Aberrant: Siege
Based HEAVILY on [1]
Birth Name: Julian Nova Name: Siege Concept: The Batman to Yue's Superman, with a little Rorschach/Deadpool mixed in. Player: Siege Virtue: Vice: Allegiance: None
- Experience: /
(Write experience points as "unspent / total", plz.)
(Write your background here. I like short, concise, to-the-point backgrounds that tell me all the important things you want me to know about your character. This space is meant mostly for character history, but try and talk a bit about his personality as well.)
(What other people see when they look at your character.)
Attributes and Abilities
(I should not need to explain this, but you only start with a free dot in attributes. Not abilities or mega-attributes.)
Strength ●● Perception ●● Appearance ● Mega Mega Mega Brawl ● Awareness ●●● Intimidation Melee ● Gunnery Style Might Investigation Dexterity ●●● Intelligence ●●● Manipulation ●●● Mega Mega Mega Athletics Academics Interrogation Drive ● Bureaucracy Subterfuge Firearms ● Computer ● Pilot Engineering Charisma ●● Stealth ● Medicine Mega Science Command Strategy ●● Etiquette Perform Stamina ●● Wits ●●● Mega Mega Endurance ●● Art ● Business Intrusion ● Rapport ●●● Streetwise ●●
Specialties and Qualities
- Computer - OPNet
- Perception - Observant
- Mega-Appearance - Enticing
- Attribute - Name - Effect
Merits, Flaws, and Augmentations
- Merit - ●
- Flaw - ●
- Augmentation - Effect - XP
Quantum: ●
Quantum Pool: 22/22
Temporary Taint:
'Permanent Taint:
Willpower: 3/3
Quantum Powers
- Quantum Bolt ●●●●● - Level: 2 - Dice Pool: Dexterity + Quantum Bolt - Range: Rifle - Area: N/A - Duration: Action - Multiple Actions: Yes
Effect: An energy blast that can deal either Lethal or Bashing damage. (Power Rating x 6) damage with [Power Rating + (Quantum x 2)] automatic successes and has an AP of (Power Rating) and a Rate of Fire of (Quantum + Power Rating) x 5.
Dodge DV:
Parry DV:
Power Block DV (Power Name):
Power Block DV (Power Name):
Power Block DV (Power Name):
Natural: 0B/0L/0A Power: 0B/0L/0A Armored: 0B/0L/0A Total: 0B/0L/0A
- Attack Name - Attack Pool - Damage Pool - Range/Special
- Attack Name - Attack Pool - Damage Pool - Range/Special
- Attack Name - Attack Pool - Damage Pool - Range/Special
□ -0
□ -1
□ -1
□ -2
□ -2
□ -4
□ Incapacitated
□ Dead
(It's helpful if you write down how you spent your BP and XP.)
Cheat Sheet
- Initiative: (Dexterity + Wits)
- Natural Bashing Soak: Stamina + (Mega-Stamina * 2) + Quantum
- Natural Lethal Soak: Stamina/2 + Mega-Stamina + Quantum
- Natural Aggravated Soak: Quantum/2
- Dodge DV: (Dexterity + Athletics)
- Parry DV: (Dexterity + Brawl/Melee + Weapon Defense)
- Power Block DV: (Dexterity + Power Rating)
- Walk: (5 + Dexterity) km/h
- Run: (10 + [Dexterity x 2]) km/h
- Combat movement speeds are based on Dexterity + Athletics rolls rather than on fixed movement speeds.
- At Stamina 3 and every odd point thereafter, (5, 7, 9, etc.), the Nova gains an additional health level, going in the order of -0/-1/-2/-4.
- Each dot of Quantum after the first grants an additional -0 health level.
- Each dot of Mega-Strength grants an additional -0 health level.
- Each dot of Mega-Stamina grants 1x -0, 1x -1, 1x -2, 1x -4, and 1x Incapacitated Health Levels