Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Kill Team(8E): Difference between revisions
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===Zealot=== | ===Zealot=== | ||
A more defensive version of the Combat specialist that can buff allies | A more defensive version of the Combat specialist that can buff allies, shake off punishment, and mess with morale. | ||
==Tactics== | ==Tactics== |
Revision as of 01:30, 2 August 2018
Tactics for individual factions are here.
The Rules
Unlike in vanilla 40k, most actions in the game are handled on a "I go, you go" basis of alternating activation, similar to Warhammer Underworlds. This means the game speed is much faster than 40k's, and also requires players to plan their actions out more carefully.
If things are going tits up for your Kill-Team, you can elect to forfeit the battle after the third round. Obviously you'll lose, but on the bright side you won't run the risk of losing an experienced Specialist to an unlucky Casualty roll.
Scouting Phase
After the terrain is set up but before your kill teams are placed, each player secretly chooses 1 of 6 pre-battle actions to perform in the scouting phase to either give themselves an advantage or counter opponents' Scouting Phase actions.
1. Scout Out Enemy Forces: Set aside up to 20% of your kill-team when deploying them; they are set up after normal deployment takes place.
2. Plant Traps: Select up to d3 pieces of terrain. Enemy models that move within 1" of those terrain pieces (or start/finish a move within 1" of them) trigger the trap. The model then rolls a d6, taking a mortal wound on a 1. Regardless of whether the trap caused a wound or not, enemy models treat the trapped terrain and a 1" space around it as dangerous terrain.
3. Disarm Traps: Cancels the effect of Plant Traps, if it was used. If Plant Traps was not used, this does nothing.
4. Scout Out Terrain: d3 pieces of difficult/dangerous terrain no bigger than 8" in any dimension can be moved through without movement penalties. Additionally, models which take a mortal wound from this terrain ignore the wound on a 5+.
5. Take Forward Positions: After deployment, up to 20% of your kill-team can make a normal move as if it was the Movement phase.
6. Eliminate Sentries: If Take Forward Positions was used, up to 20% of your models can make a shooting attack as if it was the Shooting phase, targeting enemy models that were moved by Take Forward Positions. If Take Forward Positions was not used, this does nothing.
Initiative Phase
At the start of each battle round, the players roll off. This determines their initiative for the rest of the battle round.
Movement phase
Movement works similarly to how it does in 40k, but with three prominent exceptions:
- The player with the highest initative moves all of his units first, then all of the next player with the highest initative, and so on until all players have finished their movement.
- Charging is now done in this phase and replaces regular movement. While it is still possible to fail a charge, a failed charge will still allow the charging model to move the full charge distance rolled as long as it moves towards the intended target of the charge. As in vanilla 40k, a successful charge allows the charging unit to go first in the combat phase.
- A model can also choose to Ready, skipping their movement phase in favor of shooting first in the Shooting phase.
Terrain can also interfere with movement, with different terrain having different effects.
Psychic Phase
Similar to vanilla, but since only a small selection of available units can even use psychic powers it's much less important.
Shooting phase
At the start of the shooting phase, the player with the highest initiative shoots first with one of his models that was readied in the movement phase then it goes to the next player with the next highest initiative, and so on until all readied models have shot. Then, each player takes turn choosing a model to shoot that hasn't already shot, starting with the player with the highest initiative then the next player with the next highest initiative until all players have shot.
Cover and range are more important in Kill Team than they are in vanilla 40k; shooting a unit from more than half of a non-Grenade weapon's maximum range imposes a -1 penalty to hit them, as does shooting a unit that is obscured (i.e. if any part of it is blocked by cover). That said, an unmodified 6 to hit will always hit so doubling down on dakka to maximize the chances of a lucky hit is still a viable strategy. Of course, flamers still automatically hit as well.
Units that attempted a charge, or were successfully charged, in the movement phase cannot shoot in the subsequent shooting phase.
Combat Phase
Combat work similarly as it does in 40k, whoever charges first attacks first. After chargers, players alternate "activating" units to fight, starting with the player with the highest initiative, then the next highest until all players have attacked.
Morale Phase
Morale has two components in Kill Team: the morale of individual fighters and the morale of the team as a whole. If more than half of the squad has gone Out of Action, are shaken, or have sustained Flesh Wounds, then the squad may break and suffer penalties to their hit rolls for the rest of the game. Meanwhile, models that have taken Flesh Wounds or are part of a squad that is currently broken are at risk of becoming Shaken, which forces them to skip their turns entirely. The more models in the squad that are shaken or out of action, the more likely it is for other squad members to become shaken.
