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*'''Battle Magus:''' your hero level Wizard, but you still must have an Inquisitor in for each magus you have.  
*'''Battle Magus:''' your hero level Wizard, but you still must have an Inquisitor in for each magus you have.  

*'''Priestess of Myrmidia:''' a Priest that has ASF during the first round of any combat. Her Prayers last the rest of the game until displed, so you can unload all your prayers on a unit and then move on to the next one. Might need to stay with your Death Stars to reapplying dispelled Prayers
*'''Priestess of Myrmidia:''' a Priest that has ASF during the first round of any combat. Her Prayers last the rest of the game until displed, stay with your Death Stars to reapplying dispelled Prayers
**'''Command the Legion:''' Priestess gains Inspiring Presence.
**'''Command the Legion:''' Priestess gains Inspiring Presence, turning her into a secondary General.
**'''Shield of Myrmidia:''' she and her unit gain +1 Armour and (5+)Ward Save against missile attacks.
**'''Shield of Myrmidia:''' she and her unit gain +1 Armour and (5+)Ward Save against missile attacks.
**'''Spear of Myrmidia:''' she and her unit gain +1S and AP and Magical Attacks.
**'''Spear of Myrmidia:''' she and her unit gain +1S and AP and Magical Attacks.

Revision as of 22:07, 30 July 2019

Estalia: Warhammer Army Project, 9th Edition Tactica

Created by Mathias Eliasson, this project was a homebrew attempt at giving many of the nations and factions that never got Armybooks of their own (and those left behind and never got one in 8th Edition) such a thing.

It should also be noted that Eliasson is continuously updating his work, so don't expect this page to stay current forever. If anyone wishes actually to update this page and the items that need it, later on, go ahead.

Why play Estalia

An Alternative to the empire playstyle, with a heavier focus on spears and elite pikes with mobile flankers and harassers.


  • Bored of German Renaissance men in silly pajamas and French bluebloods riding horses? Then come right over to the Spanish age of Discovery.
  • You have a pretty strong mage-hunting game.
  • Almost anyone can wear armor, even the dogs.
  • Have you ever wanted to Play an Inquisitor in Fantasy, but Witch Hunters don't have enough toys for you.


  • You lack the mass walls of bodies afforded by the Empire.
  • going Spear heavy strategy requires the opponent to make the charges.
  • lacks the usuals human rules to modify a unit's chances to flee.
  • armour is a good conductor of lightning attacks and lore of Metal.
  • half of your core units are just empire units with a manditory light armour upgrade.

Special Rules

  • Tactical Supremacy: when doing a Rally, March, Reform, or redirect Charge test, roll a 3d6 and discard the highest. This should encourage you to do more risky maneuvering and bring fleeing units back into the fight.
  • Tercio Formation: a Formation that Combines an Aventuro and a Rodelero unit into one unit during deployment. This will be further discussed as its own unit.

Inquisitorial Powers

These are the Inquisitor's special gear. Some are bound spells, some are just assistance and work more as warlord traits. These count as part of the Inquisitor's magic item allowance. Inquisitors can take up to 50 points while High Inquisitors and De Hojeda can take up to 100.

  • Her Will Be Done: Doubles the wounds dealt in close combat for the sake of combat resolution. For 50 points, you'll find better things.
  • Holocaust: Bound PL5 spell that slaps a small pie plate anywhere near the Inquisitor and hit anyone under it with an S4 hit (S5 against the undead, daemons, and wizards)
  • Sanctuary: Bound PL3 spell that gives a constant zone that forbids daemons and undead from being within 3" of the unit. A can't be charged bubble is also useful to prevent other units from being charged by making the unit he is in a large wall Blood knights have to go around.
  • Scourging: Bound PL3 spell which deals d6 S5 hits to anyone within 12".
  • Divine Pronouncement: Bound PL3 spell. One unit that's not stuck-in within 18" immediately tests panic, subtracting the difference between the unit's leadership and the Inquisitor's.
  • Might of the Goddess: Bound PL4 spell that doubles the Inquisitor's strength, but forbids magical weapons. With a Flail during the first combat round, it will nets you S10 attacks.
  • Sword of the Witches: Bound PL4 spell. Enemy wizards within 12" must test Ld or eat d6 S4 hits.
  • Purge: Bound PL3 spell. One unit and the Inquisitor roll d6 and add their Ld - if the Inquisitor wins, the enemy takes -3Ld, making the next combat crippling.
  • Word of Myrmidia: Enemies must test Ld to charge the Inquisitor or be barred.

