Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Orks(8E): Difference between revisions

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*'''Flash Gitz/Skarboyz''': Lets them act as if they don't interfere with Klan Kulturz. Okay, that's welcome.
*'''Flash Gitz/Skarboyz''': Lets them act as if they don't interfere with Klan Kulturz. Okay, that's welcome.

== Gubbinz ==
*'''Iron Gob/Bionik Skull''': An extra attack on the charge is one thing that'll be always welcome. This is your job, after all.
*''''Eavy Armor''': A 4+ save is better than what you get in most cases. Especially since Mega Armor is gone for your boss.
*'''Pretty Kolour Shield''': A refractor field in all but name. A 5++ like anyone else.
*'''Stikkfrags''': Makes your stikkbombs S4 in the event that you need them to be strong.
*'''Cybork Body''': Same as before, it's a 6+++ feel-no-pain variant.
*'''Blackstab Longtoof's Brand Camouflage''': In the event that you don't wanna be a kommabdo, this lets you remain able to benefit from their extra cover bonus.
*'''Grippo Bootz''': Gives a chance of a mortal wound on the charge. Pretty much a deadlier Iron Gob.
*'''Mikrobrew Fungus Beer''': Gives a last-minute save for your model if they're about to die, but it won't save them from anything else. If you save this for your boss, do be wary that this might not save them from the weight of attacks against him...or because it only works on a 5+.
*'''War Paint''': Cheap and can mess with nerve checks, as each kill in melee counts as double. Definitely keep on the choppiest model of the team.
*'''Grappling Hook''': Pretty much lets you ignore vertical movement. Auto-take depending on the map.
*'''Bionik Eye''': Ignoring penalties on shooting pretty much limit this to your lootaz and flash gitz.
*'''Bionik Arm''': Re-roll one attack out of a flurry for 3 points makes this pretty much a steal.
*'''Bionik Leg''': 5 points for 1" of movement? Pass. The second upgrade giving another inch is a bit more enticing, but still annoying.
*'''Personal Tellyporta''': Gives you a teleport-shunt like the terminators. Shoving 2d6" in a single direction is pretty nifty for a hasty retreat, and it's good for a charge.
*'''Bosspole''': '''IRRELEVANT'''. References a rule the Nob Boss no longer uses.
*'''Lookout Grot/Squig''': If targeted by anything that can target characters, this has a chance to force a re-roll. Could be just the thing to ruin a Scout for you.
*'''Attack Squig''': Brought back from the Index, you get one free basic attack.
Alongside the wargear included in the Codex, every list has their own list of extra Wargear for your models. The Orks have an abundance of awesome gear for their Team Leaders, but not a lot for their Core... Which doesn't matter much, as they ''are'' just cannon fodder, after all.
Alongside the wargear included in the Codex, every list has their own list of extra Wargear for your models. The Orks have an abundance of awesome gear for their Team Leaders, but not a lot for their Core... Which doesn't matter much, as they ''are'' just cannon fodder, after all.

*'''Waaagh! Banner''': A 0-1 hardcapped item, you know what this does.  Once per game orks within 12" gets +1WS and +1A, so bring it for your choppy boyz. Melee lists are not something everyone can do easily in Kill Team, but Orks are one of the few lists who are pretty decent at it, so if you feel like making an all melee-list, grab some Nobs of varying colours, some 'Ardboyz (Because regular Sluggas will be mauled before they can get a hit in most of the time) and this beauty on a Boss Nob in the thick of it and wreck face.
===Kustom Biz===
*'''Moar Powa!''': Guns get +1S and Gets Hot.  If it had Gets Hot before, they now can get it on a roll of 2 or 1. This isn't strictly necessary for any build, as Orks usually focus on more shots rather than higher strength shots, and as a lot of our weapons are fairly powerful already, the need for this one isn't too obvious. One ranged weapon in codex does benefit from it greatly - flashgit's snazzgun. STR6 means you get to deny FNP on T3 models and reliably wound tougher opponents like marines. Also a flashgit with juiced up snazzgun becomes a soft vehicle counter(and a fairly accurate one, for an ork). Statistically your snazzgun will vent in your arms every second shooting phase, resulting in quick death of it's owner since Flashgits are stuck at 6+ save. So get it on Kaptin with 4+ cape save, bring a mekboy with Moar Dakka to reroll 1's or at least get some ammo runts, you greedy git! And remember what Mekboss Unkla` Ben once said: "With Moar Powa comes moar responsibility... That, or enjoy your stupid gob melting inevitability!"
Gives you some direct upgrades for your models. Comes in multiple flavors.
*'''Buzzer Squig Stikkbomb''': ORKY BEES! A strange Haywire Grenade, except instead of Haywire, it forces targets to take a Pinning Test at -2I.  It's a fun tool to mess with people at least, but unreliable, and if your enemy ends up ducking behind cover even more, it will be hard to kill the git. Have some charging Ork at hand when this happens.
*'''Thudbomb''': It's a Krak Grenade.  Go wild.  Buy one, buy more, it's not barred by the rules governing grenades.

