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*'''Tribal Skirmisher:''' Your Schirmish Javelinirs and Slingers. Break faster than archers when under enemy presser.
*'''Tribal Skirmisher:''' Your Schirmish Javelinirs and Slingers. Break faster than archers when under enemy presser.

*'''Corsairs:''' Your skirmishing infantry, set with either shields or dual weapons. They have a nasty rule that makes enemies roll 3d6" for fleeing and drop the highest so they can trap any enemy they break and enslave them.
*'''Corsairs:''' Your skirmishing infantry and Ambushers, set with either shields or dual weapons.

*'''Slave Levies:''' Your expendable army of meatshields. They have a terrible Ld of 3, so you need the get the SlaveMaster champion so he can it lead from the back row, but the unit takes damage if it fails an Ld test at the start of your turn.
*'''Slave Levies:''' Your expendable army of meatshields. They have a terrible Ld of 3, so you need the get the SlaveMaster champion so he can it lead from the back row, but the unit takes damage if it fails an Ld test at the start of your turn.

Revision as of 18:25, 2 August 2019

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Araby: Warhammer Army Project, 9th Edition Tactica

Created by Mathias Eliasson, this project was a homebrew attempt at giving many of the units, nations, and factions that never got Armybooks of their own (and those left behind and never got one in 8th Edition) such a thing.

It should also be noted that Eliasson is constantly updating his work, so don't expect this page to stay current forever. If anyone wishes to actually update this page and the items that need it, later on, go ahead.

Why Play WAP Araby


  • An army that deminstrat the virver that followers of warhammer gods have.


Special rules

Zealotry: This lets your units add their Combat Resolution scores to their unit strength when determining how steadfast they are. They also roll 3d6 for break tests on the first turn, letting them stay in the fight despite any casualties.

The Lore of Desert

Attribute: Shifting Sands: Casting a spell on an enemy unit forces them to re-roll any 6s on charge, pursuit, and fleeing.

  • Signature: Sand Blast: Magic Missile that deals 2d6 S2 hits and halves the target's movement, which drives home any advantage you have on the charge.
  1. Curse of the Genie: Hex, the target must re-roll successful wound rolls.
  2. Mirage: Hex, place a marker within the targets line of sight if it fails a Stupidity test, it is forced to use its movement to go towards the marker.
  3. Dancing Scimitar: Magic Missile that deals d6 S4 hits before rolling to see if it moves on to hit someone else. Augmenting doubles the damage to 2d6 hits and increases the range.
  4. Sunstrike: Magic Missle, shoot a solar beam that decimates anything in a line.
  5. Quicksand: One unit that's not floating must test Initiative. On failure, they must roll an armour save that kills on a success. Which are fucking nuts because this can kill any knights or monstrosities easily.
  6. Sandstorm: Nobody within 12" of the caster can shoot and nobody inside it can be shot. Flyers are stuck with ground movement and enemies inside it cannot march.


Treasures of the Sands

  • Blade of Holy Wrath: Gives hatred and frenzy on top of adding a bonus to Strength equal to the initial number of Wounds on a model. This is a hefty beast-killer, but it's on a hefty price.
  • Martyr's Shard: You can sacrifice d3 wounds to insta-kill an enemy you wound. Excellent against Chaos Lord, as they HAVE to fight you 1v1, so you can instakill them, but you need an initiative bonus to make sure he gets to use it before dying.
  • Bow of Seeking: S5 bow that ignores range penalties, making this ideal for a hero joining mamelukes.
  • Shield of Faith: 5++ ward that also immediately breaks magical weapons that wound the wielder. This is some fucking choice shit.
  • Armour of the Scorpion: Light Armour with 5+ Natural Armour and poisoned attacks, giving you more like a 4+ save.
  • Ring of Divine Healing: Restores one wound each turn. For 40 points, isn't there better?
  • Golden Caraffe: This robs an enemy unit's magical armour of any properties it has and forces a re-roll on all ward saves.
  • Lamp of Al-Ha-Dean: This lets you make wishes like a genie without buying the genie. Which, for 25 points, is neat.
  • Rope of Kadizar: Lets an infantry model vanish during remaining moves subphase and then reappear anywhere he wants.
  • Sandstorm Staff: Bound CL5 item that stores Sandstorm and lets you re-roll one power die for each spell.
  • Banner of the Desert: Enemies must re-roll to hit this unit.


