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If you wanted add them to your army legally, then just go Unbound and take the Imperial Armour units that you wanted, this doesn't bugger up your army in any meaningful sense because using Formations ''(of which Daemonkin are mostly made up of)'' still provide their benefits even when taken as a part of an Unbound army list.
If you wanted add them to your army legally, then just go Unbound and take the Imperial Armour units that you wanted, this doesn't bugger up your army in any meaningful sense because using Formations ''(of which Daemonkin are mostly made up of)'' still provide their benefits even when taken as a part of an Unbound army list.

Unfortunately, even if you took it straight out of Imperial Armour "as is" they would also need the BftBG rule added to them to be any use, since they wont generate any Blood Tithe points for what they kill or if they die themselves or to gain the benefit of expending any points. They would also need to count as "Daemonkin" units for the purposes of other rules interactions such as Herald Loci  
Unfortunately, even if you took it straight out of Imperial Armour "as is" they would also need the BftBG rule added to them to be any use, since they wont generate any Blood Tithe points for what they kill or if they die themselves or to gain the benefit of expending any points. They would also need to count as "Daemonkin" units for the purposes of other rules interactions such as Herald Loci.
However as Battle Brothers, you can still do cool things like putting whole squads of Bloodletters inside Storm Eagle gunships / Dreadclaw Drop Pods or have your army supported by Hellblades and/or Predators, Land Raiders or SPARTANS.

If/When Forge World gets round to doing this we'll update the unit analysis accordingly with each unit that they get access to.
If/When Forge World gets round to doing this we'll update the unit analysis accordingly with each unit that they get access to.

Revision as of 11:08, 21 April 2015

Why Play Khorne Daemonkin?

Because you're an old neckbeard who can remember the days of a unified codex for all the forces of Chaos, when daemons walked alongside marines. Or you could be thinking that the Warriors of Chaos had a neato deal on it thanks to The End Times merging them with Daemons, Beastmen, and later Skaven.

Also, you find psychic powers to be weak shit, and will not miss it at all. Instead, you want honorable melee combat between powerful warriors. Furthermore you like an army that compares to the speed of White Scars and Ravenwing then put them to shame in melee combat!

Who this ISN'T for, sadly, is anyone looking for an actually fixed Chaos Space Marines or Daemons codex. A lot of the same issues those books still exist, and it opens up its own bevy of issues. The most glaring issue is that obviously everything has Mark of Khorne or Daemon of Khorne...but has to pay for it? If we are a Khorne only army....why couldn't MoK either be free or discounted? It's a stupidly high tax on all our units.

Pros and Cons of the army

Daemons Changes


That means that you're no longer rolling each table and risking your units getting clobbered because the dice gods decided to be pricks or having to spend in the hopes of rolling up something reliable. The issue with this is that now those units that relied on those random gifts (Bloodthirsters, Heralds, Bloodreapers) now have to suffer losing those gifts. So units like the Herald only get generic access to a limited selection of Relics and Gifts while the Bloodthirsters get absolutely no customisation options whatsoever.

The other good news is that you're now free of Daemonic Instability. Instead, all Daemons get Fearless, which makes them a ton more painful to remove.

  • Blood Tithe: Although the annoying Mark of Khorne tax on every unit (non Daemon ofc) and the Possessed tax for the minimum requirement, the Blood Tithe table really does add so much to your army! Giving your entire army Feel No Pain can help swing a combat in your favour and giving everyone +1 attack can mean the difference of missing an extra BT point or gain extra per turn and seriously weakening your enemy! Use this table to your full advantage!
  • We soar on wings of fire!: With two formations giving us either 2 units of Raptors, 1 unit of Warp Talons or 2 units of Bikes and a unit of Fleshounds, we really do have an overabundance of fast units, not even including a Jump Daemon Prince of pure shrekage! Fleshhounds are your saving grace for this army since they have scout so use your scouting move to threaten psykers or get closer to the cover as the 5++ and T4 dont mean much against regular bolter-fire! Remember, no first turn assaults when using Scout (or Infiltrate) Bring as many Fleshhound units as you want since one formation holds 4 units of these little devils!
  • I thought our lucky number was 8?: Even though the sacred number of Khorne is 8, there is a bucketload of Strength 5 attacks coming from this army since Icon of Wrath is usually around 15 to 20pts per squad which is just awesome if you think about it. 20pts to gain +1 to combat res, Furious Charge and Re-Roll charge range?! So much win.

And then the cons:

  • Mark of Khorne on every unit: Yes this sounds really freakin' obvious in Codex Khorne Daemonkin but if you're going to make us solely dedicated to Khorne and with all those loyalist players get all those amazing buffs for free then why do we HAVE to pay the MoK tax on every unit. Remember why Black Legion Supplement is never played due to the tax of VotlW? Yeah, this army suffers that too! Even if the Mark of Khorne wasn't free, then at least make it discounted
  • Missing Units/Upgrades: For "fluff" reasons many characters aren't in this list like Kharn and Skarbrand mainly due to them not really working with an army...but in an army wholly dedicated to the carnage of Khorne are these crucial characters not in this book? Another glaring missing upgrade has to be Dirge Casters. Zero reason why they are not within the book and if anything they was a crucial part of our assault based armies.
  • No Attempt to theme: Know all those units that have some sort of chart? Helbrutes, Possessed and Chaos Spawn just have the bogstandard charts from the CSM book. Really Games Workshop...if you want us Khorne players to be good, then at least change these charts to centre around melee since we took these units to be melee combatants. Saying that the Helbrute, Possessed and Spawn charts are still very good but not very "Khorney".