=== Leaders Only Items ===
====Melee Bitz====
*'''Sniffer Squig:''' If your enemies are trying to avoid fighting, this is the stuff. It makes infiltrators unable to be placed within 24" and negates hiding when within 12" of the model. Keep in mind, the Sniffer Squig is its own model and must be kept close to the Leader at all times - These ranges do NOT go from the Leader himself!
*'''Extra Stabby''': Cheap-ish add-on for +1 AP.
*'''Bosspole:''' Re-roll a 1-3 roll on the Mob Rule Table. Simple, effective, cheap. Keep in mind that you'll now squash a git more often, so bring more gits to even it out.
*'''Extra Choppy''': 4 points for a point of damage. Acceptable.
*'''Rok Solid:''' The model never suffers Concussive and Strikedown. Those USRs are so rare in the main game that it's not very useful, and in Kill Team they are even MORE useless. If you are facing an Astra Militarum Commander with the Vostroyan Shotgun it's useful, but it's otherwise waste of points. Has a fun name though.
*'''Squig Poison''': Your choppy bit always wounds on a 3+ (Except on vehicles), and if they already could you get a re-roll to wound. Very welcome for a prolonged fight against Primaris and other beefy boys.
*'''Trophy Rack:''' Gains Fear. Meeeeeh. If you can find something that gives a nerf to enemy Ld it might be fun, but the [[Dark Eldar]] use it better.
*'''Rokkit-Klaw/Rokkit-Saw''': Removes the penalty to hit on Killsaws and Power Klaws. You may now rely on them as your prime instruments of pain and death.
=== Boss Nob Only Items ===
*'''Hackier''': Choppa/Big Choppa only. Adds one extra attack on the choppa, which can turn the model into a true whirlwind of attacks.
*'''Metal Skull''': +1 T and gains the ability to do a single attack in melee that forces the enemy to make a Toughness Test or take an unsaveable wound. T5 is really freaking tough to deal with in Kill Team, but it's still 20 points, so if you buy it you can't take that squad of Sluggas you might want... Which you do.
*'''Threadkutta''': 10 points lets you force enemies to re-roll Invulns. Hooray.
*''''Ard Case''': Plain Feel No Pain. Good.  It'll will make some enemies simple pushovers and is trolly as hell for enemies dedicated to a few big hits rather than many small ones. Never, ever combine with the Metal Skull and a Mega-armour - Just don't. (Reverse psychology HO!)
*'''Ded Killy''': Negates any save-after-saves like Disgustingly Resilient. Well worth it if combined with something to guarantee the blows like Squig Poison.
*'''Spikey Bitz''': Hammer of Wrath. Really not necessary for any git other than Mega Armoured Nobs who might want to poke an eye out before everyone get to chop him. Also, way to steal the Chaos Marines' MO.
*'''Daemonik Thirst''': Hijacking daemon weapons actually improves your charges. Now whenever you toll a 1 or 2 for charge distance, it's automatically a 3. Well, this is the natural state of the ork, so it's worth it to guarantee the charge bonus.
*'''Meaner an' Greener''': Doubles your Inspiring Presence range. You might ask yourself - why? All Orks are stuck at Ld 7 (aside from Grots), so this is a washout. Well, leader's posspole allows to reroll 1-3 mob rule checks within Inspiring range. Combine it with Kaptin's hat and you get a very stubborn ork mob. As a bonus, it allows gretchins to roam further without getting mindlocked.
=== Kaptin Only Items ===
*'''Kaptin's Sword''': Power Sword with the ability to let all friendly models in the same combat as the wearer re-roll all Morale tests in that phase. Sweet, but take it mainly for AP 3, though rerolling Morale is helpful to avoid getting your gitz krumped prematurely. Kaptins are also good with shooty lists rather than crumby lists, as he has a lot of synergy with Flash Gitz, so reaaally think hard if you need it.
*'''Kaptin's Hat''': Hats make you a better leader, so it gives a straight-up 1+ Ld... Well, combined with the Sword it can allow you to really hold those gits in place so you won't need to hit them too often, and if you are keeping Flash Gitz around, keeping them from tasting dirt is a good thing, so they can keep the Snazzguns roaring.
*'''Kaptin's Cape''': 4+/6++ Armour, for 10 pts. Rad. The Kapin can't actually buy 'eavy armor, so the Cape is the only way you can upgrade his otherwise pathetic 6+ save. And if he's your leader, you are going to want some extra armor.
*'''Kaptin's Booty''': This wargear allows for one "booty" counter to be placed on one model or Squad on the enemy team - Your Kaptin and his Flash Gitz all gain Hatred against that sorry model, for when you ''really'' need to make sure they die on the first charge. I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record, but Kaptins are really not melee models, so Hatred is not the most fantastic thing, and especially not for Flash Gitz - Seriously, who would want to have Flash Gitz ''charge''?