Flesh Wounds and going Out of Action
When a model loses its last Wound, its controlling player makes an injury roll. On a 4+, the model is Out of Action (i.e. it's no longer in the game); otherwise, it suffers a Flesh Wound and is restored to one wound. Being obscured and within 1" of the terrain that's doing the obscuring is a -1 penalty to the roll, and any previous Flesh Wounds taken by that model add a +1 bonus per wound to the roll. Additionally, attacks with a damage value higher than 1 cause multiple injury rolls, with the highest result being selected.
In addition to penalizing future injury rolls (thus making them more likely to be taken Out of Action), Flesh Wounds reduce a model's hit rolls and increase the chances of them becoming shaken in the Morale Phase.
Models that went Out of Action must make a Casualty roll on a d10 after the battle. This affects when (or if) you'll be able to use them again.
- 1: The unit is dead. Remove him from the Kill-Team's roster, you can't use him again.
- 2: The unit cannot be used in the next mission.
- 3-8: The unit can be used in the next mission.
- 9-10: As above, and if the unit was a Specialist it gains an extra point of Experience.
Dead units can be replaced at any time during a campaign, but you must use the new guy on the next mission. And of course, he won't have any of his predecessor's Advancements if he's a specialist or benefit from being part of a Fire Team (see below).
Fire Teams
Non-Specialists are organized into groups called Fire Teams, which gain experience and advancements as if they were a single model. As long as at least two members of a Fire Team participate in a battle, the whole group will benefit even if none of the other members were present for the battle.
If a member of a Fire Team dies, its replacement can still benefit from the collective experience and advancements of the group, but only if it first fights in a battle with a more experienced member of the Fire Team.
Specialist Abilities
Specialists gain experience by participating in battles and using Specialist-specific Tactics. While leveling up a Specialist gives them advancements that make them stronger and opens up new Tactics for them to use, leveling up also increases the Specialist's point value by 4 points per level (e.g. a level 2 specialist will cost 4 points more than a level 1 specialist). A specialist cannot advance beyond Level 4.
Specialist advancements work on a branching tree model; as they level up, they can pick and choose from different abilities in this order:
- Level 1
- Level 2A or 2B
- If Level 2A was chosen, Level 3AA or Level 3AB
- If Level 2B was chosen, Level 3BA or Level 3BB
- Any ability from the previous levels that was not already selected
As a result, two identical units with the same Specialization can easily end up with a completely different set of advancements.
Note that some unit types may not be able to access certain forms of Specialist, or may have their ability to be a Specialist of a given type linked to specific requirements (e.g. a Guardsman can only become a Comms specialist if he takes a Vox-Caster as part of his wargear).
The leader specialization focuses on buffing your other kill team members, as well as being your main source of Command points for your team. Also the only mandatory Specialist, as a Kill-Team must take one (and only one) in order to be Battle-Forged.
- Resourceful (Lv 1): As long as this model is on the battlefield and is not shaken, gain an additional Command Point at the beginning of each battle round.
- Bold (Lv 2A): This model automatically passes Nerve tests.
- Paragon (Lv 3AA): Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 3" of this model, as long as it is not shaken.
- Tyrant (Lv 3AB): Your opponent(s) must add 1 to Nerve tests for any enemy models within 6" of this model, as long as it is not shaken.
- Inspiring (Lv 2B): As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 3" of it automatically pass Nerve tests.
- Tactician (Lv 3BA): As long as this model is on the battlefield and is not shaken, roll a D6 each time you use a Tactic. On a 5+ you gain a command point.
- Mentor (Lv 3BB): Once per battle round, when you choose a friendly model within 3" of this model to shoot in the Shooting phase - as long as this model is not shaken - you can re-roll failed hit rolls for that model until the end of the phase.
- Bold (Lv 2A): This model automatically passes Nerve tests.
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- Lead By Example (1 CP): When this model is selected to fight in the Fight phase, another friendly model within 3" of them that is also eligible to fight can do so as well. The Leader and the other model can fight in any order.
- Level 2- Fire On My Target (1 CP): Same as Lead By Example, but for shooting instead of melee.
- Level 3- Force Of Will (1 CP): At the start of the round, if the Leader is on the battlefield and is not shaken the Kill-Team does not suffer penalties for being broken.
Improves shooting, either by boosting the effectiveness of heavy weapons or by making the user tough enough to close in with assault weapons. The assault weapon branch also adds a little bit of effectiveness in melee combat.