Special Rules

  • Mark of Khorne - Rage and Counter-Attack.
  • Daemon of Khorne - Daemon, Hatred (Slaanesh), Furious Charge. Chariots also get HoW attacks at S7. As a fun bonus, you're also now free from Daemonic Instability and Warp Storm and get Fearless instead. WOOT!
  • Blood for the Blood God! - Every unit that you or your enemy kills on the field or in a challenge gets converted into Blood Tithe points. You can only stock 8 points at a time, but you can use them for cool stuff (Issue is that whatever you pick, you spend all your points on it, even if you have more points than needed):
    • Infernal Contempt - 1 point. Grants all units with BtfBG Adamantium Will for a turn. Can do well when stacked with the Collar.
    • Insatiable Bloodlust - 2 points. Grants all units with BftBG Rage and Furious Charge for a turn, which can be very handy for assaults, despite having at least one of these default on all your models. Might wanna save it for the next one, because that one is great.
    • Unstoppable Ferocity - 3 points. All units with BftBG get FNP for a turn. This is sweetness.
    • Apocalyptic Fury - 4 points. All units with BftBG gain +1 Attack for a turn. Save your points for later.
    • Daemontide - 5 points. 8 Bloodletters/5 Flesh Hounds are summoned within 12" of a model with BftBG. Fun note about this is that unlike the Malefic summoning, you can get an Instrument, Banner, or Character upgrade for free if you have the model for it. This makes Bloodletters more reliable in deep-striking.
    • Harbingers of Blood and Skulls - 6 Points. 3 Bloodcrushers/A Skull Cannon is summoned within 12" of a model with BftBG. This is pretty handy in bolstering some surprise losses.
    • Dark Apotheosis - 7 Points. Find a character without the Daemon of Khorne USR. He must test Leadership. If he fails, he's now a...thing. If he passes, congrats, he's now a Daemon Prince with Warp-Forged Armor and maybe wings, though he is "summoned" within 6" of his old position meaning potential scatter issues. Also, he keeps any Artefacts of Slaughter he had provided they are compatible and his WT. Either way he counts as being removed as a casualty (see below why this is important) Therefore it still confers a killpoint if it was an independent character, but thankfully, either result doesn't count as Slaying the Warlord if your Warlord was picked.
      • It might be worth taking a Daemon Prince WITHOUT wings for the spontaneous upgrade. Since they Deep Strike onto the board, an FMC must arrive in swooping mode and must switch back to gliding mode to do anything useful but then cannot assault in a turn where they switch modes. Meaning two turns of not actually doing anything and could render your FMC useless for the remainder of the game. Clever Lawyering about when summoned units actually arrive in the turn order, or whether a "Run move" counts as the same as a "move-in-the-movement-phase" might reduce this period but you're likely to find inconsistent responses to those arguments. Then again, a FMC that is Swooping has always been able to change to Gliding and then decide to move no distance at all during his Movement Phase, so is the fact that you can't move any further after a DS a good argument for not allowing the Swooping to Gliding change? Probably not.
      • Khorne is displeased in your lack of faith !! Blood Tithe is expended at the start of your turn. The Dark Apotheosis / Fury Unbound happens before your movement phase. Since the Demon is already on the table at the start of your movement phase, you switch to gliding mode on the turn it enters play !!
    • Fury Unbound - 8 points. Find a character without the Daemon of Khorne USR. He must test Leadership. If he fails, he's gone (And now your enemy is awarded for Slay the Warlord if you used your Warlord). If he passes, you now have a new Unfettered Fury Bloodthirster with the same WT, and if that guy was your warlord, the thirster's now your Warlord. Like Dark Apotheisis, your original model is still "removed as a casualty" and the new Bloodthirster is summoned to the table via deep strike so doesn't get into killing straight away.
  • Skulls for the Skull Throne! - Essentially Champions of Chaos, you must issue/accept challenges. Only now you're not under constant risk of being morphed into...well, those gribblies.

Warlord Traits

Usually armies always get Warlord Traits that are always mediocre with a couple that stand out above all the rest; Khorne Daemonkin does not suffer this and ALL of these traits are good for your Daemon Prince, Oh I mean Warlord.

  1. Icon of War - warlord and any unit with 12" with BftBG may reroll charge distances. 12" range which affects units is huge but could be highly wasted if you have Icons of Wrath.
  2. Disciple of Khorne - gain Zealot. Which essentially means only Hatred, since all your HQs were fearless anyway. Good but Butcher King is better.
  3. Arch Slaughterer - add +1 to attacks stat. A good one, since you can just rack up the extra attacks.
  4. Favoured of Khorne - generate an additional Blood Tithe point whenever the warlord slays a character in a challenge. If you slay an Independent Character in a challenge, you'll get THREE Blood Tithe points! Jesus. Stack with the Blade of Endless Bloodshed for FOUR BLOOD TITHE POINTS! Skulltaker starts with this.
  5. Butcher King - gain preferred enemy (everything). Oh baby it's a triple! This trait is amazing. If you get this, just watch people cry as your Daemon Prince/Bloodthirster/Jacked-Up-Lord NEVER misses or fails to wound.
  6. Destined for Glory - when testing LD for Dark Apotheosis or Fury Unbound, they always pass the test. Useless on anything other than the Chaos Lord since models that already have the "Daemon" rule cannot be replaced, but that's what you have a Re-Roll for your Warlord Trait right?


