Aelfborn are an unstable and cursed race of human/elf hybrids - more powerful than the standard half-elf, but also afflicted with almost incurable madness. They originated in the videogame Shadowbane, but were converted into a race for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition in the article "Silicon Sorcery" in Dragon Magazine #307.
Physically, an aelfborn is lithe and sleek, though more robust than their elf progenitor, with an elf-like homogenous honeyed complexion contrasted by hair of bone white, jet black, or all shades and combinations of brunette, blonde and red. The volatile nature of their mixed blood makes aelfborn sterile, and also gives them drastically shortened lifespans; they burn out around the age of 80. Worse than that, the combination of human passion and elfin intensity leaves every single aelfborn consumed by madness - they're all insane, though this takes myriad forms, ranging from multiple personalities to fits of homicidal bloodlust to murderous pyromania. What's more, their insanity is a fluid thing, ebbing and flowing with unpredictable tides - and when it waxes, it waxes strong, giving them a terrible reputation amongst other races.
To try and alleviate the worst of their madness, the aelfborn have invented arcane sigils that strengthen one's will and allow them to hold the insanity at bay. These runes are tattooed onto an aelborn's face at birth, and should their power be suppressed, then their insanity will instantly boil to the surface.
For obvious reasons, aelfborn are a sadly friendless race. Elves see them as the worst of their own species, but also further sullied by human frailties. Other races generally don't trust them - half-orcs tend to be the most welcoming of their sporadically wild, and often violent or destructive, behavior. Of course, other monstrous races with similar savage temperaments like hagspawn or gnolls could easily be just as welcoming. Faced with such hostility, aelfborn tend to respond by becoming cold and distrustful, weaving a protective shell of spite and scorn about themselves to cope with life in a world where they will probably never have anyone - on the other hand, it also makes them fiercely loyal if treated with kindness and respect.
As a short-lived, sterile race, as well as one with such a terrible reputation, aelfborn numbers are few, reducing the race to scattered individuals - there's simply no way for them to form long-lasting communities of their own kind, since they depend on pairing elves and humans to produce more of their kind. It is perhaps little surprise that most aelfborn become adventurers, or at least nomads or hermits - they find nature inherently comforting, often seeing the way its serenity envelops savage brutality as the perfect analogy for their own condition. They are most likely to revere nature deities, for this reason, or turn to gods that embrace chaos, madness and destruction.
In the article, a sidebar titled "For Your Campaign" specifically draws attention to the differences between Half-Elves and aelfborn, and suggests that exploring the differences between the two - if they inhabit the same setting - could make for intriguing plot development.
3e PC Stats
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
- Medium
- Speed 30 feet
- Low-light Vision
- Bonus Feat: An Aelfborn gains one bonus feat based on their starting class at 1st level. They can instead take Skill Focus in a class skill.
- Bonus Skill Focus: An aelfborn gains a Skill Focus feat for free at every 5th level.
- Elven Blood: Aelfborn are treated as elves for special abilities and effects that check race.
- Elven Senses: Aelfborn gain a +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks.
- Madness: Aelfborn lose 1 point of Wisdom at every 2nd level (level 2, level 4, etc).
- Tattoos of Sanity (Su): If an aelfborn has the magical tattoos it bears suppressed by an anti-magic effect, they must make a DC 10 Will Save each round or suffer the effects of a Confusion spell until the tattoo's magic is returned.
- Favored Class: Ranger