Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gloomspite Gitz

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The Bad Moon is rising and it's bringing an alliance of Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots and Troggoths with it.

Why Play Gloomspite Gitz


  • You get Moonclan Grots, Spiderclan Grots, Troggoths and even the old Giant under one roof!
  • New Models for a load of old classics, like Squig Riders and Fanatics!
  • The grots ate so many hallucinogenic mushrooms they think the moon wants them to kill everyone.
  • Want a horde army? Sure! What about an elite army instead? We got that too. All Calvary? You bet! And you can go magic heavy too (or not).
  • Squig Hoppers and Mangler Squigs now count as flying models. Enjoy it - take them out on the aerial battleplans!
  • All Aracknarok variants are now unique units with warscrolls and abilities! With some good abilities also.
  • You get a quasi-summoning mechanic.
  • You want to play as David Bowie in Labyrinth.
  • Multiple ways of getting extra command points.


  • We might look like the latest overpowered AOS faction, but we rely a lot on RNGesus.
  • Some of the models are a little old. Good luck in getting the finecast Scuttleboss to hold together.
  • While certainly powerful their are a lot of interconnecting rules and abilities in this army that can be easily forgotten. You need to read and than reread your book.


The Gloomspite Gitz Battletome has all the Warscrolls, Battations, Allegiance Abilities and Matched Play points.

  • This should be supplemented with the Gloomspite Gitz Errata and Designers' Commentary from the FAQs.
  • Alternatively, warscolls can be found in the WH AoS app.

As with all factions you'll want:

  • The core rules are either downloadable or in the Core Book.
  • Games taking place in a Realm need the Realm of Battle rules from the Core Book.
  • In you want to take advantage of realm specific artefacts you'll need the Artefacts Of The Realms section from the Malign Sorcery book.
  • Matched play battleplans are split across the Core Book and General's handbook 2018.
  • All books should be supplemented with any updates from the FAQs.

Allegiance Abilities

Your choice of abilities are dependent on your type of Leader they are being given too, with a bucketload of choices for each. Types are Loonboss, Moonclan Wizard, Scuttleboss, Dankhold Trogboss.

Battle Traits

  • The Bad Moon: At the beginning of the game, you choose one of the corners of the board as the Bad Moon's starting point. Starting from the second turn, it will start to move from corner to corner. Units in the same section of the board (which is split in 4 sections of equal size) get the subsequent boosts:
    • A GLOOMSPITE GITZ GENERAL will generate an additional command point in each battle phase.
    • GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARDS get +1 to casting rolls. Every other WIZARD gets -1 instead.
    • MOONCLAN units can reroll every 1 to hit.
    • SPIDERFANG units's Spider Venom ability will activate on a 5+.
    • SQUIG units can run and charge in the same turn.
      • Remember that all Squigs also have the Moonclan keyword.
    • TROGGOTH units can reroll the Rigeneration rolls, or double the result.
    • Any other unit will take damage.

Command Traits

Your General, depending on it's type, gets to choose one trait from the appropriate list.

Blessings Of The Bad Moon (Loonboss Only)

  1. Cunning Plans:
  2. Fight Another Day:

Gifts Of The Gloomspite (Moonclan Wizard Only)

Marks Of The Spider God's Favour (Scuttleboss Only)

Fortuitous Trogboss Traits (Dankhold Trogboss Only)

Artefacts Of Power

One Hero (plus an additional hero if your taking a battalion), gets to choose an artefact from the appropriate list.

Troglodytic Treasures (Loonboss Only)

  1. Spiteful Prodder: Use in your shooting phases. Pick a unit within 18" from the bearer and roll a number of dices equal to how many GROT units of 5+ models are within 12" from that unit. It suffers D3 mortal wounds for every 5+ roll.

Foetid Fetishes (Madcap Shaman Only)

  1. Moonface Mommet: At the beginning of every combat phase, you pick a unit within 12" from the bearer, which gets -1 to save rolls.

Venomous Valuables (Spiderfang Hero Only)

  1. Headdress of Many Eyes: -1 to hit rolls against the bearer.

Glinty Gubbins That Troggoths Found (Dankhold Trogboss Only)

  1. Glowy Howzit: Saves from wounds or mortal wounds on a 4+ roll. If you roll a 1, you can't use it anymore for the rest of the battle

Spell Lore

Any Gloomspite Wizard, depending on it's type, gets to choose one spell from the appropriate list.

Lore Of The Moonclan (Moonclan Wizard Only)

  1. The Hand of Gork: CV 7. Pick a GROT unit within 24" and at least 3" away from any enemy unit and warp it away, at least 9" from any enemy unit. The unit can't move in the next movement phase.