=== Mek Only Items ===
====Ranged Bitz====
*'''Mega-Rumblah''': Replaces his overwatch with a 3" radius of difficult terrain. Shame that it doesn't hurt, but it'll stall like hell and will allow you Mek to stay close to the front lines. Keep in mind that the Mek Boss has the stats of a Nob, and so isn't too tempting to charge, so regular Meks might be better off with this.
*'''More Dakka''': Guns with Assault/Heavy 2 or higher only. Two more shots on that shoota might not sound like much, but then why aren't you throwing it on a Flash Git so he pretty much has a guaranteed chance of hitting someone?
*'''Bouncy Shield''': A 5++ invul that bounces any shots that aren't blasts or templates towards another unengaged unit.  This is a neat bonus, but don't forget that blasts and templates WILL hurt you. Funny as hell if used right, it does need you to stay within firing range and often more than what's advisable. No matter what, its basically our Refractor Field and it isn't even too expensive for that.
*'''Penetrata Rounds''': +1 AP for your gun.  
*'''More Dakka!''': Gives models within 6" re-rolls on 1 to-hitNot shabby, but it's a good support. Though this sound really meager, it's one of the best things to put on your Mek or Mek Boss - put a Mek with this between some Shoota squads and watch as their volume of fire suddenly ups a little bit. Try to use it with Flash Gitz as well for maximum carnage.
*'''Bigga Bore''': +1 S for the gun.
*'''Boom Time!''': If the Mek ever dies, he drops a small blast where he was that gives a S3 AP- hit to everyone inside. Pretty useless, as you won't want your Mek to be that close to anything. It could be a fun upgrade for a non-serious game:  Mek Boss geared for melee with Boom Time to give that last FUCK YOU before departing.
*'''Gitfinda''': +1 BS for your gun, which can make for some actually effective Ork shooting. Maybe even [[Ork Snipers]]...
*'''Kustom Tellyporta''': Exchanges charging to get a 2d6" shunt in any direction. Nice escape plan and great for support Meks - That Trukk is too far away? ZZAP. Enemies closing in? WUOP. Need to climb a building without using I? SPROING.
*'''More Kombi''': Lets you make combi-weapons out of anythingNo, seriously, anything...well, except other Kombi-weapons, so no triple-kombis.
*'''Pokkit Rokkit''': A Pistol-ranged blast weapon that has only one use. Useful if you wanna surprise an unaware foe, but is it really worth that? Note that it has the Flamer special rule. Use it to punish clumped up infantry or set important enemy models on fire and slow them down to a crawl, so your own heavy hitters can finish him off with a charge.
*'''Portyble''': Lets a heavy gun move and fire without issue. Totally worth it on the one loota with a gun you badly need.
=== Meganob Only Items ===
*'''Promethium Squig Fuel''': Skorchas/Burnas only. Adds +1 to wound, which does more than the Bigga Bore will.
*'''Kustom Generata''': Gives a 5++ Invul, but if he ever rolls a 1 on that save, kaboom! - Small Blast, S3 AP- hits all around. This doesn't remove the save though, and if you are in combat (which you should be with Meganobs) it's basically Boom Time! without the main requirement - death.
*'''Deep Pockitz''': Unavailable to weapons with random shots. Your ork can now overwatch twice, which is great for shootas.
*'''Autoslugga''': Turns your slugga into a 5-shot slugga. That's pretty freaking crazy there, and then to stack that on top of your swings? Best of luck, whoever's on the receiving end.
*'''Extra Snazz''': Snazzguns only. Your Snazzgun now triggers the extra shot on a 3+, meaning more bullets all the time.
*'''Fragga Rounds''': Assault weapons without random shots only. An extra point of BS within half the gun's max range is usually where your charging range is, and unless you've got some lootas or dedicated shoota boys, that tends to be charging range.