Relics of Estalia

  • Mace of Sacrifice: Inquisitors only. Grants +2S and ASF, but you must roll a d6 each turn and lose a wound on a 5+.
  • Wolf-Slayer: Grants HKB and forces those wounded to test Ld or eat another wound. However, he must never flee lest he takes an unsavable wound.
  • Sword of the Vendetta: The wielder must always challenge one designated enemy character and gains +2 to hit and wound them. However, if they die to this weapon, the wielder now suffers -d3 to S and T as a reminder of the double-edged sword.
  • Pistols of the Duel: A brace of pistols with 4 S4 Piercing 1 shots. These attacks are also given during the first round of combat before becoming dual hand weapons.
  • Scintillating Shield: Enemies take -1 to hit the bearer, and the bearer can parry even when mounted. For every save, they make an enemy model in b2b must take -1 WS.
  • Cape of Velacruz: War Beasts and Monstrous units must re-roll all hits and cannot hit this wielder with impact hits or stomps.
  • Crown of Bilbali: Grand Commanders only. Grants +1 Ld and adds +1 to combat resolution while he's within 8".
  • Staff of Tomas the Pure: Inquisitors only. Fires d3 S5 armour-negating shots against a model as opposed to shooting.
  • Standard of Myrmidia: For each unit the bearer's unit wipes, they gain either +1 to S, then WS, then A. Keep on a reliable unit you intend to kill lots with.
  • Banner of Santiago: Gives double-1s when the bearer's unit first tests to break before becoming useless.




  • Isabella Giovanna Luccelli: High Priestess of Myrmidia and the closest equivalent to Saint Celestine. She's got wings, negates psychology for units within 12", and she has all the prayer powers of a priestess. She's no slouch in combat either, as her weapon ignores armour and makes enemies in b2b eat -1 to hit her, her heavy armour has 4+ (re-rollable 4++ against mundane attacks), and forces ranged attacks to re-roll to hit her.
  • Juan Federico: Grand Master of the Order of the Righteous Spear. He's just as good on the charge and then some. He makes his knights roll 3d6 on break checks, his defenses give 2+ and negate multi-wound attacks and KB, and his weapon has +1S and flaming with d3 wounds.
  • Santiago De Vivar: A legendary hero during Estalia's war with Araby. His heavy armour makes enemies re-roll wounds while his dual weapons cause fear to not only those of Ld below his, but also re-roll to hit and wound while successful wounds are multiplied by d3 for combat resolution. This fucker lives for combat.
  • Grand Inquisitor De Hojeda: Grand Inquisitor and head of the Tribune. He's a buffed Inquisitor with a 2+/6++ save and a bound PL5 item that gives him a random spell from the Lore of Light each turn. As an Inquisitor, he can take powers as he wishes.
  • Francisco Cortez: Yeeeaaaaaahhhhh, totally not Hernan Cortez, destroyer of the Aztecs. He's a Conquistador HQ with an optional horse that makes Conquistadors core and makes them use his Ld. His weapon is an insane one with Piercing 3 and Parry 6++ and a 4+ Regen thanks to his amulet.
  • Don Lomente: Don Quixote? Who's that? He's got a killer 3+/3++ save and a lance, but he's subject to an insanity check not unlike Marius Leitdorf. His just don't suck as much.
  • Alonso Diaz De Mirajo: A supreme Diestro. His unit re-rolls psychology, and his weapon let him counter-attack for every attack the enemy misses.
  • Maria De Salvo: A holy assassin. She's unique with her ability to hide in other units while marking one unit to have KB against. Her dual weapons give her ASF, poison, and piercing, while her lone protection is a 2++ ward.