Lore Of The Spider Fangs (Spiderfang Wizard Only)

  1. Sneaky Distraction: CV 7. All the enemy units within 12" from the caster get -1 to hit rolls until the next Hero Phase.

Endless Spells

  • The Malevolent Moon: CV 6. Moves 12", flies, deals mortal wounds to units it flew over and gives -1 to casting rolls to not-GLOOMSPITE GITZ WIZARDS within 9" (-2 to those within 3" from it).
  • Mork's Mighty Mushroom: CV 6. Every unit within 8" from it must roll a dice for every model and suffer a number of mortal wounds equal to the number of 5+ rolled.
  • The Scuttletide: CV 7 (+1 to the casting rolls for SPIDERFANG WIZARDS). If any non-SPIDERFANG unit end within 6" from it after a charge movement it will suffer up to 6 mortal wounds on 5+ rolls.
  • Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron: CV 5. It attaches to the caster, giving him +1 to cast and dispel rolls plus teaching him the entire Moonclan spell lore (not spiderfang), but at the beginning of every Hero phrase it deals D3 mortal wounds to the closest unit within 3" (including the caster itself of no one else is in the range).


  • All the models have the GLOOMSPITE GITZ keyword. Other common Keywords are MOONCLAN, SPIDERFANG, GROT, SQUIG and TROGGOTH. Aleguzzler Gargants have the ALEGUZZLER and GARGANT keywords, of course.
  • Most SPIDERFANG units (except the Webspinner Shaman on foot) have these rules:
    • Wall Crawler: During movement phase, the unit can pass through terrain like it was flying.
    • Spider Venom: When you roll a 6 to hit with a spider mount's Fang attacks, don't make a wound roll and just inflict a mortal wound (D3 for Arachnarok Spiders).



  • Skragrott, The Loonking: The Great Poobah of the green weirdos himself.
    • Named Leader.
    • He goes around with a staff that can both shoot and hit in melee, and if he damages a model with multiple wounds by using it that model will suffer an additional mortal wound at the end of each Battle phase.
    • Speaking of other stuff, he also gets a +4 invulnerable save and a +1 to cast and dispel roll
    • If he is your General you get D3 extra command points on a 4+ roll at the beginning of each phase.
    • His command ability can be used once per battle and manipulates the Bad Moon movement for a turn, by making it not move or even more twice in the same turn.
    • And then there is his spell, that is basically an Arcane Bolt that targets single models instead of units... unless you rolled a 10+ to cast it, in which case it will also get the additional ability of destroying artifacts of power if the targeted model had one.
  • Loonboss:
  • Loonboss with Giant Gave Squig: Lesser version of good old Skarsnik. Shooting attacks, a good chunk of melee attacks, -1 to enemy hit rolls against him and a command ability that makes a MOONCLAN GROTS unit within 12" to deal an additional mortal wound in melee for every 6 to wound.
  • Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig: The guy who makes your Squigs go on faster. Can reroll every failed hit and wound roll once per battle and command ability gives SQUIGS within 12" +3 movement.
  • Loonboss on Mangler Squigs: It's a hero that rides a pair of huge-ass Squigs chained together. You can't get any crazier.
    • Is kinda like standalone Mangler Squigs, except with 5 more attacks, a once-for battle ability to reroll failed hit and wound rolls (but only for the aforemented attacks of the Loonboss, not the Squig ones) and a command ability that gives +1 to wound rolls to every friendly SQUIG units within 18".

Moonclan Wizard

  • Zarbag: A kinda generic Shaman.
    • Named Leader.
    • Has a once-per battle that gives him a +2 to casting rolls if he rolls a 2+ before trying to cast a spell
    • Also has an exclusive spell that forces an enemy unit to retreat (or suffer D6 mortal wounds if unable to do the retreat movement)
  • Fungoid Cave-Shaman: Bulky Shaman with a 4+ invulnerable save, the ability to cast two spells in the same turn once per battle, the chance of getting an extra command point and a spell that is a multiple target version of Arcane Bolt with shorter range.
  • Madcap Shaman: Regular small wizard. Can cast two spells in the same turn, but if he rolls a double when casting he suffers D3 mortal wounds. Exclusive spell protects an ally within 12" by giving -1 to hit rolls against him in Shooting Phase.


  • Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider: The SPIDERFANG non-magic hero. Command ability allows a SPIDERFANG GROTS unit within 18" to reroll charge and hit rolls with their crooked spears.

Dankhold Trogboss

  • Dankhold Troggboss: Your Hero option for a Troll solo army.
    • Gets 4 good melee attacks plus a Crushing Grip (Pick the closest enemy model and roll a dice: if you get more than that model's wounds is dead).
    • An additional ability that allows you to roll a dice for every enemy unit within 3" and deal them a mortal wound if the roll is higher than the number of models in that unit.
    • Regenerates D3 wounds at the beginning of each turn if you roll a 4+
    • Ignores effects of spells (Endless ones too) on a 4+ roll.
    • Gives +1 Bravery to every GLOOMSPITE GITZ friendly unit within 18".
    • His command ability allows TROGGOTHS within 18" to reroll every 1 to hit.