- Relentless (Lv 1): This model does not suffer the -1 penalty for shooting with a heavy weapon after moving in the preceding Movement phase, or for shooting an Assault weapon after Advancing.
- Suppressor (Lv 2A): Enemy models that are targeted by this model in the Shooting phase suffer a -1 penalty to their hit rolls until the end of the phase.
- Devastator (Lv 3AA): You can re-roll the damage for this models ranged weapons that have a random Damage Characteristic.
- Rigorous (Lv 3AB): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this model in the Shooting phase.
- Extra Armour (Lv 2B): Ignore AP characteristics of -1 for attacks that target this model.
- Indomitable (Lv 3BA): Once per battle round, you can make your opponent re-roll the injury dice for this model.
- Heavily Muscled (Lv 3BB): You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this model in the Fight phase.
- Suppressor (Lv 2A): Enemy models that are targeted by this model in the Shooting phase suffer a -1 penalty to their hit rolls until the end of the phase.
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- More Bullets (1 CP): During the shooting phase, when selecting a Heavy Specialist whose weapon normally fires more than 1 shot, it fires one extra shot (e.g. Heavy 2 will attack 3 times instead of 2).
- Level 2- Overwhelming Firepower (2 CP): After a Level 2+ Heavy Specialist shoots in the shooting phase, it can shoot again. Cannot be used in the same round as More Bullets.
- Level 3- Unkillable (1 CP): At the start of the morale phase, a Level 3+ Heavy Specialist can remove a flesh wound.
A set of abilities focused on grenades, flamer use, and attacking obscured enemies, with a few post-battle abilities thrown into the mix.
- Breacher (Lv 1): Add 1 to wound against targets that are obscured.
- Pyromaniac (Lv 2A): Re-roll 1s to wound when using a weapon with auto-hit properties (e.g. flamers).
- Saboteur (Lv 3AA): If the model is in the Kill Team and not out of action when making casualty rolls, roll a d6. On a 5+, an opponent loses 1 Materiel.
- Sapper (Lv 3AB): If the model is in the Kill Team and the Plant Traps Strategy is used, an extra piece of terrain can be booby-trapped.
- Grenadier (Lv 2B): Add 3" to the maximum range of any Grenades and re-roll 1s to hit with them.
- Siegemaster (Lv 3BA): Add 1 to injury rolls caused by attacks made in the Shooting Phase if they are made against obscured models.
- Ammo Hound (Lv 3BB): If the model is in the Kill Team and not out of action when making casualty rolls, roll a d6. On a 5+, you gain 1 Materiel.
- Pyromaniac (Lv 2A): Re-roll 1s to wound when using a weapon with auto-hit properties (e.g. flamers).
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- Custom Ammo (1 CP): In the shooting phase, pick a demolitions specialist; its attacks this phase add 1 to their wound rolls.
- Level 2- Lucky Escape (1 CP): At the start of the shooting phase, pick a Level 2+ Demolitions Specialist. It gains a FnP 5+ for the phase.
- Level 3- High Explosives (1 CP): When picking a Level 3+ Demolitions Specialist to shoot in the shooting phase, it fires only one shot even if its weapon normally has more attacks. However, the weapon's damage is increased by 2. Cannot be used in the same round as Custom Ammo.
All around Improvements involving combat phase, including ways to inflict mortal wounds.
- Expert Fighter (Lv 1): Add 1 to this model’s Attacks characteristics.
- Warrior Adept (Lv 2A): Add 1 to hit rolls for this model in the Fight Phase.
- Deathblow (Lv 3AA): Any wound rolls of 6 you make for this model in the Fight phase inflict 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage.
- Combat Master (Lv 3AB): Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this model for each enemy model within 1” of it at the start of the Fight phase, until the end of the phase.
- Deadly Counter (Lv 2B): If any hit rolls of 1 or less are made for a model’s attacks that target this model in the Fight phase unless this model is shaken, roll a D6. On a 5+ the model that made the attack suffers 1 mortal wound after all of those attacks have been resolved.
- Killer Instinct (Lv 3BA): You can re-roll any failed wound roll you make for this model in the fight phase.
- Bloodlust (Lv 3BB): You can re-roll any failed charge rolls you make for this model.
- Warrior Adept (Lv 2A): Add 1 to hit rolls for this model in the Fight Phase.
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- Up and At 'Em! (1 CP): In the fight phase, after attacking with a model from your kill-team, pick a Combat Specialist that has not yet fought this turn. It can do so immediately.
