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#REDIRECT [[Fellspyre Chronicles]]
'''The Last God''' is a [[grimdark]] fantasy comic by Phillip (two Ls) Kennedy Johnson, set in [[Cain Anuun]] and published through DC.
The story is told along dual plotlines across time - and there's no [[Chronomancy|time ''travel'']], so the current line is the later one. In this the current line, the world (rather, as usual, the narrative's [[The Silmarillion|Beleriand]]-shaped corner thereof) has enjoyed a generation of peace and prosperity (on the surface) thanks to the heroics of heroes a generation ago, who now rule as kings. In the previous line we get a shufty on what the heroes of yore had actually done.
It is hardly a spoiler to reveal that the yore heroics weren't nearly as heroic as what the retired heroes have claimed.
Back In ''MY'' Day, 329.4 Guild Reckoning, the heroes had put an end to a scourge of [[Dusanu|zombie-inducing plantlife]] by putting to the sword, Mol Uhltep; the Melkor of this damaged world. In ''this'' day, 358ish, the bill is due. A new generation of heroes (aided by some of the previous heroes, and by some of their victims) must fix the mess for real.
=Oh. Right. /tg/.=
Johnson brought in Dan Telfer to help design ''The Last God: Tales From the Book of Ages'', with Amedeo Turturro as main editor. This short (under 50 pages!) supplement translates, ''[[Dragonlance|DL5: Dragons of Mystery]]''-style, the base rules of the comic into something d20 / 5e playable.
It starts with a Trigger Warning for "a brutally repressive environment when it comes to gender roles" totally on their own, and not because content-creators all have to do that in this Enlightened And Modern And Totally Not Oppressive NOR Hypocritical Age if they want to be published outside Castalia House <strike>or CreateSpace</strike>.
Nor because we're being dogwhistled [[Hackmaster|NOT FOR WIMPS]] hinting at [[Edge]] for Edgesake. Amirite??
Besides all that, there's ''another'' note here. This cites for the real Book of Ages, Mol Choresh, "god of knowledge and of riddles" - it seems the note-taker spoke an inflected language with the genitive case. This much is a conceit taken from [[E. Gary Gygax]]. Anyway the present "excerpt" is from Grandmaster Skol 358.1 Guild Reckoning (GR).
Here we get lore and maps. But ''also'' we get ''stats'': Barrowfiend, Drake, Ebonsnare, the Flowering Dead (the whole point of this arc, with many subdivisions), Gallows Imp, Gryndel, Gyrehawks (''sic''), Harlot o' the Gale, Harpy, Hearteater, Maertroll, Rimefoot, Ursulon, Water Dragon.
Following that, magic: Fey, [[Elf|Aelvan]], [[Dragon]], Guild [Eldritch]. Then four magic items, but you probably won't see 'em since they're Wondrous or [[Artifact]].
Playable Subclasses kick in next. Guild Eldritch, [[Paladin]] (Oath of the Grauniad), and [[Ranger]] (as "Ferryman", for "Aelvan only").

Revision as of 01:58, 24 October 2021