Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Militarum Tempestus(7E): Difference between revisions

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*'''Close Assault Doctrine Sanctioned!''' - Ordered unit gets Crusader for the rest of the turn.  I guess if you need some goons to die, then let them die in style!
*'''Close Assault Doctrine Sanctioned!''' - Ordered unit gets Crusader for the rest of the turn.  I guess if you need some goons to die, then let them die in style!
*'''Advance on Target!''' (Otherwise known as ''Move! Move! Move!'') - Ordered unit gets Fleet.
*'''Advance on Target!''' (Otherwise known as ''Move! Move! Move!'') - Ordered unit gets Fleet.
*'''Suppression Doctrine Sanctioned!''' (Otherwise known as ''Suppressive Fire!'') - Ordered units firing Hot-Shot Laspistols/Lasguns can only fire one shot, but that shot gets Sniper and Pinning.  Also, the enemy under fire can't assault them afterwards.
*'''Suppression Doctrine Sanctioned!''' (Otherwise known as ''Suppressive Fire!'') - Ordered units firing Hot-Shot Laspistols/Lasguns can only fire one shot, but that shot gets Sniper and Pinning.  Also, the scions cannot charge in the assault phase.
*'''Elimination Protocol Sanctioned!''' (Otherwise known as ''Bring It Down!'') - Ordered unit gets Rending against an enemy MC/Vehicle.  
*'''Elimination Protocol Sanctioned!''' (Otherwise known as ''Bring It Down!'') - Ordered unit gets Rending against an enemy MC/Vehicle.


Revision as of 03:27, 9 May 2014

This is a codex supplement that isn' really a supplement and, surprisingly, actually showed up a little earlier than the actual Astra Militarum Codex.

What you'll find here is a mini-force of Storm Troopers, because that's what they are. You can also notice that, again, GW recycled the Allies Matrix from the Inquisition/LoTD/Knights. Also, in a more surprising show of laziness, there are no special relics for this force, forcing you to use what you have, but lose the use of anything else besides the Troopers, Commissars, Tauroxes, and Valkyries.

Also curious is that, unlike the aforementioned other e-dexes, this one lacks the ability to be a unique detachment, meaning you're wasting your allies slot if you take them. Just make sure you actually need these stormies before placing them as allies.

Warlord Traits

  • 1: Dauntless Commander - Warlord gets Fearless. With your limited numbers, the ability to remain in the fight becomes even more valuable (and perhaps a lot worse without the option to go to ground).
  • 2: Grenadier - Any frag and krak grenades the Warlord throws get twin-linked. Meltabombs and krak genades used in combat get Tank Hunters. If you're willing to throw down for meltabombs, you might as well see how much luck you'll get out of them. Twin-linked Kraks also sound rather nice against light armor.
  • 3: Intrepid Leader - All Tempestus units within 12" of Warlord gain Stubborn. Alright for a trait.
  • 4: Grav-Chute Commandos - All deep-striking units can re-roll reserves. Also, the warlord and his platoon only roll d6" when deep-striking.
  • 5: Drill Chief - Any Tempestus units firing Hot-Shot Lasguns/Laspistols within 6" of the Warlord gain 6" extra range provided they didn't move in the last movement phase.
  • 6: Inspired Commander - Warlord gets +1 Leadership. Um....yay? (It's utterly wasted if you use a Lord Commissar)

Unit Analysis


  • Commissar/Lord Commissar - You've dealt with these guys before in the standard AM, they won't be too different here. Just remember that his effectiveness will seriously be put to the test since the Scions lack the raw manpower of the rank-and-file. This means that *BLAM*ming a goon costs much more than it normally would.
  • Tempestus Command Squad - They run like a basic command squad, with the need to buy stuff in exchange for their ability to shoot. However, their power is marred by the lack of advisers for use, though the ones that can fire gain the good stuff.


  • Tempestus Scions - Unlike the basic Militarum Codex, these guys are incapable of platooning it up, making each one a LOT more valuable. They still get to run the options they normally do though, but is this really all you want when this is your only choice for troops?

Deidicated Transports

  • Taurox Prime - The Troopers gain the neater Taurox, with the Russ cannon. It's great weakness still stands, as it's still as flimsy as papier mache. Note that if it's not taken as a Dedicated Transport, it counts as Fast Attack

Fast Attack

  • Valkyrie Squadron - Because of the decreased volume of troops, transport becomes more valuable. TAKE ONE NOW.



Unlike the ordinary Astra Militarum, the Tempestus forces have their own unique orders.

  • Directed Firestorm Sanctioned! (Otherwise known as First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire!) - When shooting, the ordered unit gets twin-linked. For the wins. FRFSRF is still the better command because volume of fire, but whatever gets the job done, eh?
  • Autonomous Fire Sanctioned! - Ordered Unit gets Preferred Enemy when shooting a target. Nice enough.
  • Close Assault Doctrine Sanctioned! - Ordered unit gets Crusader for the rest of the turn. I guess if you need some goons to die, then let them die in style!
  • Advance on Target! (Otherwise known as Move! Move! Move!) - Ordered unit gets Fleet.
  • Suppression Doctrine Sanctioned! (Otherwise known as Suppressive Fire!) - Ordered units firing Hot-Shot Laspistols/Lasguns can only fire one shot, but that shot gets Sniper and Pinning. Also, the scions cannot charge in the assault phase.
  • Elimination Protocol Sanctioned! (Otherwise known as Bring It Down!) - Ordered unit gets Rending against an enemy MC/Vehicle.


Battle Brothers

  • Astra Militarum - If you're allying with these mopes, then just smack yourself on the head. Are these new orders really worth shafting your manpower for?
  • Adepta Sororitas - They don't have anything better than you besides their AoF and power armor, so if you're expecting something effective out of this, don't waste your breath.
  • Blood Angels -
  • Dark Angels -
  • Imperial Knights - Taking these things can take a fuckton of heat from you. Just make sure the Knight can actually survive whatever you throw it at.
  • Inquisition - Do take them. They'll give you back some actually sturdy transports. Plus, you get a free allies slot!
  • Grey Knights -
  • Legion of the Damned - They might have some good armor, but don't trust on them to be there for you unless you made them warlord and rolled Never Too Late, Never Too Early. Don't forget to nab another ally, though.
  • Space Marines - Can take quite a few locator beacons to drop your guys where you want. A few drop pods and a scout bike squad can keep the enemy penned up and ready for the scions to drop in.
  • Space Wolves -

Allies of Convenience

  • Eldar -

Desperate Allies

  • Dark Eldar -
  • Tau -


Bizarrely, the Militarum Tempestus actually has Dataslate Formations in the same book as the actual army. Why they'd do it is anyone's question. Perhaps because you can't take platoons? It is how these guys can be a full army at any point level.

  • Airborne Assault Squadron - A Commissar, a Command Squad, and 3 Scions take 4 Valkyries as transport (And the Commissar must join one of the squads). Aside from the normal counts-as-one-unit Reserves rule, the formation also allows re-rolls for Grav-Chute Insertions and all disembarking units (Even by Grav-Chute) gain Split Fire and Twin-Linked. Just don't go thinking that you're gonna impress those Deffwing boys there.
  • Ground Assault Formation - The troops are the same as above, but now replace their Valkyries with Taurox Primes. This allows the them to begin on-field, but doing so forces them all to be on-field or force them all to be in Reserves (Which counts them all as one unit). Now any disembarking units gain Pinning and Twin-Linked for spam-happy asses to get shot at.