  • Grand Commander: An Empire General without the special morale boost, but has Tactical Supremacy. Though pricey, these fuckers get medium armour as default and have the lion's share of equipment.
  • High Inquisitor/Inquisitor: a Melee Witch Hunter, able to take a flail to increase their strength to 6 in the first round and can take powers to fill in the lack of spells from your magi.
  • Eminent Magus: Wizard Lords by another name and locked by the number of Inquisitors. Their spell lists are pretty broad from Fire, Life, Metal, Light, or Heavens. Metal will have a significant discount with the prevalence of heavy armor.
  • Diestro: A fanciful swashbuckling hero that's never a general. He's purpose-built to fight challenges and can use one of three techniques each round of combat so long as it's not the one from last turn (ASF, a 6++ parry, or KB). His significant weakness is that he can only get light armor and a buckler for protection.
  • Captain: Your BSB unless you buy an altar, you'll find a need for him in any case.
  • Battle Magus: your hero level Wizard, but you still must have an Inquisitor in for each magus you have.
  • Priestess of Myrmidia: a Priest that has ASF during the first round of any combat. Her Prayers last the rest of the game until displed, stay with your Death Stars to reapplying dispelled Prayers
    • Command the Legion: Priestess gains Inspiring Presence, turning her into a secondary General.
    • Shield of Myrmidia: she and her unit gain +1 Armour and (5+)Ward Save against missile attacks.
    • Spear of Myrmidia: she and her unit gain +1S and AP and Magical Attacks.


  • Warhourse: The most reliable steeds ever.
  • Pegasus: Grand Commanders and Eminent Magi only.
  • Griffon: Grand Commanders only. Since this is your largest unit, you'll find plenty of reasons to hesitate taking this steed over more viable ones.
  • Altar of Myrmidia: Priestess only. It's not quite as grandiose as the War Altar of Sigmar, but it's a chariot Battle standard drawn by bulls that join units and gives them stubborn.


  • Pikemen: Equivalent to Empire Pikemen but can't take shields. All as well, these guys are meant to stab the charging fuckers. You can instead give them halberds, barring them from being Aventuros, but these become your big can openers. for a refresher, pikes let you bring in 5 ranks worth of dudes into combat without being focused to being exposed to more of the enemy's ranks.
    • Aventuro: An elite version of Pikemen with +1 WS and I for a point/model. This allows them to join the Rodeleros as a Tercio.
  • Rodeleros: Imperial Swordsmen with +1 I and Bucklers, making them better protected in melee but weak to missiles.
  • Tercio Formation A unique unit with sword and Bucklers in front and Pikes in the back, giving it defense and multi-rank fighting. When models are removed, take the pikemen first. Also, like State Troopers, Crossbowmen and Handgunners within 3" can shoot enemies charging this unit as their Reaction.
    • a maximize ranks of a Tercio Formation, two ranks of Rodeleros and 3+extra ranks of Aventuro. This cost 350+ points.
  • Crossbowmen: Imperial Crossbowmen with Light Armour. Longe rang and punched through light armored infantry, but cant reposition and fire, so set them up in an Ideal spot and don't move them often.
  • Handgunners: Imperial Handgunners with Light Armour. A bit shorter range than Crossbows but packs more power.
  • Caballeros: Heavy armor Cavalry As a Core unit. Kickass. Has Lighter armour than Knightly order knights in exchange for full horse Mobility without penalty.
  • Genitors: A Fast Cavalry unit build to chuck javelins. Run them in Close to the enemy and play keep away.
  • Almogavars: Skirmishing foot Javelin throwers, Take Light armour and Shields also to make them into makeshift swordsmen once the distance closes too much for them to run correctly.
  • War Dogs: Not part of the minimum core cost. Play them like any Hound unit, vanguard up and tie enemies down. They can also take armor if you think a point of armor will buy you one more turn.


