Warhammer Underworlds: Difference between revisions

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===Steelheart's Champions===
===Steelheart's Champions===
===The Farstriders===

===Garrek's Reavers===
===Garrek's Reavers===
===Magore's Fiends===

===Ironskull's Boyz===
===Ironskull's Boyz===
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===Spiteclaw's Swarm===
===Spiteclaw's Swarm===
===The Farstriders===
===Magore's Fiends===

Revision as of 14:22, 25 October 2017

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Warhammer Underworlds is a new Specialist game released by Games Workshop, situated in the shadowy city of Shadespire, where warbands battle in the streets for glory or to gain "shadeglass", a substance that can confer eternal life. It combines the easy-to-pick-up nature and deck-building from X-Wing with the setting of Age of Sigmar, an unholy fusion of the two most addictive hobbies to grace nerddom. Geedubs are banking on this being a competitive tournament game, with contests already being planned even before all the factions have been released. You can bet that the min-max crowd are gonna be over this like sloppy T-Rexes over carrion.

The starter pack comes with Stormcast Eternals and Khorne Bloodbound (where have I seen this before...) with all the bitz needed to play the game. Ironjaw Orrukz and Skelemen are being released later, each coming with their own decks. If the game does well, it can be expected that Underworlds will be expanded with additional Warbands and settings.

The Setting

At the edge of a desert was a great city called Shadespire. The people living in it had managed to create some sort of magical mirror-like resource called "Shadeglass", which somehow lets the souls of their dead live on in mirrors put up everywhere around the city. Naturally, this didn't sit too well with Nagash, who wasn't fond of once again be cheated of his tithe of death. So, to get back at those arrogant Shadespirers, he drew the entire fucking city into Ulgu, the Realm of Shadow, trapping everyone inside to live out an eternity of kinda-torment until they petition themselves to him voluntarily. The city is fragmented and all messed up, so you never know if you can find that favorite In-And-Out Burger you love so much if you leave it.

To the surprise of no one, the destruction of Shadespire inspired legions of looters to ransack the place for Shadeglass and other riches. Unfortunately, anyone who goes just a bit too far into the city will find themselves with a one-way ticket to Ulgu for an eternal holiday. With nothing better to do, the different Warbands caught in Shadespire fight it out to the bloody death for kicks, since they can't die permanently anyway.

While the setting and the idea of "Warbands" might cause a few of you Mordheim players to awake from their eternal slumber, be warned that the Warbands aren't customizable at all. These guys are not your dudes, they are unique characters with names and such, so if you wanted to make your own guys, this isn't your game.

The Game

The game is played between two to four players on hex-grid boards, with the goal of gaining as many Glory Points as possible before the end of the game. You gainGlory Points by either killing enemy models or by achieving Objective Cards, which you draw before the game starts. This means that you can win a game even if your entire Warband is killed off; the only thing that matters is gaining more Glory Points than the opponent.

A game is three turns of four activations each, for a total of twelve activation per person. If this sounds quick, it's because it fucking is: two players who know the rules can easily play a full game in twenty minutes or less. In tournaments, a match is almost sure to be three games in a row.

At the start of every turn, the players roll of with the dice, with the winner choosing how to place the first game board, with the second player placing the other board in such a way that the hexes connects properly and three hexes are connected at least. Board placement can have a drastic effect on the, as each board side is unique, with different starting positions and such. Afterwards, the players roll off again, with the first player placing their models on the starting positions on their own board side first.

Now, the players take turns doing Activations; four Activations each per Turn. An Activation lets you do a number of familiar actions:

  • Move a model. Each model can only move once per Turn.
  • Attack an enemy model within reach.
  • Charge an enemy model, which is a Move followed by an Attack. You can only do one Charge Action per Turn. Much of the metagame is based around using your Charge properly.
  • Draw a Power Card. Generally don't use this; you get new Power Cards each Turn and your Activations are precious.
  • Discard and draw an Objective Card. Again, don't do this unless you're boned. Still, this is remarkably more useful than the other Draw option, since you can't replace your Objective Cards ever, and they win you the game if you have the proper set.

After your Activation you may play Power Cards; Ploys, which are free and will have effect after playing, and Upgrades, which cost Glory Points (put doesn't expend them - They still count as "Victory Points" even if used to buy an Upgrade), permanent upgrades to your models. Ploys make or break the game; have as many Ploys as you can and choose them very wisely. After you have played a Power Card, your opponent may do the same, then you can play one and so on, until both calls. With this, the opposing player gets to Activate.

So that's pretty simple, but this is where Warbands, the Inspire effect and deck-building comes into it.

Each player has two decks; a Power Deck of 20 cards (or more) and an Objective Deck of exactly 12. The Objective Deck is the one that will win you the game, since it has the collection of cards that will award you Glory Points through the game. Your choice of Objective Cards is the most important in the game - Ideally you should have a combination of high-risk, five Glory Points cards and the easy-to-claim one Glory Point cards. In addition, the Objectives you chose will decide your playstyle. Static, Objective-oriented, aggro-based and killy, and so on.

The Power Deck is the one where your Ploys (aforementioned God-cards of Awesome) and Upgrades (eh) goes. They should help you achieve your Objectives obviously, but some are just so good that they should be in all decks. Cards like Confusion (switch two models in base contact) and Sidestep (Friendly model moves one Hex) are awesome to help you get into bashing range without using Activations on Move Actions.


The game is slated to get at least eight Warbands. The two first Warbands can be found in the starter pack, with the rest being released over time.

Steelheart's Champions

Garrek's Reavers

Ironskull's Boyz

Sepulcural Guard

The Chosen Axes

Spiteclaw's Swarm

The Farstriders

Magore's Fiends