Melee Weapons

  • Chainaxe - It's a chainsword...'cept it's AP4. Ideal for cleaving apart mobs, but nothing more than that.
  • Axe of Khorne - AP2 Specialist Weapon that causes ID on a 6 to-wound. Essentially Power Fists + 1. Now available to any Chaos Space Marine unit champion with access to the Melee Weapons list. Bizarrely not available to Heralds.
  • Lightning Claw - AP3 and Shred Specialist Weapons. While a sane man could just take one and go to town aware that he'll lose out on the exrta attack from having two weapons, a REAL man would take double claws and go to town on shit. Or better yet, take an Axe of Khorne so you gain that AP2 and chance for ID.
  • Power Weapons - You enjoy access to all varieties of power weapons. You'll usually be best served by the Maul's concussive and +2 S, since the sword's just forgettable, the lance is only best served when mounted, and you have the Axe of Khorne which can one-up power axes.
  • Chainfist - It's a Chainsword with a Fist taped on to it. It's only for Termies, but that just means heavily armored killings.
  • Hellblade - The Bloodletter's default weapon. It's a power sword.

Ranged Weapons

  • Combi-Bolter - It's a TL bolter. Next.
  • Combi-weapons - Has the Melta, Plasma, and Flamer variety. They're your go-to weapon for cheap utility for a turn. Flamers kill mobs, Plasma kills 2+ armor, Melta kills tanks.
  • Autocannon - The lone gun you can take which loyalists can't. Frightening and easily able to blow apart mobs from a distance.

Special-Issue Wargear

  • Jump Packs - Add one so now your lord can join some Raptors. That's really all you can do with these.
  • Sigil of Corruption - Congrats, you now own a 4++ Save.
  • Chaos Bike - Unlike the loyalists, you can't make Bikers troops. You can still join bikes and mow things down.

Loci of Khorne

  • Lesser Loci of Abjuration: Adamantium Will. Honestly, most powers are blessings, so the DtW bonus is questionable at best. Unless you're going up against Grey Knights, then sure. Just stick with the other 2.
  • Greater Loci of Fury: RAGE!!! Honestly the best Loci when pairing the Herald with Bloodletters.
  • Exhalted Loci of Wrath: Hatred (Everything). 5 points more than the Loci of Fury, and your Herald is now like a Dark Apostle. Honestly, not so useful with Bloodletters since re-rolls to hit is nice, but with BL quantity beats quality. Could benefit units like Flesh hounds. Also sticking him in a landraider with a group of berzerkers isn't an awful way to give them hatred or a cheap method of sticking outna tough challenge for a turn so someone with an axe of khorne can do some damage.

Gifts of Khorne

  • Ichor Blood - Every time a model with this takes an unsaved wound in combat, the hitter suffers an S3 AP4 hit.
  • Aura of Dark Glory - 5++ Save. Just suck up those 15 points and buy this for your Chaos Lord. He's the only one who can benefit from this anyway. (Alternative opinion: this is a waste of time. Khorne hates time wasters. Eat 10 more points for a 4++ from the Sigil of Corruption and keep your Lord alive to harvest BftBG!)
  • Collar of Khorne - +2 to Deny the Witch. Stack with Adamantium Will and you're now effectively shutting down all the witches!
  • Combat Familiar - 2 bonus S4 AP- attacks. Decent take.
  • Juggernaut of Khorne - Available to Heralds and non-Termie Lords. If you take it, you're best suited joining some Flesh Hounds. Bloodcrushers are just wasted points.

Vehicle Equipment

  • Daemonic Possession - Your tank's now BS3, it can ignore Crew Shaken/Stunned on a 2+, and anyone who enters must now roll a d6 and get a model eaten on a 1, recovering an HP. Really, not that worth it.
  • Havoc Launchers - An S5 AP5 TL blast. This is okay for some bonus fire support.

Artefacts of Slaughter

The rules for artefact gear follow the "may take one" pattern found across several non-Imperial codices. So no having one super lord loaded up with multiple relics. ACTUALLY, you can replace one weapon with any of the weapons, and you can also take one of the non-weapons. A Lord/Daemon Prince with BFA and The Blade of Endless Bloodshed will keep generating those Blood Tithe points forever. (That is debatable) L2fineprint, "may instead replace", bottom of pp71.

  • Goredrinker - a power axe that gains additional special rules the more wounds it causes over the course of the game. In fact the rules never actually refer to the axe. They always mention the bearer and melee attacks. Miss your AoBF Juggernaut Lord? Build yourself an axe of undiluted RAEP.
    • 1-2 - gain +1 strength
    • 3-4 - gain the Rampage special rule
    • 5-7 - double the owner's strength score, cumulative with the earlier bonus for strength 10 on a chaos lord (4 x 2 then add +1 twice for the axe and the bonus )
    • 8+ - all the owner's attacks cause Instant Death
  • The Blade of Endless Bloodshed - a normal power sword with one extra rule: any assault phase where the bearer causes any casualties (not "per" casualty) adds +1 blood tithe point. It is also the only relic weapon available to Heralds unfortunately.
  • Skull Helm of Khorne - the bearer causes Fear, and any to-hit roll of 6 generates an additional attack, but those cannot generate any more (so no endless attacks)
  • Blood Forged Armour - Regular 3+ power armour but grants Eternal Warrior and FnP. Expect to see this in every army list.
  • The Brazen Rune - your psyker defense, normally it only grants AW, but once per game you may cause it to create a 24" bubble where any psyker attempting to manifest powers will peril on ANY double. But then the AW rule is lost.
    • Still a good buy because even if your opponent has only one Psyker he will risk a horrible death on a turn of your choosing. Losing AW is no big deal if they Psyker is dead in later phases. Otherwise you've neutered that psyker for a turn because your opponent was too chicken to try anything.
  • Kor'lath, the Axe of Ruin - a "normal" axe of Khorne (ie. AP2 specialist weapon that causes ID on 6s to-wound) but if the bearer dies for ANY reason, even if otherwise "removed as a casualty" a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury arrives within 6" of where he died. The catch is that the Bloodthirster loses D3 wounds every turn (which may be saved with invulnerable saves however) as it is only meant to be temporary, but even then it might survive the remainder of the game quite comfortably. Not bad for 30 points over a regular axe of Khorne.
    • can be a fantastic distraction carnifex if your opponent knows what's coming and he faces a conundrum of leaving the bearer alive to kill more things rather than deal with a bloodthirster later
    • put on a normal chaos lord and you can ascend him up to Daemon Prince mid-game and generate a Bloodthirster AS WELL, because he was "removed as a casualty", then because he keeps his artefacts you could get a second Bloodthirster for free if the Prince ever dies.