*''Bigga is Betta!'': +1 TP for a team with 10+ Nobz. Three guesses what you need here.
*''Go Fasta!'': +1 TP for a team with 10+ models with a move distance of 10+", meaning a majority of Stormboyz or Bikers.
*''Da Ground Shakes'': +1 TP for a team where everyone's movement is 6" or less, meaning most average ones.

==Tactical Actions==
==Tactical Actions==
*'''Fire 'Em Til They Glow! (1 TP)''': One model becomes a centerpoint as every {{W40kKeyword|<Klan>}} model within 3" fires all their shootas and sluggas twice in a turn. Sadly, this is pretty much either for mob removal or trying to drown a tough enemy in bullets.
*'''Da Stabby Bitz (1 TP)''': One model and all {{W40kKeyword|<Klan>}} model within 3" all get to benefit from a Stabby Bit worth 5 points or less for the turn. You've got plenty a few good ideas here, chiefly More Choppy on a Slugga horde or Squig Poison on a Leader.

==Unit Analysis==
==Unit Analysis==
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*'''0-1 Deff Kopta''': These goofy little things run like they have in the big 'dex.  Lots of shooty stuff, but still pretty flimsy.
*'''0-1 Deff Kopta''': These goofy little things run like they have in the big 'dex.  Lots of shooty stuff, but still pretty flimsy.
*'''0-1 Dok''': A weaker Painboy, but he remains the roaming bubble of an extra save, even if he lost anything else. Despite what you think, you'll be needing that bubble, and maybe an orderly or two.
*'''0-1 Dok''': A weaker Painboy, but he remains the roaming bubble of an extra save, even if he lost anything else. Despite what you think, you'll be needing that bubble, and maybe an orderly or two.
*'''Runtherd''': With Grots being more useful on their own, the reasons you'd pick this pretty much amount to needing a whole mob of grots actually able to hit someone.
*'''Runtherd''': With Grots being more useful on their own, the reasons you'd pick this pretty much amount to needing a whole mob of grots actually able to hit someone. This is unfortunately kinda iffy in regards to using the gunz
*'''0-3 Ork Gun''': The basic artillery (Kannon, Lobba, Zzap Gun) that give some basic and direct guns for your base grots to pilot. However, you need those grots to operate it, as nothing else can use them.
*'''Mek Gun''': Get more Grots to shield the artillery. They can also grab an Ammo Runt if you want a re-roll. Otherwise they're identical to the 'dex. You can only pick two guns. While powerful, it can be hindered by cover and buildings, so it can be rather situational, based on the map. This is when lobbas come into play since they have barrage special rule and thus do not require line of sight.
**'''0-3 Mek Gun''': On the same hardcap as Ork Gunz. Twice the price of a Big Gun, but they're a hell of a lot more FUN* in comparison. The Smasha's probably the best of the lot here, as the Bubblechucka's random as hell, the MegaKannon's got overheat issues unless you bring a Mek along, and the Tractor Cannon's useless in HoR, where flyers are nonexistent.
*'''Spanner''': A regular Mekboy. He can get a Killsaw for a hand, but it's hella expensive for it.  Get him an Oiler instead, it'll help more.
*'''Spanner''': A regular Mekboy. He can get a Killsaw for a hand, but it's hella expensive for it.  Get him an Oiler instead, it'll help more.
*'''Burna Boy''': They're Boyz.  With Burnas. Try hiding your Burnas in cover, in places where your opponent rarely looks - With a bit of luck, you can end up with a hilarious "Oh fuck, you had a Burna there all the time?!" moment.
*'''Burna Boy''': They're Boyz.  With Burnas. Try hiding your Burnas in cover, in places where your opponent rarely looks - With a bit of luck, you can end up with a hilarious "Oh fuck, you had a Burna there all the time?!" moment.

