grendel 3.jpg|Grendel saves Sister Benedicta
Image:Grendel 3.jpg|Grendel saves Sister Benedicta
Image:Grendel 5.jpg|Battle with the Beat of Solomon
Image:Grendel 5.jpg|Battle with the Beast of Solomon
Image:Grendel 6.jpg|Grendel vs Warboss vs Deamonhost
Image:Grendel 6.jpg|Grendel vs Warboss vs Deamonhost

Revision as of 12:04, 4 August 2009

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Some anon recounting a Dark Heresy Campaign. Is universelly considered to be awesome. The character Grendel is the luckiest son of a bitch to roll a die, ever.

First Archive can be found here.

second session: Beast of solomon here.

Third session: Orcs and daemonhosts here.

Fourth session: spaceship funtimes (now with commissar on drugs) here.

Fifth and final epic session: Grendel, he gets a good end! here.

May just be tl;dr - but its awesome none the less
