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Revision as of 04:22, 31 October 2014 by 1d4chan>Emerald Claw (In Game: I think Eldrazi is both plural and singular)
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"On this plane, the use of magic can provoke a ferocious reprisal from nature. Whoever the Eldrazi were, their relics left Zendikar forever enraged"- Jace Beleren

The Eldrazi are a long dead ancient race native to Zendikar. They had a huge boner for even huger statues and wacky architecture. Just kidding, they are mindless lovecraftian abominations with an appetite that makes Tyranids look anorexic. When Tyranids are through with a world there is at least a barren piece of rock. They also make tyranids seem like natives to wherever they are attacking. These cosmic horrors are so alien they don't even truly enter the plane they feed on. They have their (physical) shadows go in. Then the shadows go super organism, creating lesser Eldrazi and swarms of brood that devour the plane of mana and life energy while the actual Eldrazi Titans (e.i. the actual Eldrazi) just chill in their home, the Blind Eternities. These shadows are represented as creatures, and drones aside, colorless creatures. The only other colorless creatures are artifacts and morphed permanents.

In Game

First off, players, and WotC, generally only call straight up Eldrazi (as in no other creature subtypes) "Eldrazi", so thats what we are gonna do here. The Eldrazi are fatties, the weakest one is a 7/7 (and by the way, thats a common). Thematically you are supposed to get Eldrazi Spawn out before you get out your Eldrazi, to help (or flat out entirely) pay for Eldrazi. This is entirely viable. Eldrazi spawn are 0/1 creatures that you can sac to gain 1 colorless man. Every Eldrazi has the annihilator keyword ability. When a creature with a annihilator attacks, the defending player sacs a specific number of permanents, because, you know, the fucking plane is falling apart. Annihilator is a very scary keyword ability, so in a multiplayer game its probably wise to stay away from having it unless you're okay with getting ganged up on by EVERYBODY! Between annihilator and Eldrazi Spawn, its probably a good idea to have things that benefit when something gets sacrificed, like Mortician Beetle (which, you may have noticed came out at the same time as the Eldrazi tribal cards). If one of the 3 Eldrazi Titans ends up in your graveyard, you shuffle your entire graveyard into your library. So Eldrazi Titans can be used as mythic rare anti-library-to-graveyard mill tech when the format allows.