Unit Analysis


  • Chaos Lord: You know him, you love him, same utility boss as always, even for the same price (Yes, he's priced like he paid for it in the main 'dex). Unlike the "core" Lord, he has access to the previously daemon-only Axe of Khorne, for AP2 while striking at initiative order.
  • Daemon Prince: He's big, he's killy, and he's here to demolish anything that pisses him off, which he'll have to since he's now forced to do challenges (You're playing Khorne, remember?). Sad thing is that he's rather limited in what he can take (Mainly either relics or Gifts), but at least he can also buy wings too. Regardless of how much more expensive it is, Blood Forged Armor gives Eternal Warrior and FNP along with a 3+ compared to only a 3+ makes it a straight upgrade to Power Armor.
  • Herald of Khorne: Your other budget HQ. You're now free from the madness of Kelly's tables, and can pick whatever you want out of the Loci, Gifts, and relics, meaning there is no way to get a Herald with AP2 since both relic axes are restricted. A support HQ choice opposed to the sheer kill potential of your other HQs, you're now able to join whatever forces you want meaning your Locus can apply to "mortal" squads, Locus of Wrath while attached to Berserkers for maximum benefit.
    • Blood Throne: Your Chariot got some new boosts now: One is that now every Daemonkin unit can benefit from whatever Loci you have (Reminder, Abjuration gives Adamantium Will, Fury gives Rage, Wrath gives Hatred), which is sweet. The other is that you get two S4 AP3 (S5 if you charged) hits at WS5 I4 to represent your crew alongside your Herald's attacks. It's still a very sturdy ride.
  • Bloodthirster: Thanks to End Times: Archaon, you've now got two new variations to the big monster, and a new multi-model kit. You're also free of Kelly's tables, but the price to this is the loss of any ability to customize. Also, auto-challenges.
    • Unfettered Fury: The Thirster you've been using all along. As a refresher, you've got your Axe of Khorne and your Lash (A 12" Assault 1 S6 AP2 shot). If you want to play the army to its fullest potential you'll need one of these in your collection, just don't pay the points for it when building your army because you can just summon them for free using BftBG or with Axe of Ruin.
    • Insensate Rage: 25 Points gets you the world's biggest axe. No, seriously, it's got THE D and AP2, but it forces you to pile in and fight at Initiative 1 because it's so fucking heavy. It's...well, it's less absurd a pricetag than Fantasy had.
    • Wrath of Khorne: 50 more points. Now you've got Hatred (Characters) and Adamantium Will. Also, you get the Bloodflail, a utility weapon that can either be a souped-up Lash (S7 AP2 Assault d3) or an AP2 Specialist Weapon, and a Heavy Flamer with Soulblaze alongside your basic Axe (Free attack! Yay!). You are now fabulously capable of laying on the pain in a challenge you charge towards.
  • Skulltaker: Bafflingly, Skulltaker is the lone character of the Daemonkin army. No Kharn, no Skarbrand (A loss on GW's part since they were already making the new BT models (likely they didnt want to change the characters right away and their rules arent primed for 7th)), and no Karanak. Also, he loses out on riding the Juggernaut/Blood Throne. Aside from that, he's the same ol' Character-slayer (Notes include WS/BS9, I9, 3+ Armor with EW, Power Sword with Soulblaze and ID when you roll 6 to-wound), now with the option of joining models as tough as he is, if not tougher.


