Warhammer 40,000/7th Edition Tactics/Imperial Guard/Armoured Battlegroup: Difference between revisions

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It's Imperial Guard tanks! They are big, boxy and gothic, so they need big, boxy an gothic upgrades. Armoured Battlegroup delivers.
It's Imperial Guard tanks! They are big, boxy and gothic, so they need big, boxy an gothic upgrades. Armoured Battlegroup delivers.
*'''Mine Plough:''' - Dozer Blade on steroids. Not only it help passing dangerous terrain on any speed, it also allow you to smash few unlucky soldiers with tank shock. Though, its nowhere near destroyer blades or almighty defrolla, with S2 and only D3+1 hits.
*'''Mine Plough:''' - Dozer Blade on steroids. Not only it help passing dangerous terrain on any speed, it also allow you to smash few unlucky soldiers with tank shock. Though, its nowhere near destroyer blades or almighty defrolla, with S2 and only D3+1 hits.
*'''Artificer Hull:''' - +1HP. Help if your opponent tryes get glanced to death, but near useless against melta and railguns.
*'''Artificer Hull:''' - +1HP. Help if your opponent tries to glance your tank to death, but near useless against melta and railguns.
*'''Armoured Track Guards:''' 4+ save against immobilisation. Cheap but tend not to work.
*'''Armoured Track Guards:''' 4+ save against immobilization. Cheap but tend not to work as you do not get immobilized that often.
*'''Improved Comms:''' Extra 6" of order reach. With 24" already you wont need it, unless you have some devious plan, which include outflsnking demolisher squadron.
*'''Improved Comms:''' Extra 6" of order reach. With 24" already you wont need it, unless you have some devious plan, which include outflanking demolisher squadron (for which you need to roll a random warlord trait anyway).
*'''Anti-grenade Mesh:''' 5+ invuln against grenades. Good on short range tanks, which get krak grenaded a lot, but again useless against melta.
*'''Anti-grenade Mesh:''' 5+ invuln against grenades. Good on short range tanks, which get krak grenaded a lot, but again useless against melta.
*'''Anti-aircraft-mount heavy subber / storm bolter:" Garbage. Only can be useful on glancing AV10 flyers and lucky-wounding FMC-s. Avoid
*'''Anti-aircraft-mount heavy subber / storm bolter:" Garbage. Only can be useful on glancing AV10 flyers and lucky-wounding FMC-s. Avoid

Revision as of 19:45, 11 March 2013

Why Play Imperial Guard Armoured Companies

Do you like Tanks? I mean REALLY like Tanks? Then this list is for you! All tanks, all the time.

Armoured Battlegroup Arsenal

It's Imperial Guard tanks! They are big, boxy and gothic, so they need big, boxy an gothic upgrades. Armoured Battlegroup delivers.

  • Mine Plough: - Dozer Blade on steroids. Not only it help passing dangerous terrain on any speed, it also allow you to smash few unlucky soldiers with tank shock. Though, its nowhere near destroyer blades or almighty defrolla, with S2 and only D3+1 hits.
  • Artificer Hull: - +1HP. Help if your opponent tries to glance your tank to death, but near useless against melta and railguns.
  • Armoured Track Guards: 4+ save against immobilization. Cheap but tend not to work as you do not get immobilized that often.
  • Improved Comms: Extra 6" of order reach. With 24" already you wont need it, unless you have some devious plan, which include outflanking demolisher squadron (for which you need to roll a random warlord trait anyway).
  • Anti-grenade Mesh: 5+ invuln against grenades. Good on short range tanks, which get krak grenaded a lot, but again useless against melta.
  • Anti-aircraft-mount heavy subber / storm bolter:" Garbage. Only can be useful on glancing AV10 flyers and lucky-wounding FMC-s. Avoid

Specific tank upgrades

  • Illum Shells (all LR's with shell cannons): Big blast searchlights. Not rally worth it, considering you have searchlights on Chimeras and Hellhounds, and that you should sacrifice main gunn shooting in order to use this shells.
  • Augur Shells (LR Conqueror): Entropic Touch! Woo! Kinda... Nah, it's far worth. Works only on pen/glance rather than hit, and gun itself is just S8, so it can not be used to drop almighty AV14 down. Well, against AV12 it's good, aspecially considering Conqueror's in-biult co-axial storm bolter.
  • Infernus Shells (LR Battle Tank): Big blast of heavy flamer hits. Make those Hellhounds cry in tears of jealousy.
  • Beast Hunter Shells (LR Vanquisher): Instant. Fucking. Death. Known to fuck Tyranid and Deamon armies (even more). Bonus points for one-shoting Mephiston, Dreadknight or the Swarmlord.
  • Co-axial Heavy Stubber (LR Vanquisher): Coaxial bonuses are great. Take it! There is also a stormbolter variant, but with higher price, lower range and fewer shots you need to be a lobotomized idiot to prefer it over stubber.

