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*Your fur coat comrades are less likely to run than men in Pajamas.
*Your fur coat comrades are less likely to run than men in Pajamas.
*lots of your shooty units double as melee units.
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75zmIj_4LFQ| This song]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75zmIj_4LFQ| This song]

Revision as of 22:23, 30 July 2019

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Kislev: Warhammer Army Project, 9th Edition Tactica

Created by Mathias Eliasson, this project was a homebrew attempt at giving many of the nations and factions that never got Armybooks of their own (and those left behind and never got one in 8th Edition) such a thing.

It should also be noted that Eliasson is constantly updating his work, so don't expect this page to stay current forever. If anyone wishes to actually update this page and the items that need it later on, go ahead.

Why Play WAP Kislev?

Because you have been mightily pissed at how you never got a proper army instead of the meager scraps are given in 6th Edition.


  • You are the vanguard bulwark against the forces of chaos.
  • Your fur coat comrades are less likely to run than men in Pajamas.
  • Bears
  • lots of your shooty units double as melee units.
  • This song


  • You are paying more money for bravery, not protection.

Army Special Rules

Kin of the Bear God: All units re-roll panic checks, which can alleviate keeping them together.

Glorious Charge: Winged Lancers and Gryphon Legion cause fear on the charge. If they win combat on the turn they charge but fail to break the unit, they can test Ld to run away and try again.

Hatred (Chaos): A lot of units in this army also have Hatred (Chaos). As in every Chaos-aligned army (WoC, Daemons, and Beastmen).


The Lore of Ice

Attribute: Numbing Cold: All spells cast on an enemy robs them -1WS/BS, which can be some decent protection.

  • Signature: Shardstorm: Deals 2d6 S3 hits to one unit 24" away. Augmenting this not only boosts the range, but also ups the strength to S4.
  1. Form of the Frostfiend: Turns the witch into a flying monstrous beast with +2S +2T and +3A. While this all sounds mighty impressive, do beware that all your magical items will be inactive during this form, so it's saved for a suicide witch.
  2. Ice Armour: Gives a unit +2 to armour...that gets hosed by flaming attacks. Augmenting gives this to everyone within 12".
  3. Freezing Blast: One enemy unit is now under constant dangerous terrain. This is extra useful when the unit's in water, as they're now utterly immobilized until someone melts the ice with flaming attacks.
  4. Midwinter's Kiss: Gives the witch an S5 armour-ignoring breath weapon. KICKASS.
  5. Gift of the Winter Wind: One enemy unit within 18" must test Ld on 3d6 discarding the highest, with failure followed by testing S or dying outright, ideal for wiping out screens before making the charge. Augmenting doubles the range.
  6. Invocation of the Ice Storm: You have the magical equivalent of a bombardment, misfires covering the entire screen. Anyone inside the pieplate take -2 to BS or shoot on a 4+ as well as take 2d6 S2 hits. The injury's none to hot, but at least a misfire's an actual upside for you.

Lore of Hags

Attribute: Curse: All spells cast on an enemy unit forces them to re-roll 6's to wound.

  • Signature: Curse of Misfortune: One unit fails dangerous terrain on a 1 or 2, take -1 to hit anything, and can't benefit from Character Ld. None of it's very dangerous, but it's all inconvenient enough to help break a low-Ld army even with their HQ. Augmenting doubles this range.
  1. Fortune Told: The hag and any unit she's with re-rolls to hit and gets a 6++ ward.
  2. Form of the Ancient Widow: Turns your hag into a monstrous beast with +3S +2T +3A, piercing 1 and terror. Your magic items won't work here either, though you'll be well off for combat, especially if it's Baba Yaga.
  3. Summon Spirits: 3d6 S2 piercing 1 hits on a unit within 24". Augmenting boosts range and makes them S3.
  4. Cursed Pledge: Force an enemy unit to either move or shoot an allied unit. If they refuse to do so, every model in the unit takes an S4 hit.
  5. Curse of Sickness: A magical bombardment with d6" scatter, anyone under the small pieplate tests T or takes an unsaveable wound. Augmenting this only doubles the scatter, which is kinda...not what you want?
  6. Hag's Curse: This is a multi-turn spell that eventually robs the target of everything so it becomes useless - even after dispelling. If you get this, be sure to chuck it at the big guys you want removed, but always beware the dispel.