Revision as of 19:39, 14 August 2019

Orks are fun in Kill Team, and a suprisingly effective force. Where the main game has and aboundance of S Fuck Off, AP Screw You weaponry and so many guns your 30 Boyz doesn't stand a chance, Kill Team has more cover, less guns shooting at you and fewer high-power guns, which means that Orks can actually take a blow. Boyz have always been a very hardy, if slightly sporadic troop choice, now you have some of the most hardy infantry in the whole entire game, especially if you take 'Ard Armour too. On top of that, you have SO many different troops it isn't even fun, though many are limited to a small number of each, and some of the most tough Team Leaders out there (T 4 W 3 Sv 2+ Nob with Megaarmour? Cruel.) and the Boss Mek, who can take some outright goofy wargear and is fairly good at shooting to.

All in all, the Orks have kept their "quirky funny dudes" title in Kill Team - A lot of the new wargear is very entertaining when it works (Bouncy Shield - In Sovjet Russia, Plasma Cannon hits YOU!), but is generally just what you get in the main codex - Which isn't bad, really.

General Rules

  • Mob Rule: With squads being done away with, you'll need some way for your boyz to hold up to a fight. This allows them to replace their subpar Leadership with the number of fellow Orks within 12", so a big mob will be their advantage.
  • Deffskulls: This is amended to give all the benefits they normally get, but not the ObSec. Just as well, really.
  • Flash Gitz/Skarboyz: Lets them act as if they don't interfere with Klan Kulturz. Okay, that's welcome.


  • Iron Gob/Bionik Skull: An extra attack on the charge is one thing that'll be always welcome. This is your job, after all.
  • 'Eavy Armor: A 4+ save is better than what you get in most cases. Especially since Mega Armor is gone for your boss.
  • Pretty Kolour Shield: A refractor field in all but name. A 5++ like anyone else.
  • Stikkfrags: Makes your stikkbombs S4 in the event that you need them to be strong.
  • Cybork Body: Same as before, it's a 6+++ feel-no-pain variant.
  • Blackstab Longtoof's Brand Camouflage: In the event that you don't wanna be a kommabdo, this lets you remain able to benefit from their extra cover bonus.
  • Grippo Bootz: Gives a chance of a mortal wound on the charge. Pretty much a deadlier Iron Gob.
  • Mikrobrew Fungus Beer: Gives a last-minute save for your model if they're about to die, but it won't save them from anything else. If you save this for your boss, do be wary that this might not save them from the weight of attacks against him...or because it only works on a 5+.
  • War Paint: Cheap and can mess with nerve checks, as each kill in melee counts as double. Definitely keep on the choppiest model of the team.
  • Grappling Hook: Pretty much lets you ignore vertical movement. Auto-take depending on the map.
  • Bionik Eye: Ignoring penalties on shooting pretty much limit this to your lootaz and flash gitz.
  • Bionik Arm: Re-roll one attack out of a flurry for 3 points makes this pretty much a steal.
  • Bionik Leg: 5 points for 1" of movement? Pass. The second upgrade giving another inch is a bit more enticing, but still annoying.
  • Personal Tellyporta: Gives you a teleport-shunt like the terminators. Shoving 2d6" in a single direction is pretty nifty for a hasty retreat, and it's good for a charge.
  • Bosspole: IRRELEVANT. References a rule the Nob Boss no longer uses.
  • Lookout Grot/Squig: If targeted by anything that can target characters, this has a chance to force a re-roll. Could be just the thing to ruin a Scout for you.
  • Attack Squig: Brought back from the Index, you get one free basic attack.