Unit Analysis


  • Company Command Tank: Your command vehicle, the company command tank has the ability to give orders to your other tanks in the same way that infantry command squads do, allowing them to better smash the enemy. Your command tank can be any of the standard Leman Russ variants, and comes with an improved BS. However it is expensive, so don’t go overboard giving it upgrades.
  • Armoured Fist Command Squad: basically an platoon command squad in a Chimera. Cab be upgraded to company command squad if need.
  • Salamander Reconnaissance Commander: While fragile and poorly armed it does not designed to shoot or endure enemy shots. Insted use auspex mode to mess up enemy cover saves and then order concentraed fire to mess it even more. Suddenly those weaboo 3+ covered tanks aren't that tough.


  • Commissar Tank: Basically a CCT with orders replaced with Lord-Comissar-esque Ld-10 bubble. Even without orders BS4 Lemasn are great.
  • Destroyer Tank Hunter Squadron: Look IG tactics to find why they sucks.
  • Atlas Recovery Tank: If you have Tech priest team, you may take this beast to help him in fixing stuff. Otherwise pass - towing tanks is more then useless - it's counter-productive.
  • Armoured Fist Storm Trooper Squad: Stormtrooper squad in mandatory Chimera. Can not deep strike, but otherwise the same.
  • Tech Priest Enginseer: Here to fix your shit. Hide him behind a tank wall, give him servitor retinue and pair him with Atlas for maximum effectiveness. You can geyt two per FOC, and they do not steal your Elite slots.


  • Battle Tank Squadron: AV-10-rear type of Russes. Squadroned. In troops. See IG tactica for details.
  • Siege Tank Squadron: AV-11-rear type of Russes. Squadroned. In troops. See IG tactica for details.
  • Armoured Fist Squad: Guardsman in Chimeras. Here to score your objectives. Protect them, because you can not spam a lot of warm bodies like regular guard.
  • Armoured Fist Veterans: Better guardsman Chimeras. With propper upgrades they can protect themselves and even dish out some hurt. Still you can not afford to lose them, as your Lemans can not score, even being troops.

Fast Attack

  • Scout Sentinel Squadron: Dirt cheap mobile outflanking guns on legs. Would die the moment opponent look at them so be sure to use their shot wise.
  • Armoured Sentinel Squadron: Less cheap mobile guns on legs, but this time with solid AV12 on front. They would die too, but not as fast as their scout brothers. Also can be useful at screening your tanks, in case you don't want to hide it behind Aegis line.
  • Imperial Navy Gunship Squadron: Vendetta or Vulture squadron. Only one per FOC, so choose carefully. Basically auto-include.
  • Tauros Strike Squadron: Not a fluffy choice for Armoured Battlegroup, and Hllhounds/Infernus shell Battle Tanks tend to be better at burning the shit out of cover campers. Lascannon equipped Venators with HKMs can be good at vehicle snipping though, but you got more then enough anty-tank in this list
  • Salamander Recon Squadron: This thing combines outflanking tricks of Tauroses/Scout Sentinels with Chimera-lever armour and weapons. Overal a good choice, useful for glancind oponent artilley and vindicators side/rear armor to death.
  • Hellhound Squadron: It's Hellhouns, Bane Wolves and Devil Dogs. Nothing has changed, so use them as vanilla ones - to kill things with fire, melt down cover camping MEQ's and evaporate TEQ's or tightly packed vehicles respectively.

Heavy Support

  • Hydra Flak Tank Battery:
  • Ordnance Battery:
  • Griffon Strike Battery:
  • Colossus Bombard Battery:
  • Armoured Fist Heavy Weapons Squad:
  • Armoured Fist Cyclops Demolition Squad:
  • Imperial Navy Air Support:

Apocalypse Units



Like in regular IG regiments, your officers can issue orders on their units, but only for tanks. They works on 4+ which is not great, but with 24" range which IS awesome. Mind you that artillery tanks do not count as tanks at taking orders, so you must go Krieg for order-boosted artilley.

  • Concentrated Fire: Force opponent to reroll cover saves, almost doubling average kill count of your low-AP big blast tanks. It's your main order, and if you want to play competitively you may jusct skip other two and dont read them at all.
  • Erratic Maneuvres: Force opponent to reroll to hit rolls against tank. With to hit moving tank 3+ even for Fire Warriors it's not a good choice, especially against melta-bomb or haywire greenade equipped squads, as they need only few hits to wreck your tank.
  • Full speed ahead!: Extra D3 of flat out move. Not like you want to flat out something other then Chimeras and Heelhound variants, and Chimeras can not take orders, while Hellhouns being fast can flat out 12" which is almost always more then enough.