Sultans, being the pompous gits they are, can buy titles. Unlike the Ogre Kingdoms, these aren't as grandiose and can't stack.

  • The Conqueror: Lets a general expand the range of IP and his commands to 18".
  • The Blessed: The sultan and his unit can re-roll saves. Unfortunately, this doesn't expand to any other characters.
  • Patron of Science: Gains Regen 6+.
  • The Fanatic: The sultan and his unit get frenzy.
  • The Tyrant: The sultan's now a BSB without the ability to nab magical standards. Thankfully, he doesn't die if his unit breaks.
  • The Glorious: The sultan and his unit add +1 to all combat resolution checks.
  • The Wealthy: The cheapest, but offers the biggest changes. Now all palace guards, Mamelukes, and janissaries can take up to 25 pts of magic items while core units can take a magic standard worth up to 25 pts.

Artefacts of the Creed

Assassins, being the secluded society of cutthroats they are, are able to nab their own special tools. These aren't considered magic items despite pulling from the same budget and thus aren't exclusive on a pre-army basis.

  • Orb of Illusion: This Apple of Eden gives a 50/50 chance to negate all hits in close combat before saves. For 40 points, that's a pretty steal.
  • Venom of the Desert Snake: Adds +1 to wound and forces anyone wounded to test T or eat another wound.
  • Hidden Blade: The trademark weapon from Assassin's Creed offers KB for 25 pts.
  • Shadowstrike: Gives Multiple Wounds (d3).
  • Dagger of the Grand Master: A magical secondary weapon that wounds one designated enemy character on a 2+ and uses the enemy's strength to determine saves, which then must be re-rolled.
  • Cloak of Shadows: Missiles take -2 to hit the wearer, but this only applies when they're alone.
  • Code of the Creed: Re-rolls hits in challenges and forces enemies to accept a challenge.
  • Nethertoxin: Poisoned Attacks that also always wound on a 4+.

