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"There is a sleeping giant. Let him sleep! For when he wakes, he will shake the world." ~ Napoleon, accurately describing our situation in the 21st century

China/Qing Dynasty at its greatest extent, an overloading land-hog and a source for all the Chinatowns in the world

When people say Asia, the first thing that would pop in their heads is China (Much to the other Asians dismay). China as we all know, is one of the Oldest As Fuck Civilizations that is still flexing their geopolitical muscles, with a history that spends over 5000 years and is still kicking. How old are they? they were already making high city walls and Empires when the Glorious Romans were still living in mud huts, yeah that fucking old. Only the likes of the Egyptian Dynasties, Mesopotamia, Babylonian Empire, India and other early Middle-Eastern/Euro-African Empires rivaled or surpasses it in sheer age and unlike China, they are all dead. Furthermore, unlike most civilizations which had one Golden Age in its lifetime, China had Three Golden Ages. However unlike the others listed (With the exception of India) who unfortunately suffered the common symptoms of civilization heart attacks, coronary barbarian infections or outright annexations, China and to some extent India manage to survive by sheer isolation. China is also known for their Celestial Dragon Emprahs, multiple imperial Dynasties, overpoweringly influential, being too unusually advance for their age for nearly 2000 years, "Four Great Inventions" (Compass, Gunpowder, Paper and Printing), Confucius, martial arts and Chinese New Year. Although they are now recently known to be Communists "In name only", Closet Capitalists that's actually more Capitalistic then the US of A, (in the uninhibited Grimdark way that leftists and Marx in particular constantly rail against), tag-teaming with Russia so that they can constantly piss America off 24/7 for the lulz, making a critical economic partner out of the only state capable of threatening it or manufacturing everything you buy in very, very poor quality.

On a much more unfortunate note, China was also known as being a bunch of incredibly Arrogant and Egoistical Cockhats with a massive Superiority Complex that made even the Stiff Upper-Lip British look like Gandhi in comparison. In a more simplified note, they viewed themselves and their civilization as the, "Center of the Universe and only civilization on the planet, that is unfortunately surrounded by filthy uncivilized barbarians and animals that want to pillage China because their soooooo jealous of our cultural enlightenment and achievements". Tl;dr sounds fucking familiar to you?

To give you a clue on how Egoistical China was, check a look on the list of the amount of honorifics they get, yes even the fucking nicknames of China make the British "Empire where the Sun never Set" look amateur in comparison. These honorifics are....

  • Middle Kingdom
  • Celestial Empire/Kingdom
  • Heavenly Empire/Kingdom
  • Center Kingdom
  • Universal Civilization
  • Land of the Heavenly, Celestial...(Pick the name of whichever Chinese Dynasty here)
  • Empire of the Great Ming
  • Empire of the Great Qing
  • Great Chinese Empire
  • Sleeping Giant of Asia
  • Sleeping Dragon of Asia
  • Land of the Dragon Emperor
  • The Roman Empire of the East
  • Cradle of Civilization of the East

And my personal favorite....

  • The Empire so damn rich and wealthy, that even with all the treaties it had to pay in the 19th century, it still had a GDP twice that of the entire US economy today

Chinese Analogues in Fantasy or Fiction

Due to its exoticism and age, there are a couple of Chinese inspired Empires in Fantasy or Fiction.

  • Eldar - Despite having weapons like Shuriken Catapults and Celtic names, the Eldar is actually more Chinese inspired. Examples include the cultural and historical arrogance, being incredibly advance for their era, martial arts, phoenix and dragon worshiping, being fantastic racists to everyone else and the obvious Yin-Yang symbols in some of the Eldar artworks.
  • Cathay - Based on the old name for China, this is deliberate and perfect example.
  • Command & Conquer: Generals - One of the main playable factions is Communist China.
  • Eastasia - One of the three Superpowers in the book George Orwell's 1984. Although nobody really knows who is really the leader of Eastasia, the most likely and realistic candidate is China.
  • Dynasty Warriors - A weeby as hell video game series presenting a very loose interpretation of the Three Kingdoms era of China, where wise men really are magicians and Guan Yu really is an unstoppable god of war. Stomp shit as the more famous officers of Wei, Wu and Shu (and Jin in later games), or stomp more shit as the unstoppable Lu Bu if you're so inclined.
  • Jade Dynasty - similar to Dynasty Warriors, but in MMO style.
  • Easterlings - The Movies depicted them as Persians with Chinese influence, while GW based most of their models on Samurais.
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender: Borrows a lot from a whole bunch of different Asian cultures including Korea, Southeast Asia, Tibet, India, Japan and even a few American cultures such as the Inuit and the Aztecs, but more than anything else it borrows from the Chinese.
  • Exalted - carries many wuxia (and by extension Chinese) influences. They can be found in the game's general aesthetics, its supernatural martial arts styles and its celestial bureaucracy (albeit the last having a more classical Olympian pantheon on top of it). The setting's geopolitical superpower at the center of the world, the Realm, is arguably pretty Chinese, although it's also pretty Japanese, Roman and Persian at the same time.