Alongside the wargear included in the Codex, every list has their own list of extra Wargear for your models. The Orks have an abundance of awesome gear for their Team Leaders, but not a lot for their Core... Which doesn't matter much, as they are just cannon fodder, after all.

Kustom Biz

Gives you some direct upgrades for your models. Comes in multiple flavors.

Melee Bitz

  • Extra Stabby: Cheap-ish add-on for +1 AP.
  • Extra Choppy: 4 points for a point of damage. Acceptable.
  • Squig Poison: Your choppy bit always wounds on a 3+ (Except on vehicles), and if they already could you get a re-roll to wound. Very welcome for a prolonged fight against Primaris and other beefy boys.
  • Rokkit-Klaw/Rokkit-Saw: Removes the penalty to hit on Killsaws and Power Klaws. You may now rely on them as your prime instruments of pain and death.
  • Hackier: Choppa/Big Choppa only. Adds one extra attack on the choppa, which can turn the model into a true whirlwind of attacks.
  • Threadkutta: 10 points lets you force enemies to re-roll Invulns. Hooray.
  • Ded Killy: Negates any save-after-saves like Disgustingly Resilient. Well worth it if combined with something to guarantee the blows like Squig Poison.
  • Daemonik Thirst: Hijacking daemon weapons actually improves your charges. Now whenever you toll a 1 or 2 for charge distance, it's automatically a 3. Well, this is the natural state of the ork, so it's worth it to guarantee the charge bonus.

Ranged Bitz

  • More Dakka: Guns with Assault/Heavy 2 or higher only. Two more shots on that shoota might not sound like much, but then why aren't you throwing it on a Flash Git so he pretty much has a guaranteed chance of hitting someone?
  • Penetrata Rounds: +1 AP for your gun.
  • Bigga Bore: +1 S for the gun.
  • Gitfinda: +1 BS for your gun, which can make for some actually effective Ork shooting. Maybe even Ork Snipers...
  • More Kombi: Lets you make combi-weapons out of anything. No, seriously, anything...well, except other Kombi-weapons, so no triple-kombis.
  • Portyble: Lets a heavy gun move and fire without issue. Totally worth it on the one loota with a gun you badly need.
  • Promethium Squig Fuel: Skorchas/Burnas only. Adds +1 to wound, which does more than the Bigga Bore will.
  • Deep Pockitz: Unavailable to weapons with random shots. Your ork can now overwatch twice, which is great for shootas.
  • Autoslugga: Turns your slugga into a 5-shot slugga. That's pretty freaking crazy there, and then to stack that on top of your swings? Best of luck, whoever's on the receiving end.
  • Extra Snazz: Snazzguns only. Your Snazzgun now triggers the extra shot on a 3+, meaning more bullets all the time.
  • Fragga Rounds: Assault weapons without random shots only. An extra point of BS within half the gun's max range is usually where your charging range is, and unless you've got some lootas or dedicated shoota boys, that tends to be charging range.


  • Bigga is Betta!: +1 TP for a team with 10+ Nobz. Three guesses what you need here.
  • Go Fasta!: +1 TP for a team with 10+ models with a move distance of 10+", meaning a majority of Stormboyz or Bikers.
  • Da Ground Shakes: +1 TP for a team where everyone's movement is 6" or less, meaning most average ones.

Tactical Actions

  • Fire 'Em Til They Glow! (1 TP): One model becomes a centerpoint as every <Klan> model within 3" fires all their shootas and sluggas twice in a turn. Sadly, this is pretty much either for mob removal or trying to drown a tough enemy in bullets.
  • Da Stabby Bitz (1 TP): One model and all <Klan> model within 3" all get to benefit from a Stabby Bit worth 5 points or less for the turn. You've got plenty a few good ideas here, chiefly More Choppy on a Slugga horde or Squig Poison on a Leader.

Unit Analysis

Your FOC is as follows

  • Team Leader: 1 model.
  • Core: 1-30 models.
  • Special: 0-5 Models.