Army Units

Lords & Heroes

Special Characters

  • Sultan Jaffar: A truly wicked grand vizier, befitting the archetype. He's an L4 loremaster of shadow or death who is the mandatory general with the option of up to two djinns or efreets. While those within 12" can re-roll psychology, anyone outside that range takes -1 to Ld because of his dickishness. He has the means to mind-control a unit in b2b and make them betray allies. However, he is forced to cast each turn (or die) and every time he casts, he needs to sacrifice d3 models and add that many dice to the power pool.
  • Salah Ah-Din: A legendary hero and tactician among crusaders and Warhammer's version of the Saracen leader Saladin. His Inspiring presence is 18" range, lets his unit re-roll psychology and adds +1 to their combat resolution. His weapon grants ASF and ignores armour and has a medium plate that forces enemies to re-roll to wound. If He is your general, core units become Ambushers.
  • The Golden Magus: He's a Sorcerer Lord who can alway summon genies during the game. He's protected by a 5++ ward that makes close combat attacks take -1 to hit him and his sword gives +1S and flaming attacks while insta-killing the flammable.
  • The Prince of Thieves: The Prince of Persia from the pre-Sands of Time titles whom can never be the general. He hides in an army like an assassin, but his gimmick is stealing magic items and running over obstacles that aren't water. While he makes all close combat attacks against him re-roll to hit and has a badass weapon that wounds on a 2+ with re-rolled armour saves, he's the sort to keep mobile by bailing from a unit right after combat.
  • Layla bint Suraya: She's a handy supporting leader on a mount, rallying all units within 12" under any circumstance. She's able to fight with a 4++ Ward and a sword that adds +2S on the charge and a bonus attack, but keep her alive - all losing her gives everyone is hatred for the unit who dropped her.
  • Sindibadu: Corsair lord and totally not based on the comedian Sinbad. He lets all corsairs use his Ld8. While his dual weapons that re-roll 1s to hit and +1 attack per model in b2b and 5++ ward don't look like much, he also has another rule: all units attacking him must test Ld or be forced to only hit him on a nat 6.
  • Malik Ibn La'Ahad: Altair. No, seriously, he's freaking Altair. He's a super-assassin with a sniper that can make extra attacks for each missed attack an enemy makes at him and carries a magical Damascus blade that adds +1S and can break magical weapons. This is on top of the Hidden Blade and Code of the Creed.
  • Khalil al-Zahir, Great Sultan of Araby: You have fat bastards sitting on Slann palanquins, truly a worthy position for such a decadent folk. Alway embedded in Place Guard that gain Immunity (Psychology). has a lager Inspiring Presence, act as a Battle Standard Bearer. He can bark orders to other units that grant temporary perks.
    • Strength of the One: Re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 in close combat, which is a good thing since you'll be needing it a lot.
    • Fury of the One: Gain an extra attack.
    • Faith of the One: The unit gets Stubborn and Immune (Psychology) to foil any fear-based shenanigans.
  • Abdul Alhazred, the Mad Sorcerer: mad lore of Death caster. he is good at summoning Genies. besides the signiture, he knows one other spell corresponding to a d6 roll each turn. if you successfully cast a spell, he must make an Ld test or become stupid or loss a wound.
  • Khar-mel the Djinn:

Generic Characters

  • Emir: Your classic foot commander. On top of his melee weapons, he can also grab a shortbow or a handgun or ride a War Elephant.
  • Sheikh: Your classic captain and mandatory BSB.
  • SercererLord/Sorcerer: Your wizards. He has access to the lores of Fire, Metal, Heavens, Light, Shadow, and Desert.
  • Genie: Monstrous Elemental Characters that are bought by Sorcerer and are summoned if the Sorcerer passes an Ld test at the start of your turn. there are 4 types of Genie, each with a special rule and one bound spell.
    • Dao: the Toughs of the Genies, with Natural Armour(4+) and knows the spell Flesh to Stone.
    • Marid: has Magic resistance(2), Immunity(ice), and 4 attacks. Knows Iceshard Blizzard.
    • Djinn: can fly and know Wind Blast.
    • Efreet: the strongest fighter, Hatred, Flaming Attack and Immunity. Knows Flaming Sword of Rhuin.
  • Hashishin: The Brotherhood of Assassins in Warhammer form. They're basic assassin fare, hiding in units before striking. Has some useful Assasin upgrades.


  • Arabyan Steed: These are warhorses that have M9. Supper speedy.
  • Camel: A slightly sturdier horse with M7, gives most human riders +1T.
  • Flying Carpet: Pick this only if you like the idea of being friggin' Aladdin. These things can't fight and only offer flight.

Core Units

  • Warriors of Araby: Your basic rank & file troopers. They can have a Holy Man to act as a secondary champion who gives Hatred in close combat. They can also buy a Dibbukim, has frenzy but provides a lot more damage output from your unit.
  • Bowmen: Your basic Arabyan archers.
  • Tribal Skirmisher: Your Schirmish Javelinirs and Slingers. Break faster than archers when under enemy presser.
  • Corsairs: Your skirmishing infantry and Ambushers, set with either shields or dual weapons.
  • Slave Levies: Your expendable army of meatshields. They have a terrible Ld of 3, so you need the get the SlaveMaster champion so he can it lead from the back row, but the unit takes damage if it fails an Ld test at the start of your turn.
  • Sipahis: Your core light Fast cavalry for your hammering needs.
  • Desert Riders: Fast cavalry with Quick to Fire. When you want to pay for less for Sipahis or Want better horse archers.
  • Camel Riders: Desert Riders that trade Speed and Quick to Fire for +1T. For more durable Fast cavalry or cheaper horse archers.