- Level 2- Defensive Fighter (1 CP): At the start of the fight phase, pick a Combat Specialist who is Level 2 or higher. Its Attacks characteristic drops by 2 (down to a minimum of 1) but opponents must re-roll successful hits made against that model.
- Level 3- Deadly Charge (1 CP): When a Combat Specialist who is level 3 or higher makes a successful charge, roll a d6. On a 5+, the target of the charge suffers a mortal wound.
Can provide buffs to shooting for allied models and/or debuffs nearby models. It can also generate and recycle Command Points with one upgrade branch.
- Scanner (Lv 1): Once per shooting phase, when you pick a model from your kill team to shoot that is within 6" of this model, if this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to hit rolls for that model in this phase.
- Expert (Lv 2A): Roll a D6 at the start of each battle round if this model is not shaken. On a 5+ you gain 1 additional Command point. This additional Command Point is lost at the end of the battle round if not used.
- Vox Ghost (Lv 3AA): Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of enemy models while this model is on the battlefield, as long as it is not shaken.
- Command Relay (Lv 3AB): Roll a D6 each time you use a tactic while this model is on the battlefield and not shaken. On a 6 the Command Points spent on that Tactic are immediately refreshed.
- Static Speech(Lv 2B): Once per battle at the start of the fight phase. If this model is not shaken, subtract 1 from hit rolls for enemy models that make attacks while they are within 6" of this model until the end of the phase.
- Triangulator (Lv 3BA): Once per shooting phase when you pick a model from your kill team to shoot a heavy weapon, if this model is not shaken, you can re-roll that die, when determining the number of attacks that model can make.
- Vox Hacker (Lv 3BB): After each battle in which this model was in your kill team, if this model is not in Convalescence or dead, roll a D6. On a 5+ you gain 1 intelligence.
- Expert (Lv 2A): Roll a D6 at the start of each battle round if this model is not shaken. On a 5+ you gain 1 additional Command point. This additional Command Point is lost at the end of the battle round if not used.
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- Rousing Transmission (1 CP): In the morale phase, before any nerve tests are taken, subtract 1 from the nerve tests of other models from your kill-team as though the comms specialist was within 2" of them.
- Level 2- Scanner Uplink (2 CP): In the shooting phase, select a model in your kill-team within 6" of a level 2+ comms specialist to shoot. It can fire at models not visible to it, but can only hit them on a 6 regardless of any modifiers (even on weapons that would normally hit automatically); for the purpose of injury roles, the target is considered obscured.
- Level 3- New Intelligence (1 CP): At the end of the movement phase, pick a model within 12" of a level 3+ Comms Specialist. It is now readied.
Focuses on minimizing the impact of injury and casualty rolls, and can grant FnP and other post-battle bonuses.
- Reassuring (Lv 1): This model is never treated as being shaken when taking Nerve tests for other models in your kill team.
- Field Medic (Lv 2A): Roll a D6 when a friendly model within 3" of this model suffers a wound, as long as this model is not shaken; on a 6 that wound is not lost.
- Trauma Specialist (Lv 3AA): When an Injury roll is made for a friendly model within 3" of this model as long as this model is not shaken;roll an additional dice and use the lowest result.
- Triage Expert (Lv 3AB): If this model is in your kill team and not out of action at the end of the battle, and you roll a Dead result when making a Casualty roll for a model from your kill team, you can roll a D6. on a 4+ apply the convalescence result instead.
- Anatomist (Lv 2B): Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this model in the fight phase.
- Interrogator (Lv 3BA): At the end of any battle in which you were victorious if this model was in your kill team and not out of action, roll a D6, on a 5+ you gain 1 intelligence.
- Toxin Synthesiser (Lv 3BB): Before deployment, you can pick up to D3 models from your kill team. Untill the end of the battle, those models' melee weapons add 1 to wound rolls made by their attacks.
- Field Medic (Lv 2A): Roll a D6 when a friendly model within 3" of this model suffers a wound, as long as this model is not shaken; on a 6 that wound is not lost.
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- Stimm Shot (1 CP): At the start of the movement phase, pick a model within 2" of a Medic Specialist that's not shaken. It adds 1 to Advance and Charge rolls, and adds 1 to its Attacks stat until the next battle round.
- Level 2- Painkiller (2 CP): At the end of the movement phase, pick a model within 2" of a Level 2+ Medic Specialist that's not shaken. Its Toughness is increased by 2 until the end of the battle round.