  • Boss Nob: He's pretty much straight from the codex with two more wounds and a nice WS 2+. He's pretty much a stand-in for the Warboss in terms of choices, so he's got variety, and with his ability to make Nobz core, you'll be welcoming the opportunity. Get upgrades like the Big Choppa, 'Ard Armour and Metul Skull, and you'll have a raw beast: No, he doesn't have any trick he does or any enemy he kills best, he's just hard and hits hard.
    • Biker Boss: The boss riding a bike. If the basic boss is tanky as-is, this makes you an even tankier and faster boss with a decent degree of mobility. It also helps that he removes the hardcap on bikers.
    • Stormboss: The Stormboy boss. You become freakishly fast, and while you lack the Warboss' 2+ WS, you're able to make it to any number of charges with your speed. And then you can let your uncapped list of Stormboyz follow suit.
    • Kommando Boss: He's actually a fair bit cheaper than the basic Boss. Doing this gives you Core Kommandos, so use if you're going to be leading them. Some favour the Boss Kommando simply for being easy to get into the front lines and for the incredibly strong cover saves. Never, ever place him in some ruin far away from the front lines with a Big Shoota, daring your enemy to try and dig him out. Ever. I dare you.
    • Tankbusta Boss: Rounding out the specialty-boss list is the Tankbusta, which is here to blow up anything heavy...Yyyeeeash, don't expect to see much use here. You won't be seeing many vehicles beyond the odd sentinel, and seeing that his weapons focus entirely on shooting up heavy AP with a poor BS, you'll be missing more than not. And don't expect removing the cap on Tankbustas to help much either.
  • Mek Boss: A Big Mek with one less wound. He's got himself quite a hefty list of equipment to make him worth more than the basic mechanic. Alongside the likely-unused repair rule, you grant an aura of 9" where Tactical Actions are forbidden (Awesome for fightan), a gun that teleports models, and another that robs an enemy of cover without needing to shoot a thing. Combine this with a wide list of inventory and the three kustom bitz afforded by being a Mek, and you have a powerhouse of a boss.
  • Weirdboss: Same as the codex with a missing wound, he's kinda stuck as-is and can only take basic wargear. Not very motivating a take up front, though he's by no means bad Remember that you can use powers, and THEN charge, which is actually really good for a model with a combat statline and a special combat weapon. Then again, he's 52 pts...
  • Kaptin: A boss taken right from the Flash Gitz, complete with an overwhelming addiction to Dakka and makes Flash Gitz Core. While he loses access to his only upgrades, he possesses access to Kustom Bitz equalled only by the Mek Boss.


  • Boy: A single boy will be useless, no contest. What you need is a whole bundle of boyz, each bristling with stats which see them crush guardsmen and gaunts. Especially considering that gathering 20+ boyz/'ardboyz/'skarboyz within 10" grants another attack, you'll be needing those bodies to complement your forces.
    • Nob: For every 10 boyz, you can take a nob. Twice the cost of a boy, but he's generally an ork+1 where it counts. He also provides some special weaponry normally inaccessible to the shoota/slugga boyz.
  • 'Ard Boy: A point for a bump to the save. They're otherwise pretty identical to the boyz, though that save lets them withstand bolters and still have a chance at living.
    • 'Ard Nob: Also about twice the price, also a straight upgrade for every 10 'Ard Boyz.
  • Skarboy: These guys are essentially mini-nobs, though their placement lies in between boy and nob. If you need an elite form of infantry and don't have a Boss Nob, these might be a decent stand-in for the Slugga/Shoota mob most would use.
  • 0-5 Warbiker: Already a good use for messing with the enemy, getting a Boss Nob on a bike gives them options for more to form a fleet of bikes and doom. Very, very dangerous if used right - Very, very easy to deal with if not. Use them as flankers, having one on each opposite side of the map, closing in on the enemy and forcing them to bunker up, so your melee powerhouses can get into a massive fight. Don't overestimate them, though - T5 4+ isn't all that survivable, the mobility has to make up for that.
  • 0-5 Stormboy: With the lack of heavy ordnance and other murderous things, these guys get to be more useful, especially alongside a Stormboss so they can get larger numbers. They function much the same as Kommandos, in the sense that they are best at jumping through rubble. Keep the high and keep them coming, and then charge down with all the green fury you can muster. It's still just an Ork, though, so make sure he hasn't got to kill that Sergeant alone.
  • Grot: So this boy had a big makeover. Gone are the runtherds. Gone is the pseudo-mindlock. Instead, you get a grot and get to add +1 to hit if surrounded by 3+ more grots. The only thing they're good for is padding out extra points in a list so you have some warm bodies...well, that and the specialties:
    • Ammo Runt: Turns your grot into a supporter, letting an ork within 3" re-roll a bad hit.
    • Grot Orderly: If a Dok within 3" fails their ability to save a model, then you can sacrifice this guy and re-roll it. Sure, you saved that model and all, but you just gave up a Grot for it. The one benefit of dying this way is that they're not counted as dead in a campaign.
    • Grot Oiler: Lets a Mek within 3" re-roll a Kustom Job roll, and you still remove this model like you do the Orderly.