Special Units

  • Palace Guard: A Hero bunkers, like Empire Greatswords but harder to break.
  • Janissaries: Hard troopers that never panic and roll 3d6 drop highest when testing for redirecting charges, restraining from pursuit, marching, and reforming. These guys are your elites, given shields or halberds with heavy armour for elite warriors, or, Bow or handguns for elite shooting.
  • Mamelukes: Armoured cavalry with Devastating Charge. Being a speedier and offensive equivalent to Old Wold knights.
  • Silent Guards: Unbreakable Soldiers that make fine Anvils and Objective holders.
  • Nafftaun: Skirmishing grenade-chuckers. These bombs are S4 flaming attacks that ignore armour and force panic for any casualties, making them great for discouraging enemies from charging and cracking elite nuts. one model may take a Naphtha Siphon which acts as the bombs in Breath weapon form. the Siphon has unlimited uses but can only be used in as a Shooting weapon.
  • Nomad Scouts: Your lone shooters and they're skirmishers with the scout. They have handguns with 30" but are move or fire.
  • Flying Carpet Riders: Now this is some silly shit. These guys are flying cavalry that drop d6 S2 poisoned shots over an enemy they fly over each turn.
  • Dervishes: Skirmishing whirlwinds of poisoned combat. They don't charge as normal, instead of running through any units, dealing d3 S3 hits per dervish, so they can reach the full distance rolled. Those d3 S3 hits also apply when enemies charge the dervishes like impact hits and they are always in softcover.
  • Bladedancers: Harem assassins. They're protected by only a 5++ ward and select one stance each turn so long as nothing is repeated (KB, +1 attack, -1 to hit rolls against them).

Rare Units

  • Pegasus Guard: Knights that ride Pegasus with a Breath weapon. Flying over the enemy formation and then decimate their back rows.
  • War Elephant: A behemoth ridden by a crew of dudes with 1d6+1 impact hits and terror. If this big guy's shot, he has to roll Ld or move 2d6" in a random direction out of panic and deals impact hits towards anyone it runs over. It also has a list of upgrades to use.
    • Mahout: Re-rolls Ld tests for stampeding
    • Armour Plates: A 5+ save, which is good since it lacks any protection.
    • Spike Chain: Increases the Impact Hits to 2d6 and deals more damage on Stampedes.
    • Spiked Tusks: turn each Seccesful hit into 2.
  • Roc: Super Giant eagles, stats near equal to a Moon Dragon. If it moves over any units with Monstrous models, randomly dealing D3 Armour ignoring wounds to one of them and D6 S5 hits to if it had moved over another unit.
  • Cannon: A Cannon with a braver crew.
  • Monster Bombard: A super Great Cannon like the Hellhammer Cannons. Re-roll bounce distance and Would rolls, but can't move and more explody on misfires,
  • Sandglass of Time: This here's an oddball. It's a war machine that doesn't attack, but it instead gives magic resist 1 to units within 12" and gives a bonus channel/dispel die. However, breaking it deals 2d6" S4 hits to everyone within 12". Its means of use are in several bound PL5 spells, all of which remain in play.
    • Abeyance: Forces a unit to give up one of the following each turn: moving, casting, shooting, and fighting.
    • Recede: Let a unit shoot twice and adds a bonus round of attacks. This at least gives it use for every unit.
    • Gravedust: A death curse that robs -1 M/S/T/I from a unit every turn until they die or the spell is dispelled.

External Links

The Project's website

Warhammer Army Project Tactics Articles
General Tactics
Forces of Order
Forces of Destruction