  • Cultists - 7 goons, 1 champion (Yeah, this is a pattern. All basic infantry are organized in squads of 8). They still can only take Flamers or Heavy Stubbers per 5 (or just get Autoguns) while the champ can only get a shotty. Simple tip: Sacrifice them. Sure your characters are shit, so let them die [Note: Theres a champion and a unit, so 1 units of cultists generates 2 Blood tithe!]. Use their death to fill the Blood Tithe (Doubly so if they get overrun). If you spam MSU, you can go pretty far. Note that since the Daemon prince and Bloodthirster Blood Tithe options require you to sacrifice a character, these can bring both bodies to fill the Tithe and a free body to get "possessed". Just make sure you have someone boosting their leadership to not-sucking levels. On a plus side Cultists can be "sacrificed" if they failed their morale check, aka: means that if your surviving unit of 3 cultists are running away and are far too low to do anything you can sacrifice them by removing them from play and getting your Blood Tithe point!
  • Chaos Space Marines: Your sturdy versatile troops choice. You're no longer risking champions turning into gribblies with each fight, but you've also lost out on the gift of mutation as well as Veterans of the Long War. Other than that, you've still got the same issues of price, now worsened by MoK being stock as well as the large base size. Very overshadowed in this book, plus the removal of Icon of Vengence kinda made them kinda redundant, plus you spent £30 to use the unit below this, right?
  • Khorne Berzerkers: Your iconic elite murder machines...still struggle under an exorbitant price tag. They still need to pay 3 points for their chainaxes, and still suffer from only getting attacks when charging/getting charged. And you also lack VotLW. For such an iconic unit, you'd think they'd give these bastards at least something of a break. Still an overall badass unit since you can bring them back to their glory (sort of) days with the +1 Attack Blood Tithe power meaning that even after the charge the unit is still very tasty!
  • Bloodletters: Your other budget troops choice, Bloodletters only benefit over Cultists in two ways: Fearless and AP3 weapons. Aside from that, they're still weak against firepower, and aren't too hot in prolonged combat, and with the loss of the random tables (and thus the weapons), getting the Bloodreaper isn't even such a hot choice except for the sole reason of having him die for your Blood Tithe, but at least now they won't have to roll to see if they automatically die and that means that they can act more like bodyshields. Buying an Instrument of Chaos allows them and another Daemons of Khorne unit to auto-arrive from reserves. Buying a Banner allows Daemons of Khorne units Deep-Striking within 6" to not scatter (And other Daemons just scatter d6, which is cool too). Just remember that both upgrades ONLY work on units comprised entirely of models with the Daemon of Khorne rule (aka: Warp Talons!)
    • They come in units of 8 now while retaining their original Chaos Daemons price, making MSUs slightly cheaper while being overall more effective (you got fearless instead of instability). If you need to fill the manditory troop tax (anywhere) these guys will bring more bang for your buck than cultists.

Dedicated Transport

  • METUHL BAWKSES: Ol' reliable is still here to cart your minions here, and as a Fast Attack Choice, you can even buy an empty one and stuff it full of allied heretics if you feel like throwing out that FA slot. Issue here is that you've lost Dirge Casters (BOO!), Warpflame Gargoyles (Meh), and Destroyer Blades (Well enough. We need them cheap anyways).
  • Chaos Land Raider: It's a Land Raider, you get everything that normally comes with it (without PotMS since you aren't loyalists). You get a solid way of delivering your squishy troops from one side of the table to an assault. Dedicated Transport for Terminators, but Heavy Support otherwise. Aside from that, all you can really do with it is be a fire magnet, and why would you waste that many points on a Blood Tithe? The loss of Dirge Casters means that your guys are doubly screwed if they don't make the assault because they're now sitting ducks.


  • Possessed: These guys aren't quite as fab as the Crimson Slaughter update made them, but they've got some fun changes still. First off, they get BOTH Mark and Daemon of Khorne rules, which might explain the price bump (Used to be 29 points per unit with MoK, now they're a flat 30). This makes them VERY frightening to face in combat. Their mutations are also the same as they were in the codex, which is doubly nice when added to their bonuses. BUT pay Close attention to the wording from the Vessels of Chaos special rule on the Khorne Daemonkin Possesed:
    • "Vessels of Chaos: At the beginning of each Fight sub-phase, roll a D3 on the table below for each friendly Possessed unit that is locked in combat. The mutation affects every Possessed model in the unit and lasts for the rest of the game turn."
    • This means if you get the first player turn you can have multiple effects simultaneously !!! As the first effect you generate in the fight sub phase of your assault phase, this effect lasts until the end of the game turn meaning in your opponents fight sub phase you will generate a second effect and have two for that last phase !!! Also, it works if you're charged but you don't want that...
  • Chaos Terminators: They're still damnably expensive, but still benefit from their nebulous power weapon loadout. Since they're stuck with MoK, the best role for them is the anvil unit, deep-striking on the field and grabbing whatever they can to thin the herd and suck up an untimely assault. If you don't care about them surviving, you can throw in combi-weapons if you can spare the points just to make the Blood Tithe worth it. Chaos Terminators are a good unit for getting Blood Tithe points since they are solid at ranged combat due to their combi-weapons and are pretty nasty in close combat by the own and then Blood Tithe just further boosts their offensive powers. FnP Terminators? Furious Charge + Rage Terminators? 3 attack BASE Terminators? The world is your oyster.
  • Bloodcrushers: They're still really shit here. Fearless doesn't help the fact that they only come with a 6+ save and T4. So they die easily despite being Daemons. That being said; these guys are best when used within the formation since they gain +1 attack if they are outnumbered (which is most of the time) plus they can get another +1 attack from either Rage and/or the +1 Attack Blood Tithes which would give each Bloodcrusher 5 Strength 5 attacks at WS5 on the charge at AP3 including a Strength 4 HoW hit. Just be wary of ANYTHING Strength 8 or above since it will instant death them. Feel No Pain Blood Tithe really helps these guys out!