- Level 3- Emergency Resuscitation (2 CP): If a Level 3+ Medic Specialist is within 2" of a unit that suffers an Out of Action injury result, it takes a flesh wound instead.
Grants improvements to shooting attacks via a combination of rerolls, extra effects when rolling a 6, bonuses to hit, and boosted range.
- Marksman (Lv 1): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the model when it makes a shooting attack.
- Ammunition (Lv 2A): You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 this model when it makes a shooting attack.
- Deadeye (Lv 3AA): On an unmodified wound roll of 6 by this model’s shooting attacks, increase the damage characteristic of that attack by 1
- Armor piercing (Lv 3AB): On an unmodified wound roll of 6 for this model’s shooting attacks, improve the AP characteristic of this attack by 1 (e.g. AP-1 becomes AP-2)
- Sharpshooter (Lv 2B): If this model is Readied, add 1 to hit rolls when it makes a shooting attack.
- Mobile (Lv 3BA): This model does not suffer the -1 penalty for shooting with a Heavy weapon after moving in the preceding Movement phase, or for shooting an Assault weapon after Advancing.
- Eagle-eye (Lv 3BB): Increase the Range characteristic of all Rapid Fire and Heavy weapons this model is armed with by 6”.
- Ammunition (Lv 2A): You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 this model when it makes a shooting attack.
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- Careful Aim (1 CP): When selecting a Sniper specialist to shoot, it adds 1 to its rolls to hit.
- Level 2- Headshot (1 CP): When selecting a level 2+ Sniper Specialist to shoot, any obscured targets it fires at are not considered obscured for the purposes of shooting penalties.
- Level 3- Quick Shot (1 CP): When selecting a level 3+ Sniper Specialist to shoot, it takes a -1 penalty to hit rolls but can fire twice the normal amount of shots. Cannot be used in the same round as Headshot.
Has access to a variety of movement-related tricks, provides buffs to shooting, and can give extra benefits before and after the battle.
- Swift (Level 1): Re-roll Advance rolls for this model.
- Forward Scout (Level 2A): Automatically pass Dangerous Terrain tests for this model.
- Skirmisher (Level 3AA): Opponents must subtract 1 to hit from shooting attacks if this unit is more than 12" away from the firing model and is not obscured or shaken.
- Vanguard (Level 3AB): If this unit isn't shaken, models from your kill-team within 6" of this model re-roll 1s to hit in the shooting phase.
- Pathfinder (Level 2B): If this unit isn't in Convalescence, you can add or subtract 1 from the roll to determine the mission type. However, this model must be used if the roll is modified in this manner.
- Observer (Level 3BA): If this model is in your kill-team, roll a d6 in the Scouting phase. On a 4+, you can use an additional Strategy.
- Explorer (Level 3BB): At the end of any battle in which you were victorious, if this model was in your kill team and not out of action, roll a D6. On a 5+ you gain 1 territory.
- Forward Scout (Level 2A): Automatically pass Dangerous Terrain tests for this model.
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- Quick March (1 CP): When selecting a Scout Specialist to move, it can either increase its Move stat by 2" or re-roll advances.
- Level 2- Marked Positions (1 CP): At the start of the Shooting phase, pick an enemy model within 6" of a Level 2+ Scout Specialist that isn't shaken. Models in your kill-team targeting that model re-roll 1s to hit until the end of the phase.
- Level 3- Move Unseen (2 CP): At the start of your turn in the Movement phase, pick a Level 3+ Scout Specialist. Remove it and set it up again within 18" of its original position and within 3" of an enemy. The model counts as having advanced during that phase.
A jack-of-all trades with easy re-roll access, resistance to being shaken, and the ability to improve its armor save.
- Grizzled (Level 1): This model ignores penalties to its Leadership and Nerve tests.
- Practiced (Level 2A): Re-roll one hit or wound roll for this model in each battle round.
- Survivor (Level 3AA): The model adds 1 to its armor save.
- One Man Army (Level 3AB): If this unit isn't shaken, it generates one CP per round. CP generated in this manner can only be used on Veteran Tactics.
- Seen It All (Level 2B): If this unit isn't Shaken, models from your kill-team within 3" of this model subtract 1 from Nerve tests.
- Battle Scarred (Level 3BA): If this model is not shaken, enemy models within 6" of it take -1 to their Leadership.
- Nerves of Steel (Level 3BB): This model re-rolls failed hits in Overwatch.
- Practiced (Level 2A): Re-roll one hit or wound roll for this model in each battle round.
