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| [[Image:Awesome.png|300px|thumb|right|Standard awesome image. If you don't know what it means, gb2/gaia/.]]
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| {{awesome}}
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| An image with a long, murky history with [[4chan]] and Something Awful. Popular with probably every board, including /tg/. In its primordial roots, it was created on a now-defunct [[Pokemon]] fansite (Pokemopolis) of all places, where it was known as the :cheesy: smiley. The creator also posted in on Something Awful, where the Goons made it into what it is now.
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| If someone replies to your post with this image attached, he is essentially saying something along the lines of "fuck you" or "you're a fucking retard". This person is probably correct, since the purpose of /tg/ is /to generate/ [[RAGE]].
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| Often blends with [[METAL]], which is similarly employed in irony against shit that's just too ''much''.
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| == What is Awesome ==
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| *[[Vecna]] is the primary example of awesome in [[D&D]], since he's the [[Batman]] [[wizard]] who broke the game so hard in 2nd edition, that he caused the edition change to 3rd. He avoids [[Mary Sue]]dom primarily by being awesome, and by ultimately losing, though he had a partial success since he ultimately went from demigod to lesser god.
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| * Some (not all) [[Old School Roleplaying|Old School]] modules in D&D - the ones which established the tropes. ''[[Scourge of the Slavelords|In the Dungeons of the Slavelords]]'', ''[[Tomb of Horrors]]'', and (as late as 1996) ''[[Gates of Firestorm Peak]]''. ''[[Rappan Athuk]]'' for that First Edition Feel.
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| ** A subset are old modules which are still playable, brought some interesting ideas, and are regarded with nostalgia; but are dated, to modern audiences. That would be a majority of 1e: ''e.g.'', ''[[Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth]]'' and ''[[White Plume Mountain]]''.
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| * ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'': a universe guided solely by Rule of Cool and [[GRIMDARK]], with the Imperium being the essence of [[Humanity Fuck Yeah]]. In eternal war against Extradimensional Cosmic Horrors straight out of [[H.P. Lovecraft]]'s worst nightmares.
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| ** In the lore itself, the biggest examples of awesome are the [[Adeptus Astartes]], [[Sanguinius]], [[Dante]], [[Kharn|Kharn the Betrayer]], the [[Lamenters]], [[Commissar Yarrick|Commissar Yarrick]], Scout Trooper MkVenner, [[Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt]], and [[Sly Marbo]]!
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| *In [[WFB|fantasy]], the second biggest example of awesome is FUCKING NORSCA. BECAUSE VIKINGS.
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| *If you play ''older editions'' of 40K, draw this face on your blast templates for lulz.
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| *In [[battletech]] there is a mech named the Awesome, it is indeed pretty awesome.
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| *But by far the most amazing and awesome of all is the king of all kings, [[Settra the Imperishable]] the most arrogant biggest egotistical lovable skeleton in all of warhammer.
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| *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8LNTCLQs0M/ BRIAN BLESSED!!!!]- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGZbU7tFr44/"GOTREK'S (Gordon) ALIVE!!!!"]
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| *You. You're awesome. Unless you're [[That Guy]].
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| * [[Old Man Henderson]]
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| * The glorious return of [[Makari]], the luckiest Git to ever live.
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| * [[Imperial Guard]]
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| ** [[Death Korps of Krieg]]
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| * [[JRR Tolkien]] telling the [[Nazis]] off during World War II for perverting northern European culture, and calling out their racist Aryan ideology for the crock it was.
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| ==External Links==
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| *[https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Awesome ED's awesome article, featuring XBAWKS HEUG gallery of Awesome mutations]
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| ==Gallery==
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| <gallery>
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| Image:Awesomecat.jpg|Awesome is back, IN CAT FORM!
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| Image:Red_spy.jpg|SPY SAPPIN MAH AWESOME
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| File:40k v starwars.jpg|AWESOME
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| File:Awesome guardsmen.jpg
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| File:Awesome Chaos.jpg | <s>Even Chaos can be a little awesome.</s> {{BLAM|HERESY!}}
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| File:Awesome Beholder.png
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| </gallery>
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| [[Category:Meme]]
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