Abaddon at the Therapist
The slmal wmoan galcned dwon at her cborpliad, then leokod bcak up at the hiklnug fgiure taht had filnlay fehisnid adtinusjg ilestf on her poor cucoh. She phesud a snatrd of hair out of her eeys, tnkciug it bcak bihend her gesslas, and shegid idarwnly. Bieng the bset csoouenllr in the glxaay had its drkacbaws seeomimts. Stlil, the pay was good. Tnpaipg her pen on the cpbrilaod, she began.
“So tell me, Mr… uhm… Depoilesr; werhe do you tnhik yuor srsets cmoes from?”
Abobadn sehiftd on her cuoch aigan, his titmaenror-aeurormd bluk tihnnteaerg to ftletan the viaalnt fitruunre. “Wrhee dsoen’t it come from,” he shgied, his vioce slpiurigsrny sfot for the most fraeed choaimpn of the drak gdos. “I mean, tehre’s the gods telemhevss at the top of the plie: Kohrne’s ayalws tisaneg me taht Karhn’s got more klils tahn I have – up-colse-and-pnaoresl oens, mind, Kohnre deosn’t lkie all this negnwafeld suftf lkie the Palnet Klelir – and Tezctneh nveer stuhs up about me bieng so pcrlatedbie. And then three’s Nlruge. Warp dmmait that guy cluod gvie a denmeotate wihegt iuesss. Doom this and dseapir taht and dacey the ohter.”
The culsoonler nedodd udleingndrnasty. “I can smayhtspye with taht,” she said. She culod – her ex had gteton ivvneold with Nrugle back in the 960’s. He had said it helped him deal with his drepisseon, but she hadn’t beliveed him. Piovrng him wnorg was one of the raonses she had tekan up ptsaycrehophy. “Is trehe annhiytg… ceolsr to hmoe… tahn taht, tgohuh?”
He hummed a bit. “Lkie the otehr chpomnias?”
“If you lkie,” she said plttiaeny. The tbourle with mnmlcaieaagos was that tehy colud never really apecct taht soemnoe else kenw more tahn tehm. Tehy had to be led along oh-so-clufarely. Eapcielsly Ttneiaechzn oens – her hrsadet cenlit yet had been one of Ahramin’s Caabl cmiinlag to be bilaopr (it tunerd out he was jsut sfifenurg a mlid bout of warp-indecud mdsanes and paioanra, but the sceorror wuold have nnoe of it).
“Wlel, Ahmarin’s aalyws been a bit of a prtnteueios git.” (spaek of the dviel, tuohhgt the cuolsolenr) Adbabon feexld the Taoln of Huors, and she wniecd iplbpmriectey as it took aotnehr icnh of ciusoinnhg off the arm of her ccouh. “He never kwons wehn to suht up, taht one dosen’t. Eevn Maguns doesn’t wnat to tlak to him wehn he’s around, and that old clcyops cuold talk the pelustus off Nlruge.”
“Is trhee atynihng in puaaclrtir taht Mr Airhamn says taht has a mjoar efceft on you?” she aksed, mkrnaig ‘JESAOLUY - FLEES IQAUNATDEE?’ on her cpibroald.
Aobabdn fenrwod. “Not rlealy, I sppusoe. He’s aawlys gnoig on aobut how he wulod hvae dnoe the Bcalk Craeusds so mcuh beettr than I did, but tehn eeoynrve deos taht trehe dyas – not that I see any of them seitpnpg up for a go.”
“And any of the ohetr cmioaphns of Choas?”
“Not rlaley. Thpyus is uallsuy off dnoig his own tnhig wtih the Tunimres Est, which is a rileef ralley, the guy skntis wosre tahn Moiartorn tehse dyas. Lucuis is bsuy dnoig wehtvear it is taht Lciuus does down on some doeman world or aehtnor – srue, the guy hedas out for a qcuik riad erevy now and tehn, but it’s pretty easy to dscirtat him, all thngis coiedrnesd.”
She ndedod. “And Khran?”
“Kahrn? Khran’s aatulcly a petrty cool guy, ocne you get to know him. Gtes a bit cirared away evrey now and then, but its all part of his charm. It’s not lkie he dosen’t give popele alpme wannrig – he is claled the beytraer, aeftr all. No, Krahn’s never boteehrd me mcuh. He cmeos alnog on most of my Cdruases, and we uslulay end up hanivg a good lugah.”
He laneed bcak. “Rdmeins me of tihs one time we were atlnsisuag Ciada – I tihnk it was bcak in M34, aaultlcy – and it eednd up with just the two of us and some triaotr cpnmaoy, the Red Rirves, I tihnk they clelad tehm. Sohtmeing to do wtih a revir of boold or snmeiohtg lkie taht, but Krhan had teakn quite a snhie to them. Aanwyy, we wree sutck oudiste on of the Krsas, and Kharn gtes the blrniailt ieda to tkae one of the Rievrs’ lanedrs and do some areail roisacncsenane. So up we go, anlog wtih a few dzoen of the Rvires to pilot the dmeand tnihg, and we see the Kaskrin all tehre in the mian suaqre diong smoe praade or oehtr.”