Heirlooms of Kislev

  • Holy Axe of Miska: A greatweapon without the Init penalty and d3 wounds? For 65 points, that's quite a bit to ask for.
  • Pistols of Saint Boydinov: Boyar/Hetman only. You have the ultimate pistols now, auto-hitting, magical, and re-rolling to wound.
  • Armour of Alexandr: This is a paired set of heavy plate and shield, giving a 3+/5++ save that can break magical weapons. Awesome.
  • Ice-Armour of Jekaterina: Ice Witch/Maiden only. This is your lone means of protecting a witch, a 1+ that can only drop to 4+ by penetration, but failing it even once shatters it. You'd probably want to grab a good Ward to offer extra protection in the event this shatters.
  • Yakov's Kvas: You get to share a drink with one unit and make them suffer the Kvassnic's drunkenness for a turn.
  • Apple of Kislev: Boyar/Hetman only. Gives you Ld 10 and the ability to re-roll any tests using this score. Impressive it is, but at 40 points, you can probably go about making him beefier instead.
  • Boots of Seven Leagues: Gives one infantry unit M10, overstepping any dangerous terrain. This is all awesome, but it also means that the guy can't realistically join anyone.
  • Crown of Kislev: Enemies must re-roll to wound the bearer.
  • Sceptre of Schoika: Adds a die to power and dispel pools, with a one-use boost of another die when casting. Kinda taking the piss for 75 points.
  • Holy Icon of Mishka: Adds +1 to hit during the first round of combat. For only 25 points, this is kinda alright.
  • Njevski's Screeching Back Banners: Winged Lancers or Gryphon Legion only. Anyone charged by this unit must test panic at -1Ld.

Army Units

Lords and Heros

Special Characters

  • Boris Ursus: Tzar of Kislev following the Great War Against Chaos. He rides atop a great bear and grants Kossars Devastating Charge at +1 ppm. He's got a monster of a weapon that deals extra wounds on top of what he already does and strikes back for every attack that hits him, even if they don't wound.
  • Tzarina Katarin: The reigning ruler of Kislev and witch on top of being a low 400 points (520 for the War Sled like Miska). On top of being a Loremaster of Ice, she also gives stubborn to her unit and makes units within 12" re-roll all psychology checks. The Gryphon Legion, in particular, get to roll 3d6 and drop the lowest when testing to break when she's with them. While she's a competent leader with a weapon that negates armour and has KB while having a 4++ ward that puts a -1 to hit and wound her, she's not the best at combat.
  • Tzar Saltan: Ruler of Praag with a tremendous hateboner for Chaos. He's not only immune to psychology but he always re-rolls hits against Chaos models and gains +1 to Strength when fighting them in challenges (which you'll always do since he can't refuse. Funny, those Vikings can't either...). His statline is further bolstered by his blade giving another +1S (and -1 to hit him in cc) and his heavy plate carrying +1T.
  • Baba Yaga: Were you surprised you got a super-hag? She's unique in that she can ride her house as a steed, though this gives her a weakness to fire and a massive price jump in exchange for fear and d6 impact hits. She's a great caster with her power to re-roll all power dice, and she has a 5++ ward that can force enemies in b2b to not attack her.
  • Miska the Slaughterer: If you wanted a Katarina who can put up a fight, then Miska's the closest thing. Though less of a caster, she makes up for this by having actual armour that lets her potentially double her attacks and get a bear-driven chariot.
  • Igor the Terrible: Igor? Ivan? What's the difference? He's a super-Chekist with double the range and can immediately wound enemies during the magic phase with one weapon. His other has a chance of keeping him alive by throwing that last wound onto the one who inflicted it, and with his 3+/4++ and Magic Resist 1, that's a bit of a feat.
  • Tordimir Lubovasyn: Captain of the Gryphon Legion who makes his boys core choices. You want him stuck with his boys, as he makes Glorious Charge auto-succeed for his unit and has a lance with piercing 1 and KB.
  • Stepan Rasin: Leader of the Ungols. He's a dangerous archer with a bow that deals d6 hits.
  • Ilja or Murova: Legendary hunter. He's just as unkillable as Valten and can make a mega-blow that deals d3+1 armor-negating wounds.

