Fantasy Armor

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It separates, AND supports!
This armor protects the most vital parts of the body.

Fantasy armor has a long and noble tradition of awesomeness. Bear skin speedos, chainmail bikinis, massive codpieces, and boobplate are all standard equipment for adventuring parties and threads dedicated to ridiculous armors are a common sight on /tg/. Why does /tg/ celebrate such brazen sluttiness? The answers are known as the 3 Fs:

Freedom! - In a world where rules and restrictions constrain everything that we do, RPGs give a unique outlet to let loose your inner degenerate. In an RPG, if you want your warrior to wear nothing but a magic sock (which counts as full platemail) then nothing is stopping you.

Fun! - Elaborate and highly stylized armor is interesting and enjoyable to look at. An entire world filled 120% utilitarian equipment is boring and quickly becomes dull.

Fap! - Many /tg/ threads are in fact fap threads that are barely concealed as "armor" dumps.

See Also