Fast Attack

  • The Unnameable Beasts: They're still here, they still get random mutations each turn. Shove them ahead of the pack and they'll be the screens your team needs for a short while. And if they die, free Tithe!
  • Flesh Hounds: Sadly, Karanak is no more, so you're now stuck with no AP unless you spring for a Juggy Herald with Rage to boost them again. Aside from that, they're just good skirmishing units, capable of covering ground quickly, messing with psykers, and ruining anything below MEQ. Personally I would rather use Flesh hounds as your screening unit than Chaos Spawn mainly because they are more killy due their WS5 and Strength 5 attacks on the charge plus having a 5++ save and 2 wounds each makes them more survivable.
  • They also make good body guards for your Juggerlords and can confer scout upon characters.
  • Raptors: These guys are reasonably priced, efficient at what they do, and versatile in fighting up close. The issue here is that, like all Chaos Marines, they lack VotLW, and thus are very vulnerable if they lose combat. Shoot to close the distance, then charge to make the most of your team. Since Khorne Daemonkin allows you to get Feel No Pain without paying an arm and a leg to get it, Raptors are much stronger than they are in Codex:CSM, furthermore yet again the +1 attack Blood Tithe will help these guys deal with the lack of VotlW.
  • Warp Talons: Now these guys got something of a new lease by merging with Daemons. See, like Possessed, they also benefit from both the Mark and Daemon of Khorne rules, and thus can now benefit from any Banners and Instruments that you put on the field. The issue with this is that they suffer from the whole "Can't assault after DS" bullshit, and thus will more likely end up just adding to your Blood Tithe. Hounds can do this for cheaper, but these guys have durability and a bonus punch.
  • Chaos Bikers: These guys represent a fine balance between ranged firepower and melee power. On one hand, you can give two bikers both a special weapon and their TL bolter and still have their bolt pistols to bail them out of combat. On the other hand, you can keep your CCW and pistol and gain that extra attack on top of Rage and provide plenty of punch where you need it. Bring a pack just in case you decide to make your Lord a biker. Chaos Bikers are your bread and butter simply because the Gorepack is a good formation to start with due to the massive buffs it brings. Chaos Bikers give you some solid ranged firepower and large melee prowess backed up with Str4 HoW with Shred and the large amounts of attacks they bring for a low low price!
  • Heldrake: Everyone's favorite murderous turkey, here to bring that Gorgonzola to the field. Sure, it's a shadow of it's supreme cheesemeister days, but it can still bring a good fight with its S7 Vector Striking and the option between the Hades Autocannon and Baleflamer. Oh, and it's also a Daemon of Khorne, which would be completely forgettable EXCEPT that this means that it can benefit from Icons, Loci, and Instruments your daemons bring along.

Heavy Support

PRO-TIP Any of your vehicle with the "Blood for the Blood God" rule benefits from blood tithe bonuses. Enjoy your Rage or +1A on your Helbrute/Maulerfiend/Soulgrinder.

  • Defiler: Honestly, you have other vehicles to cover what this does. Soul Grinders are just as versatile, if not moreso in combat and at range for a lower price, the Dinobots are specialists bar none, and the Skull Cannon can actually synergize with units without grenades.
  • Helbrute: The first glaring error: No Khorne dedication, which would have been phenomenal if paired with the Power Scourge. It's still very iffy as a ranged support unit, and if you're buying this for that role, you've wasted your time. Consider buying a formation instead to bring in some brutes. A cheap and overall decent purchase for 110pts is a Helbrute with two Fists with Combi-Bolters. Only firing off 2 Bolter shots per turn but if you cause the Helbrute to fire its weapons twice then it will fire four bolters. This build really comes to shine when within 12" of an enemy unit since; 1) It's getting close to melee range 2) its shots double. If you get Fire Frenzy within 12" of an enemy unit then I hope they enjoy 8 Twin Linked bolter shots!
  • Forgefiend: These are the Dinobots you want to lay down fire support. They still get their Hades Autocannons or their Ectoplasma cannons, and that's still boss. The issue is that it got a 5 point tax on it for getting Daemon of Khorne, a rule that's pretty much wasted on this. Saying all that, in an army entirely melee, these little devils will cause untold devestation upon your enemy for a pretty decent price and on a surprisingly tough body (the 5++ and IWND really does help counter it's only 12/12/10).
  • Maulerfiend: The Daemon of Khorne rule does more to benefit the Mauler than it does its brother, but it's still a high investment. The bonus attack on the charge means that it can make an additional shot for the Magma Cutters if it's up against a vehicle, and more attacks is generally just a fun thing to have. Lasher Tendrils are more for managing MCs and Walkers by limiting their attack output, but you have better (and cheaper) alternaives for that goal.
  • Soul Grinder: The guns are what you want it for. If you're unable to fit in a Drake (And what the hell were you doing to get that far?), this guy's able to take plenty of guns. Sure, it's got Daemon of Khorne, but that's pretty useless when you have a Power Fist stock and have to buy a weapon just to let Furious Charge be useful for something (Aside from a bonus attack and Master-Crafted).
  • Skull Cannon: This is your prime tool for ignoring cover, both for you and for your team. Anyone who charges a unit hit from the cannon can now charge through terrain at initiative. Oh, and on top of that, you're a chariot and can make some vicious hits on the charge with your two Bloodletters and the S7 HoW.

Lord of War

  • Lord of Skulls: The monster returns. 888 Points of tanky dick-gun horror. It can Thunderblitz instead of stomp, it gains attacks for each HP it loses (And keeps gaining attacks until it gets 10 attacks) and it has both an S8 AP3 Hellstorm gun and a Heavy 12 S8 AP3 gatling gun with Pinning alongside it's unholy D AP1 cleaver. The Hellstorm can either become S9 Gets Hot and ID or become an S7 AP2 Large Blast, while the Gatling can become an S9 AP3 Apoc Blast which forces re-rolls on Armor saves. It WILL destroy whatever it's up against, no contest.

