Fantasy Armor
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Fantasy armor has a long and noble tradition of awesomeness and lively debates. Bear skin speedos, chainmail bikinis, massive codpieces, and boobplate are all standard equipment for adventuring parties. Threads dedicated to fabulous and ridiculous armors are a common sight on /tg/.
The Four Fs
Why does /tg/ celebrate such brazen silliness? The answers are known as the 4 Fs:
- Freedom! - In a world where rules and restrictions constrain everything that we do, RPGs give a unique outlet to let loose your inner degenerate. In an RPG, if you want your warrior to wear nothing but a magic sock (which counts as full platemail) then nothing is stopping you.
- Fun! - Elaborate and highly stylized armor is interesting and enjoyable to look at. Artwork that produces amazing armors is a major part of the fluff for fantasy and science fiction. An entire world filled 120% utilitarian artwork is boring and becomes repulsively dull.
- Fashion! - Stylized armors give players an outlet to customize their characters to make them appear different than the other party members and NPCs. Expressions of creativity and individuality are a major part of /tg/ culture.
- Fantasy! - In a universe where dragons, magic, and the like are a thing, realism is the last thing anyone is worried about. If fa/tg/guys wanted to see "real" armor, they'd go to a museum.
Common Types
As you may see with the images to the side, fantasy doesn't need its armor to be logically sound. Due to this, armor design is usually done more to appease the eye than the mind, Thus armor design and usage that tends to be over-the-top usually leans on the following styles:
Living Fortress
The character is so excessively armored with large pieces of armor that you must wonder how he gets to move about in the first place. Usually done to give characters a stoic and/or intimidating look.
Bare Minimum
The character wears about the minimum amount of armor, or none at all. Traditionally given to characters who favor speed over protection (or fanservice, depending on the setting), it is however, sometimes given to those who uses some kind of supernatural protection against damage. Hence, negating the need for armor (I.E.: eastern-themed warrior monks).
Flash to the Extreme
The character's armor is excessively decorated and designed in an over-the-top manner (ranging from bright colors to it being encrusted in precious gems and metals) that they basically scream: "walking target" and/or "mobile treasure chest" when out into the field. Usually given to the upper hierarchy of a setting to denote either their position or wealth.