Unique Tactics
- Level 1- Adaptive Tactics (1 CP): At the start of the first battle but before the initiative phase, pick a Veteran Specialist. It can make a normal move or advance. This tactic can only be used once per game.
- Level 2- Well Drilled (2 CP): At the start of the Shooting phase, pick a Level 2+ Scout Specialist that isn't within 1" of an enemy. It is Readied, and does not count as having moved this turn.
- Level 3- Roll with the Hits (1 CP): During the opponent's turn in the Movement phase, pick a Level 3+ Veteran Specialist that has been injured but has not yet rolled injury dice. The opponent can only roll one injury die for attacks against it, even if that attack would normally generate more.
A more defensive version of the Combat specialist that can buff allies, shake off punishment, and mess with morale.
Tactics are Kill-Team's version of Stratagems, and like them are used by expending Command Points (CP).
Everyone can use these Tactics.
- Tactical Re-Roll (1 CP): Re-roll a single Advance roll, charge roll, Psychic test, Deny the Witch test, hit roll, wound roll, saving throw, Injury roll or Nerve test. Just like in vanilla 40k and just as valuable.
- Decisive Move/Shot/Strike (2 CP): Three Stratagems, all of which activate in their respective phases. Pick a model; that model moves, shoots, or fights before everyone else.
- Insane Bravery (1 CP): Auto-pass a Nerve test.
- Gritted Teeth (1 CP): For either the shooting or fight phase, ignore hit penalties from flesh wounds.
These Tactics can only be used on a matching Specialist that meets its minimum level, and will grant that Specialist Experience in addition to its immediate benefits.
These Tactics can only be used in specific Killzones. Some of these also require a specific Faction as well.
These Tactics can only be used in specific missions.
Some Tactics are restricted to specific Factions, and are discussed in the tactics for those factions.
Building a Kill-Team
Rather than having a set roster, a Kill-Team can have a pool of up to 20 different members. While there are limits to how many Leaders and Specialists can be deployed in a game as seen below, you can have any number of them in your roster. As the models chosen to participate in a given Kill-Team game are decided in secret before it begins, it is advised to have a variety of different specialist types to counter your opponent's choices (e.g. a demolition specialist with the Pyromaniac advancements for cover campers, or a combat specialist to handle Tau and IG).
Of course, your opponent will be trying to predict what you'll bring too and the only thing you'll know for sure about his list is his Kill-Team's faction. You shouldn't get too predictable with your choices either, or you'll be open to getting countered yourself.
To be Battle-Forged, a Kill-Team must follow these restrictions:
- The Kill-Team must have 3-20 models.
- The Kill-Team must have one (and only one) Leader.
- The Kill-Team can include up to 3 other Specialists.
- The Kill-Team cannot include more models of a single type than its maximum, as given on the corresponding datasheet.
- All models must have the same Faction keyword.
- The total cost of the Kill-Team cannot exceed 100 points.
The different map types in Kill-Team are called Killzones. In addition to all the typical terrain you can expect from 40k, each Killzone has a set of environmental conditions that can add additional effects to a battle. For example, in a Sector Munitorum Killzone you might be forced to avoid the battlefield edges or risk your models being smacked on the head by falling containers. Additionally, some Tactics only work in specific Killzones.
Sector Imperialis
Sector Imperialis Killzones can have one of the following environmental effects, as determined by rolling a d6 once the battlefield is set up:
- 1- Abandoned Habs: Nothing.
- 2- Abandoned Munitions: In each battle round, each Kill-Team can have two different models use their grenades in a phase instead of one.
- 3- Smoke in the Air: All shooting attacks subtract 1 from their hit rolls.
- 4- Traps: The upper floors of all ruins are dangerous terrain.
- 5- Tunnels: If a model from your kill team begins your turn in the Movement phase within 1" of a manhole and more than 1" from any enemy models, and they are not shaken, they can enter the tunnels. When they do so, remove them from the battlefield. At the end of your turn in the Movement phase of the next battle round, you can place that model within 1" of any manhole that is within 24" of the manhole they used to enter the tunnels, and more than 1" from any enemy models. They are considered to have made a normal move. While they are not on the battlefield, they are considered to be out of action for the purposes of Nerve tests and checking whether your kill team is broken. If they are not on the battlefield at the end of the battle, they are considered to be out of action.
- 6- Hidden Cache: In campaign games, the winner of this mission gains 1 Materiel. Outside of campaign games, this has no effect.