A quick word on Forgeworld units

In a word: NO. The reason for this is that units from Imperial Armour (in this case IA13) get added to specific factions rather than army lists or codices. "Khorne Daemonkin" is very clearly described as its own faction in its codex and is not merely "Chaos Space Marines" and/or "Chaos Daemons" thus RAW it is incompatible with any of the unit choices from Imperial Armour. Where if it were only a supplement it would at least have held the same faction as whichever codex it was based on.

...and probably for good reason because that would allow you to take units from other gods in your list unrestricted, you double heretic you...

If you wanted add them to your army legally, then just go Unbound and take the Imperial Armour units that you wanted, this doesn't bugger up your army in any meaningful sense because using Formations (of which Daemonkin are mostly made up of) still provide their benefits even when taken as a part of an Unbound army list.

Unfortunately, even if you took it straight out of Imperial Armour "as is" they would also need the BftBG rule added to them to be any use, since they wont generate any Blood Tithe points for what they kill or if they die themselves or to gain the benefit of expending any points. They would also need to count as "Daemonkin" units for the purposes of other rules interactions such as Herald Loci.

However as Battle Brothers, you can still do cool things like putting whole squads of Bloodletters inside Storm Eagle gunships / Dreadclaw Drop Pods or have your army supported by Hellblades and/or Predators, Land Raiders or SPARTANS.

If/When Forge World gets round to doing this we'll update the unit analysis accordingly with each unit that they get access to.


Blood Host Detachment

Thought the Decurion was the only Formation-based detachment? Well now you're wrong! Now you have a Khorne army full of formations, and it gives you both a Codex WT re-roll and a free Blood Tithe!

  • Slaughtercult: The core detachment to the Blood Host. Lead with a Lord/Herald/Skulltaker/DP/Unfettered Fury Thirster, bring 2-8 squads of CSM, Berzerkers, or Bloodletters, 1-4 Possessed squads, and 0-2 units of both Spawn and Cultists. The Leader gets a WT re-roll and the option to murder an entire Cultist squad if they fail morale and just take that tithe quicker. In addition, when spending Blood Tithe and have more than spare points, you can opt to choose any powers below your first choice (Up to 4) and get both results for the turn. However, the rules state that the second 'free' result only applies to the Slaughtercult Formation itself, not your entire army/detachment. But that's still awesome. Giving this formation and extra buff for free is better than you think since on turn one you can give your army FNP and then grant your squad the whole Slaughtercult some Adamantium Will while it rushes down that measly sorcerer. Stack up enough points and you can similarly summon up Daemons and give your team some bonus FNP in the middle of a fight.
  • Lord of Slaughter: Another Bloodthirster of any sort per Slaughtercult. Nothing more.

Like the Decurion, you get 1-8 of the following choices:

  • Brazen Onslaught: 1-4 Termie packs and 2-4 Bloodcrusher packs. If any units here are in a combat where they're outnumbered, they gain +1 Attack. OH.MY. This formation is utter rape. Imagine all your Bloodcrushers having +1 attack since they usually will be outnumbered. The dream is to have your 5 man Terminator unit get into a combat with 3+ armored units (Death Company!) when you've loaded your Terminators with dual Lightning Claws so you're 3 attacks base, then +2 for Rage and then gain +1 attack from the Formation and another +1 attack from Blood Tithe! Not only will you be Str5 due to Furious Charge but you'll also be pumping out 7 attacks per model! However you won't do this because you aren't brain dead....I hope.
  • Khorne's Bloodstorm: 2-4 Raptor packs, 1-4 Warp Talon packs, and an optional Heldrake. Everyone here gets +1 Strength for HoW/Vector Strikes. NASTY. This is nastier than it actually is because with Banners you can allow your Warp Talons to deepstrike without scattering which means you can focus where your Blind tests are being taken which is something Warp Talons should have had from the get go!
  • Gorepack: 2-4 Biker squads, 1-4 Flesh Hound packs. Everyone gets Move Through Cover and Preferred Enemy (Psykers). Flesh Hounds gain HoW and Bikers gain Shred on their HoW. Flesh Hounds are you saving grace so bring as many units as possible since Move Through Cover and Flesh Hounds having Scout is pretty freakin' tasty! This entire formation is a MUST. It's absolutely insane! This formation should just be called "your screening formation" since the Fleshhounds allow you to utilise their scout moves and provide mobile cover for your Rhino's loaded with Berzekers to roll up the board. Plus it does also help that Flesh hounds are good by themselves yet now having Hammer of Wrath, Move Through Cover and Preferred Enemy (Psykers).
  • Charnel Cohort: A DP/Herald/Skulltaker/Blood Throne leads 2-8 teams of Bloodletters, 1-4 packs of Bloodcrushers and Flesh Hounds, and up to 4 Skull Cannons. Everyone gains Counter-Attack, the HQ can re-roll WT if picked, and all enemies take -2 Ld when testing Fear. In addition, if the HQ is in reserves, they can re-roll reserves and anyone else Deep-Striking within 6" of the HQ doesn't scatter. This formation is a little taxing for what it is and is very hard to bring if you're using the whole detachment. A very good formation but probably too much minimum requirement to see too much use. Should be noted that all units from this formation do not scatter REGARDLESS of whether HQ actually arrived from deepstrike. This means you can use a flying daemon prince to zoom straight into a great position and have all your units land exactly where you want them.
  • War Machine: A Defiler/Soul Grinder/Helbrute/Forgefiend/Maulerfiend/Lord of Skulls. Pretty much your Heavy Support slot...but better since you can have 8 Soul Grinders. Soul Grinders are nice but this army really does lack the ability to have long range, high strength Anti-Vehicle. This is where Hellbrutes come in. Not only do they have the chance of shooting their AV weaponry twice, gain Rage and all that gubbins but you can now give them +1 attack from Blood Tithe. If these guys charge with Rage and +1 attack, even with 1 Power Fist they will reap some very nice damage. Or for 7104 points and £760 take 8 lords of skulls.