Generic Characters

  • Boyar: Your classic commander type with stubborn.
  • Ice Witch: Your master wizards here are stuck with only Ice lore. The spells are a decent mix of uses with a lot of damage spell and make her a convenient means to act while inside a unit.
  • Hag Mother: Your other wizard, stuck with her lore. You'll only want them for their spells, as they can't be generals, never share their Ld score with the army, and cause -1 Ld for any units they're in. Have grate debuff spells, and the buff she gives a unit will offset her creepiness. Too bad she's scared horses.
  • High Priest of Usrun: Your warrior priest, given an injection of BEARS. They replace the hatred they give attached units with frenzy. Thankfully, their loadouts are all melee-centric, and he can ride a bear.
    • Unyielding Ursun: Gives the unit stubborn.
    • Ursine Strength: Lets the unit re-roll wounds in close combat
    • Winter's Sleep: Gives a lasting aura that robs enemies in b2b with -1WS/I each turn.
  • Hetman: Your punchy hero and mandatory BSB as nobody else can take your spot.
  • Ice Maiden: The hero-tier Ice Witch
  • Hag Witch: The hero-tier Hag.
  • Priest of Ursun: This guy's almost half the price of the High Priest and does so without any loss to loadout. Nice.
  • Ranger: A Huntsmaster type character with forest strider and scout, barred from ever being general. He can ambush with a friendly infantry unit, and his bow has HKB against monsters and monstrous types.


  • Warhorse: The universal standard of all mounts.
  • Great Bear: Exclusive to Boyars and High Priests. These bears are a bit over twice the price of a horse, and you get a slower but deadlier steed. In case you're wondering why you're at a 6+ natural armour save instead of a 5+ as bear packs, blame it on domestication.

Core Units

  • Kossars: You have a fairly flexible unit of barbarian-types that can do archery or close combat with great-weapons. Since they use bows, they can stand and shoot against models they can reach with a normal move without penalties.
  • Gospodar Militia: The backbone of the Kislev army, each with halberds. If you want troops that can hold a charge, you can give them spears and shields and be no poorer for it.
  • Druzhina: Cavalry with spears and shields. You can throw javelins on them and give a bit of shooting.
  • Ungol Horse Archers: Your Kossars are now fast cavalry, exclusively acting as archers.
  • Winged Lancers: Your special charge-crazy cavalry. Each of them comes with a lance, shields, and medium armour, so you can rest assured that they won't budge against the things they rush.
  • Hawks of Miska: Don't count towards the minimum core. Swarms of birds who can peck things to death and get a 6++ ward with Magic Resist 1.

Special Units

  • Kreml Guard: Your special armoured goons, all with heavy armour.
  • Gryphon Legion: These guys are Winged Lancers+1 with the same treatment as Inner circle knights. They're now immune to psychology
  • Streltsi: You have a unit that can use both halberds and handguns. Their guns are particularly unique in that they count anything in 12" as short range, which is fantastic as it gives you a reliable means of blasting lines.
  • Chekist: Your equivalent of a KGB on horseback. These give you a bubble of 3d6 on all panic tests and blam anyone who dares flee like a band of communist Commissars.
  • Brotherhood of the Bear: These are your equivalent to lightly-armored knights with strider and ambushers. This allows them to take some positions that generally aren't accessible to your horsemen, and with bows and spears, they can take whatever job you want with them.
  • Sibyrian Huntsmen: You've got a bunch of trappers and hunters, all with forest strider and skirmisher. Their unique trick is rigging d3 natural setpieces with traps. These traps all deal d6 S3 piercing 1 hits when triggered (and needing a 2+, they will) on the first enemies inside them and aren't locked to exclusively your sides. Keep them away from any combat with their longbows, maybe grab throwing axes if the need is dire enough.
  • Kvassnic: Okay, this is just ridiculous. You just got an army of fucking vodka-drunk idiots in your army. These guys risk either being stupid or frenzied each turn while holding Molotov cocktails that are as effective as Naptha bombs as constant weapons.
  • Bear Pack: Finally, we get to see the bears! Well, these are a bunch of bears led around by a guy or two. They'll always be rushing towards fresh meat, so you need to make sure they can hold up to the fight.

Rare Units

  • War Wagon: Unlike the Empire's box o' fun, these are more like big mobile battle-forts. At any point of your turn, you can ditch the horses and become immobile with fire-points everywhere. No matter what you do, buy some goddamn range if you plan on doing this. You lack enough men to reliably take up melee with all but the weakest of units.
  • Urgan Cannon: Your equivalent of the Organ gun.
  • Droyaskas: These guys are your elite swordsmen, all with I5 to give them the edge over most infantry and KB.
  • Sons of Ursun: Your Inner Circle-tier knights ride bears. For whatever reason, these bears have 6+ Natural Armour, but your men have plenty of armour to offset it.
  • Armoured War Bear: Your man gave a super-bear a suit of armour, the madman. These big boys can insta-kill any infantry, cavalry, or warbeast model in one blow, which will only see use when killing a character or you know he'll hold up to the inevitable retaliation.


Army Composition



  • Chaos Warriors:
  • Deamons of Chaos:
  • Empire:
  • Elves:

External Links

The Project's website

Warhammer Army Project Tactics Articles
General Tactics
Forces of Order
Forces of Destruction