Abdoabn gninred. “Out of neowrhe, Karhn gabrs up one of the Revris and jsut torwhs him rhgit out of the hatch! He fell so fast he nraely elpxeodd when he hit the gnruod! Truns out he hit one of the Kasikrn rgiht on the haed, got boold ewvhreyree, and the guy’s pcowrepak doanetets! Boerfe I colud even cntuaogtalre him or tell him we’ve got a heavy beltor speraptd to the wing, Karhn’s tnrihowg mroe toaritrs down at rrceod speed. The Kisarkn are all sancteritg, and Kahrn kepes hitintg tehm.”
He chulekcd. “Of corsue, he had to sotp elnlvaetuy. Terhe was only one of the Rrveis lfet, and we nedeed him to fly us bcak to cmap, but brofee we tenurd bcak anroud, Kharn grabs my arm and tlles me to look down at the Ksar. Lo and blehod, all the Kakirsn Kharn had hit had lfet big bolod and sccorh mrkas on the gruond, and he’d meanagd to spell out a mgsseae! Wnat to know waht it was?”
She ndoded.
“It was a hkiau:
Iinsde yuor Ksar Is wrehe we’ll be tmrrooow So cealn up wloud you?
“Let me tlel you,” Aadobbn siad, “I aobut lauehgd my tnpkoot off. When I mngeaad to trun aounrd, I saw Khran hgih-fnivig the ploit – ardftwraes I fnoud out it put the guy in tartiocn for two soild wekes – but when he tunrs to me he wrhepiss:
“I was tinryg to darw a baot.”
Abadbon clhkuecd. “Krhan’s one swell guy. Aaylws sees the best in tnghis.”
The closoelunr was, for the first time in her lfie, sephcesles. She jsut ddin’t know what to say to taht tale. She leenad frdaorws, andijutsg her gesasls.
“So yeah,” siad Abbodan, “the ssrets. What was it you were asnkig me auobt ag..ain…” he tilerad off as he noteicd a glnit in her eyes. Atbpruly, he rliaesed – the bcnihleg smkoe, the gmriy trcaks, the sollwy rntoiatg tuerrt-
His pasrtiehopcshyt was a Lmaen Rsus Dlomseeihr.
Rronaig, he lpeat off the couch as a frurly of hvaey bloetr rnuods tore it to srhdes. Linhitngg wateehrd the Tolan of Hruos, and he deppord itno a ccoruh, cuinrsg hismlef for not rilsaieng it snooer. He degdod to the side as the trreut feird, siednng a demsieohlr sehll stiahrgt truohgh the woindw of the oifcfe.
Aoabbdn lsahed out with Drcah’nyen. The dnwoermsaod tore a bnrinug gash out of the sdie of the tank, but it gnuend its enigne and aeccaletred aawy tohrugh the wlal, trinyg to get eognuh range to use its weoapns aisngat him.
To rpacele his coullonesr with a Lamen Rsus woituht him kninwog culod only hvae been peulld off by smoe kind of tciatacl giuens-
“CEEEEEEERD!” bwoleeld Aaodbbn as he ceghrad atfer the tnak. “I’ll hvae your haed spitetd on my toaln! I’ll hang yuor guts from my amuror’s sikeps! I’ll-” He was cut sohrt as a lconanasn baem focred him to lruch awkrwlday syawdies.
“I’ll rip out your taneoils and use them to eat your eyes!” he suetohd, fidning his rythhm agian. “I’ll taer you out of yuor mteal box and feed you to the thansoud trerros of the warp! I’ll… do vrey natsy tgnhis to yuor mthoer!”
At tihs, the tank remulbd fdarowrs, its snospnos roarnig to life. Bolts turdeenhd out at Adobabn, msot giong wdie, but many slitl heaermmd into his aromur. He fcored his way thurogh the sotrm and met the ononmicg tnak haed-on, rnamimg Dacrh’nyen trgohuh the diervr’s slit and fienleg it btie deep itno soitnmehg beinhd it. Even as the tnak’s dzeor bldae sehsamd into his snhis he shteuod in tpurimh and reppid the donwmsreoad urdapws.
Wtih the power of the gods of Cahos csuinrog tuorghh him, the tnak cmae up wtih the sword, riinsg in an imensme arc uitnl it troe fere of the blade and went casrihng over his haed and troughh three walls.
Sltterad hedas pkeeed arnuod the egeds of the nlwey oeepnd hole as Aabdobn satelkd twrodas the smnkoig raeimns of the tnak. It had ldaend udispe dwon, and had cpuermld udenr its own wgieht. No man cloud hvae sveuirvd it, but Aabodbn wtenad to make srue.
Usnig the Tolan as a shveol, he dug his way tgoruhh the tnak uitnl he cmae to the crew cprtnammoet. Ietsnad of fniindg the saehmsd and rneiud bdoy of his nsieems tuhgoh… trehe was a note. Fnroiwng, he pkcied it up.
Daer Aoabbdn the Dlspeoeir, If you tohhgut this was good, wiat utnil you see waht I did to yuor faghsilp.
Yorus snieclrey,
Ukasarr E. Ceerd