Battle Brothers

  • Chaos Space Marines: If you're asking to ally with Chaos Marines, it's for one reason only: Walls and fire support. You may have Cultists too, but you're paying for the mark as well as the models. You also lack access to anything dedicated to the other gods (Like Typhus' zombie horde, psykers in general, Noise Marines and their Dreadnoughts). If you're doing it just so you can get Kharn back, just remember that despite being the mightiest mortal champion of the blood god, he doesn't have BftBG. Nor is free of the random tables. The same is said if you decide to take the Kharn's butcherhorde. You can, and probably should, consider the Helbrute formations as well, since they make the brutes gain a particular purpose and only lose BftBG in exchange.
  • Chaos Daemons: Where CSM allies are meant to take more heavy units, Daemon allies are more for taking flighty things speed. Daemonettes come in mind, as do Screamers and Plague Drones. You could also bring back Skarbrand and Karanak and are probably well-off to do so, if only while you keep an eye on how the Winds of Chaos and Daemonic Instability affects them. Also helpful is the Grimoire of True Names, which you can cast to make your murder train even more murderier (Which especially helps if you want to break out the Insensate Rage and need serious protection).
  • Renegades & Heretics (Forge World): If you go this direction, you might as well just go full monty on your choppy Daemonkin. Leave your squishy renegades to either be dirt-cheap objective holders or bring in some better firepower because you actually have that now. But the big thing to focus on are DOSE TANKS. This is what you want: Tanks upon tanks upon tanks which can do everything you can, and more! Need Anti-Air? Grab some Wyverns and call it a day! Need to shell stuff that's on the other side of the board and lack a Skull Cannon to help with charging? Then you have Basilisks and Bombards to give you what you need!

Allies of Convenience

  • Necrons

Deathbringer flight formation can make up for the lack of Anti-tank fire power and has an interesting synergy with the daemonic fear (though to be honest fear doesn't give much but still.. ) also its an alternative to soul grinder in terms of AA

  • Orks

Desperate Allies

  • Dark Eldar
  • Tau Empire

Come the Apocalypse

  • Armies of the Imperium
  • Eldar and Harlequins
  • Tyranids


Tried and tested! This army is fuckin' mean and it wants your opponent to know it. All you have to worry about with this army is not having your units completely gunned down to smithe"marines" (ehehe) however once you're in combat and start racking up those Blood Tithe points you can bolster your army with the Daemon Legions of Khorne and bolster your current army! Your saving grace all all your units from being "bad" or over priced is Blood Tithe..getting Feel No Pain, Rage, Furious Charge or +1 attack for completely free is a total bargain! Remember those pesky Possessed requirements for your army? Yeah, not so pesky when a unit of 10 Possessed chucks out over 40 Strength 6 attacks!

A solid start anywhere is by bringing a Daemon Prince and giving him the Blood Forged Armour. Giving your nasty behemoth of utter shrekage Feel No Pain and Eternal Warrior on top of a 3+ armour save is a bargain since this wargear only costs 30pts (IT'S 50PTS) on a Daemon Prince since 'Power Armour' is 20pts for a DP anyways. Giving your DP Goredrinker is also very nice since it makes your Daemon Prince Str7 base and Str8 on the charge meaning you're instagibbing any of those pesky Space Marine cheeseball characters before they even strike you! Any other upgrades are up to you.

The main thing to this army is speed and oh boy to you have an over abundance of it since if you bring the Gorepack formation this will give you Move Through Cover Bikes and Fleshhounds which is sososososososo useful in an army of melee rape.Use these units to tie up any large ranged based unit (and since you are Khorne and they are a ranged unit, you're most likely going to win!)

Possessed are now a minimum requirement for your army. This is very annoying since they are 30pts a model in our book BUT they do have Daemon of Khorne and Mark of Khorne so enjoy your Strength 6 attacks on the charge. If these guys are still around and are about to get within melee range, go for the Feel No Pain buff if you can, it makes them well worth their points and will utterly shrek most units (No really, Wraithknights and Riptides DO NOT want to see these units)

Always try to get as many Soul Grinders within your army since if you can just pile on the pie plates you can easily rack up Blood Tithe points.

Spend your Blood Tithe points wisely (Mainly use the Feel No Pain buff until you're stuck in melee). Once the heads start flying you're going to give your opponent a world of pain by summoning more and more Bloodletters!

Tactical Objectives

11 - Khorne Cares Not
1 VP if any unit dies in your turn. d3 VP if 3-5 units die, d3+3 if more than 5 die.
12 - Altar of Gore
1 VP for killing an enemy unit that's owning an objective. If you take it for yourself (Which you probably will), you get d3.
13 - Blood and Skulls for Khorne
1 VP if you kill a character in a challenge, which ups to d3 if they're an IC.
14 - Unfettered Butchery
1 VP for killing an enemy unit in your assault phase. Rest assured that you WILL get this if you find it.
15 - MURDER-Call
1 VP if you summoned a Daemon of Khorne using Deep Strike or BftBG. Simple enough.
16 - The Blood God's Scorn
1 VP if you kill an opposing unit that's either falling back or has the Psyker/Brotherhood of Psykers/Psychic Pilot USRs. Since Psykers are more common nowadays thanks to the Psychic phase, this can be nice.