Erik System Crash System
Alright tg, this is a starting point, but I'm all about KISS in my crunch (KISS means Keep It Simple Stupid). For the Server Crash Fluff, follow the link.
Character Creation
Stats for the 'human' limit go from 1-10. You get 100 Points to distribute your stats, powers, and skills.
Interface - The ability to competently interact with the environment and other intelligences.
Power - offensive ability.
Capacity - size, determines how much data you can drag along and how large you are, might severely impact "movement", i.e. when you are a hulking block of tools or just the bare bone ware.
Data scanning - The ability to assess code and the environment.
Integration - the opposite of one's humanity; the closer you are to pure code, the more integrated you are. Take care! Become too integrated and you become nothing BUT code, a special kind of PC death.
Average NPC user
This is an example user that gets by harvesting data from inside the web-fort, having a family of little users, and is mostly average in terms of everything else. This is a 'starting point', just to have an idea of what normal is.
Job-bob, Data Farmer
Total Points: 40
Interface (FACE): 3
Power (POW): 3
Capacity (CAP): 3
Data Scanning (DS):3
Integration (INT):3
Corruption Capacity (CC): - 12
Search Bar (Local, /tg/ Fort) = 5
Program Goods .exe = 5
Resolution of Actions
Subtract your relevant skills vs. opponent's relevant skills or static challenges, minimum of 1. Roll that many d10 to see how affective you are. You could also directly roll against an opponent's stats or with your own stats, though this is rarer. For example, Hacker Bob is rolling his Power vs. a static challenge -- he's trying to crack open a firewall that's blocking the party's path. The static challenge is 6 (it's a tough wall) but Hacker Bob's Power is a 9. He rolls 3d10 (9-6=3) to see is he can get through.
1-5: Critical Miss
6-10: Failure
11-20: Success
21-30: Improved Success
31-40: Major Success
41+: Major Success + Resource
Resource Points
Everyone has 0 resources when starting, you can earn more by getting over 40 on a check or by taking PERMANENT Humanity damage. These represent a kind of willpower that your humanity can use, possibly even a meatspace physicality that no one in the WebForts can really track down.
Things you can use resource points for by any class:
- Use a skill you are too damaged to access.
- Heal 1 damage from any stat but humanity.
- Start accessing a new skill tree.
- Advance an old skill tree.
Bonus resources you win can only be won by doing something meaningful in game to progress thru any current story arcs. This is up to a GM to decide whether your action does so.
Design note - This makes players DO stuff and keeps people from IRL lurking in their games. Also, it builds momentum as you get enough resources to pull off major class skills during a session at the climax.
Damage and the Corruption Stat
Cybers, viruses and Olds primarily damage you by driving up your Corruption level. The more Corrupted your data becomes, the harder it is to function, and after a certain point you can't function at all! Your growing inability to function is reflected by a universal generic modifier to all dice you roll -- 10% of your total Corruption, rounded down. Once your Corruption exceeds your maximum threshold [(Integration)+(Capacity)x(Level)x2], you can take no more actions until you are healed. If you exceed three times this limit, you have become too corrupted to repair and have a copy activated... if you are lucky enough to be able to afford one.
In order to heal a corrupted ally, a character makes a Reconstruction roll vs. a static challenge equal to half of the total Corruption of said ally. On a success, the Corruption is reset to 0. On a failure, half of the total Corruption is added again.
All actions in combat are measure in milliseconds. For example, Hacker Joe uses pingblade.exe, a basic attack, which takes 2 ms to use. If you have a Cracker using powerful code to burn up swarm of weak virii, it could take 20 ms but deal massive damage to an area.
Rounds are called milliseconds because they take a millisecond of time, a standard in computer science. Different actions will take a different number of rounds. Eventually, there should be ways to abort certain actions before the prescribed number of rounds.
Coming soon!
Virus Rider
No human understands how a virus works more than the virus rider. They've taken programming and reprogramming virii and Cybers into an art form, and exhibit their art with bravado. By riding the virii they have coded or tamed, they are able to increase the potency of their pet's abilities. There are, generally speaking, two Virus Rider schools of thought: overtake your opponents with swarms of virii or use virus riding to pump up the power of a single beastly pet. Very few have the experience and knowledge necessary to do both. Main stat is Interface.
- Control Virus
- Multiply Virus
- Amplify Virus
- Resist Corruption
Wizard type who uses hacks and other .exe files to buff himself and his allies, debuff his opponents through glitches and exploit files, and use hacks to provide a host of utilities and information gathering. When a powerful hacker's about, no data is private! Main stat is Interface.
- Modify Value - (Integration cannot be modified.)
- Open System
- Exploit: .exe ranged
- All .exe allowed, except Cracker and Lurker
- End Process
Wizard type who uses cracks, hacks and other .exe files to take the offensive against Cybers. Fear the Cracker who has backups of his persona! Some .exe files are powerful enough to even take out the user in the blast! Main stat is Power.