  • Loota: Oh, that the flying fuck, HOR? You see those randomized deffguns? Now you can replace up to two of them with a metric fuckton of heavy weapons from all across the Codices. You pretty much have yourself the premier heavy platform here.
  • Flash Gitz: These guys remain gun-crazed, though they lack their saves. They can buy that back, at least, and get a Kustom Bit as well.
  • Nob: They run the same as before, though they do have some options for weapons, a cybork body, and the ability to buy a Tribal Banner for an aura of re-rolling 1s to hit in combat without being the boss. If you take a Boss Nob and need more firepower, you should get more.
    • Nob Biker: The faster and tougher nob. If you take them, it's for a good fast force to crush GEQs with.
    • MegaNob: The big killy TEQ, these guys can either go with Kombi-shootaz or replace his hands with killsaws to make murderous noise.
  • 0-1 Deff Kopta: These goofy little things run like they have in the big 'dex. Lots of shooty stuff, but still pretty flimsy.
  • 0-1 Dok: A weaker Painboy, but he remains the roaming bubble of an extra save, even if he lost anything else. Despite what you think, you'll be needing that bubble, and maybe an orderly or two.
  • Runtherd: With Grots being more useful on their own, the reasons you'd pick this pretty much amount to needing a whole mob of grots actually able to hit someone. This is unfortunately kinda iffy in regards to using the gunz
  • 0-3 Ork Gun: The basic artillery (Kannon, Lobba, Zzap Gun) that give some basic and direct guns for your base grots to pilot. However, you need those grots to operate it, as nothing else can use them.
    • 0-3 Mek Gun: On the same hardcap as Ork Gunz. Twice the price of a Big Gun, but they're a hell of a lot more FUN* in comparison. The Smasha's probably the best of the lot here, as the Bubblechucka's random as hell, the MegaKannon's got overheat issues unless you bring a Mek along, and the Tractor Cannon's useless in HoR, where flyers are nonexistent.
  • Spanner: A regular Mekboy. He can get a Killsaw for a hand, but it's hella expensive for it. Get him an Oiler instead, it'll help more.
  • Burna Boy: They're Boyz. With Burnas. Try hiding your Burnas in cover, in places where your opponent rarely looks - With a bit of luck, you can end up with a hilarious "Oh fuck, you had a Burna there all the time?!" moment.
  • Kommando: Same as the 'dex, with one being able to buy a Burna, a Rokkit Launcha, or a Big Shoota. If you get a Boss Kommando, they're able to get bigger numbers to aid the Leader. Don't underestimate the power of Line of Sight - Your opponent might not want to go out of their way to spot a single, lone Ork. Generally great for hogging objectives and cover.
    • Kommando Nob: Available for every 5 Kommandos. Bigger, nastier, and able to pick better choppy bitz.
  • Tankbusta: These are the same as codex, with two out of the five being able to purchase Tankhammers or pistols. Situational, depends on the amount of heavy armour you encounter. It's still best not to run a lot of these, as their tendency to flail around doing nothing is way too high to consider them valuable unless up against sentinels.
    • Tankbusta Nob: Available for every 5 Tankbustas. A basic stat-up for little benefit besides being a Nob.
    • Bomb Squig: You can take two for every five Tankbustas. They remain full-on kamikaze units, unable to cap anything while dying means nothing for the Rout check. If you do intend to blow them up, make sure you have plenty of bodies for it.