  • Marines: 2 points more expensive than Empire Free Company with Ambushers. They can take Light Armour. Useful as a Backfield distraction.
  • Royal Guard: Stoic Elite Hand gunners in Medium armor, with 30" Handguns, immunity to panic(unit losses and fleeing comrades) and ignores the penalty to stand and shoot. For more close-range fire, the Champion can take Brace of Pistols for free. May also Take a magic Standard for Leadership or movement-based upgrades.
  • Conquistadors: Heavy armour Pistolers and Mobile Gunmen, able to move and fire handguns. They also have pistols for close-range staffing and get off two pistols shot during the charge and at the start of the first round of combat. Unlike Empire OutRiders, they are not fast Cavalry, treat them as Handgun platforms that can become Shock Cavalry.
  • Grenadiers: Grenade throwers, give them cover as they get close to the front line and obliterate it. These Grenades deal d6 S4 AP(-1) hits (d3 on skirmishers and lone models), allowing them to blast shit up.
  • Knightly Orders: both are the same unit with a different Special ability. They are the same as the Empire Full Plate Knights and can take the Inner Circle for +1S but become Rare choice.
    • Knights of the Righteous Spears: Re-roll wounds on the Charge.
    • Knights of the Blazing Sun: on charge and a roll of +2, the enemy loses -1 WS and BS for a turn.
  • Sisters of Fury: Elite Spearwomen in heavy armor that get ASF during the first turn of combat. A Great unit to Achore your defense lines.
  • Mountain Bandits: Ruffian skirmisher Bowmen than can move after shooting (this counts towards the moving and shooting penalty). like any Skirmish, run them in to pick on a unit, then move them out of retaliation, especially the enemy shotting range.
  • Mountain Gun: a light Cannon that also has a Rapid fire mode.


  • Black Watchmen: Full plate Halberdiers that hate undead, very brave and Stubborn.
  • Culverin: A Cannon, use it to hunt monsters.
  • Fire Bulls: A herd unit of bulls that catch fire on the owner's say-o. Your herder can unleash the bulls in a direction and set them on fire during the movement phase. After this, they become aimless in their rampaging with 3d6" movement and randomized direction. Anyone they run through takes an S5 flaming hit per bull.


Army Composition

Estalia appears to be a dedicated version on the Empire's Static Spearwall and Gunlines supported by kiting Skirmishers. Using Pikes and Grenades to dissuade the enemy from charging while picking them off with mobile missiles darting in and out of threat zones and Static Crossbows and Handguns.


  • Fire: alwsas good for DPS.
  • Metal: prevalence of armor, you can always get a discount on augments. This also will work in reverse, and your side may not need improved hits or more armour.
  • Life: healing and defense augment are away welcomed especially on point investments. regrowth on Blackguard, yes.
  • Heavens: an array of buffs and debuffs,
  • Light: allows for more defense with debuffs, Improved Initiative, and WS and stoping a unit form taking actions.


  • Empire: State troopers, though often less protected, punish charges harder, with cheaper guns, more cannon selection, and more magic choices. Depending on builds, you may want to go more melee than try to win a fight against superior range fire.
  • Vampire Counts/Tomb Kings: Inquisitor and BlackGurad were made for this. Inquisitorial powers can prevent Undead from ever getting a charge on a unit, and hatred it hard against skeletons.
  • Warriors of Chaos:
  • Elfs:

External Links

The Project's website

Warhammer Army Project Tactics Articles
General Tactics
Forces of Order
Forces of Destruction