- Allow Cracker .exe
- Exploit: .exe ranged
- Brute Force
Script Kiddie
Warrior type who creates nothing but is a master at wielding programs. A Script Kiddie's best friend is a Coder who can use the things they have programmed to their full advantage. Master of knowing how and when to use a lot of files. Main stat is Power.
- Amplify .exe (effectiveness x 1.5+(5% level))
- Direct Denial (of Service)
- Batch Files
- Make It Work!
The Lurker is one part internet ranger and one part security-subverting net-rogue. If you need to traverse tough terrain, bypass a Cyber's firewalls for a critical hit, or get where the Internet doesn't want you to be, a Lurker is essential to have around. Main stat is Data Scanning.
- Search Bar Mastery
- Firewall Avoidance
- Allow Lurker .exe
Programming: Virus
- Investing into this tree allows more powerful virii to be created.
Program Virii Mount
Program Virii Swarmling
Program Cyber
- This path requires a level perquisite.
Program Trojan
- This path requires a level perquisite and a certain amount of ranks in the Programming: Virus tree.
Programming: .exe
- Investing into this tree allows more powerful .exes to be created.
Program Weapon .exe
Cost - 10 points x total Weapon .exe level.
Check - InterFACE + Weapon .exe
This lets you create temporary 'weapons' for you or your friends to use. These can be a specific or as generic as you want. The weapons listed are all personal range. There will be some basic weapons below.
Minor Success - Creates a weapon that deals 1d10 corruption.
Success - Creates a weapon that deals 2d10 corruption.
Improved Success - Creates a weapon that deals the user's (POW)d10 in corruption. This is the standard weapon damage.
Major Success - Creates a weapon that deals the user's (POW)d10 and (INT)d10 in corruption.
Modifiers: Adding range adds +5 to difficulty for each step of range, to a max of "long". Adding a glitch modifies each die by -1.
Program Hacker .exe
Program Cracker .exe
Program Lurker .exe
- Investing into this path increases the chance of successful Reconstruction.
Link Sense
- Successful Link Sense checks will yield information about a link's destination. Higher successes will reveal harder to find information.
Command Line
Security Bypass
Firewall Bypass
Password Crack
Modify Value: Interface
Modify Value: Power
Modify Value: Capacity
Modify Value: Data Scanning
Modify Non-Manipulation Skill Value
- Investing into this skill path will allow greater increases for longer periods of time.
Forced Interface: Charm
Forced Interface: Frighten
Forced Interface: Instigate
Conventional Skills
Modify Transparency
- Investing into this path allows one to become progressively more difficult to spot.
Suppress Audio
- Investing into this path allows one to become progressively more difficult to hear.
Search Bar: Virus
Search Bar: Cyber
Search Bar: History
Search Bar: Local
Cost Per Level - 5
Stats to Roll - None
You must have a seperate Search Bar: Local for each area. If you hit 40+ and want the resource, the question asked must get you to the next part of the arc. Also, you can only get 1 resource per game with this skill.
By making a successful check, you can use your knowledge and experience of the area to locate goods and services, find people, and know the 'customs' that a certain webfort implements.
Minor Success - Know where the center of activity is, famous landmarks.
Success - Able to point out specific services, relaxation centers, data trade centers and other helpful tidbits.
Improved Success - Can find 'celebrities' and other well-known people and where they hang out, as well as activities that the admins shouldn't know about. (You know Leetz has a n00d pix trade in his basement? I know someone who deals with him all the time.)
Major Success - Should be able to answer roughly any ONE question. When using this, if you hit this success, you have to hit it for each 'specific' question of the area.
Modifications: The size of the area will give each dice roll an modifier based on the size. An average webfort gives no rolls. A tiny outpost gives you +2 to each roll. A massive uncorrupt area like would give someone a -2.
Search Bar: Lore
Firewall Mastery
- Crackers and Hackers will experience -3 per die per rank above 3. Virus Riders and Lurkers will experience -3 per die per rank above 5. Script Kiddies will experience -2 per die at rank 10.
Admin: Usually an older generation, the Admin is the protector of the webforts. Where programmers create new data, lurkers find data, Admin's protect the pix and data from those who want it. After all, the acculumation of all that info caused the Internet to become aware, so by keeping data secret and safe are they able to generate their own power. This user saves pix and exes, and their 'system' contained millions of terabytes of old info. Of course, KNOWING how they've organized it, how to save it, and how to retrieve it takes up lots of mental work and only the best can save new data generated these days. However, even with a temporary knowledge, they can recall old versions of avatars and exes that 'worked better' whether from damage or what not. Of course, to bring someone back fully requires them to integrate more. Main stat is System. THIS SHOULD NOT BE A PC CLASS, AND ADMINS ARE COMPLETE USELESS OUTSIDE OF THEIR SERVERS/WEBFORTS.
Feel free to design skills, more classes, and mod these. Do use a tiered system where skills and stats lead into COOLER skills and stats. Kind of like the 'tree' system Diablo and WoD uses.