Other Leaders

You can take these guys as generals (TBC), but you won't get a special command trait for them (TBC).

  • Webspinner Shaman: SPIDERFANG wizard on foot. Gets a 5+ invulnerable and an exclusive spell that allows a SPIDERFANG unit within 24" (D3 units if you rolled a 8+ to cast) to run and shoot in the same turn.
  • Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider: Spider-Wizard on a giant spider. If he is your General all the SPIDERFANG units within 24" get +2 Bravery, also he gives every other SPIDERFANG WIZARD within 12" +1 to cast and dispel rolls. Exclusive spell picks a SPIDERFANG unit within 16" (D3 units if you rolled a 10+ to cast) and doubles the number of Spider Venom wounds they deal in that turn.


  • Stabbas: Unconditional Battleline.
    • Melee grots. Can take either stabbas or pokin' spears (latter haves more range but -1 to hit).
    • Get +1 to wound as long as the unit haves 15+ models (+2 when 30+) and +1 to save as long as there are 10+ models. Can take banners for extra buffs and can take netters to trip up enemy attackers. Very good tarpit when paired with the new bravery boosting abilities of the army.
    • Gong Basher: Only 1 every 20 models. +2 to run rolls for the unit.
    • Standard Bearer: Only 1 every 20 models. Can pick either the Moonclan Flag (+1 Bravery) or the Bad Moon Icon (+1 Save against missile weapons).
    • Netter: Only 3 every 20 models. 3 melee attacks plus -1 to enemy hit rolls in melee.
  • Shootas: Unconditional Battleline.
    • Shooting Grots. They get +1 to wound in combat in a 15+ models unit, +2 to wound in combat in a 30+ unit. In shooting you get a +1 to hit in squads of 15 or more. They can also take netters. A little odd that most of their unit buffs are for combat even thought they are a shooting unit. Anyways with the right combos they can rain death from afar and make a pretty good tarpit like all grot hordes.
    • Has the same Gong Basher, Standard Bearer and Netter abilities as the Stabbas
  • Squig Herds: Battleline with Moonclan General.
    • Now the herders are part of the unit (at least one every 5 Squigs), and they allow the unit to reroll run and charge. Squigs eat your nearby models when they fail Battleshock, so beware.
  • Squig Hoppers: Battleline with Squig Mounted General.
    • Regular boingy people. Deal a mortal wound on a 4+ dopo after charging.
  • Spider Riders: Battleline with Spiderfang General.
    • Your classic Spider God groupies. Now able to hold bows and spears at the same time!
  • Fellwater Troggoths: Battleline with Troggboss General.
    • The smelly ones. -1 to hit in melee to opponents.
  • Rockgut Troggoths: Battleline with Troggboss General.

Other Units

  • Loonsmasha Fanatics: Classic Fanatics. They hide inside any MOONCLAN GROT unit with 5+ models and can come out at the beginning of any charging phase, they always attack first in combat phase and if you roll a double when charging one of them dies and every unit within 1" from them suffers D3 mortal wunds
  • Sporesplatta Fanatics: New variant of Fanatics, which are not hidden in other units but get some additional abilities, such as blocking the enemy's line of sight (except for Monsters and flying stuff) and giving an extra attack to every MOONCLAN GROT unit within 12".
  • Boingrot Bounderz: Squig Hoppers with spears. Get +1 to wound rolls in the turn they charged.
  • Mangler Squigs:
  • Zarbag's Gitz: A mixed bag of stuff that comes free alongside Zarbag. You get 3 Grots with bows, a Grot with a Barbed Net, a Squig Hearder with 2 Squigs and a single Loonsmasha Fanatic hidden inside.
  • Sneaky Snufflers:
  • Gobbapalooza:
    • Shroomancer:
    • Spiker:
    • Boggleye:
    • Scaremonger: Masked guy that starts with a 3+ Save, which becomes 4+ on the second turn and then stays as a 5+ for the remainder of the game. He can also allow a MOONCLAN GROT unit within 18" to reroll run and charge on a 3+ roll, and as long as he is within 3" from any MOONCLAN unit of 3+ models shooting attacks against him have -1 to hit rolls.
    • Brewgit:
  • Troggoth Hag (Forgeworld): Hero, Wizard, Monster and money sink.
    • These old flabby ladies are an incredible addition to your band of Trolls.
    • They have a massive amount of Wounds (16, up from 14 prior to the battletome), a good save and even stronger regen than your average Troggoth
    • While they are not so hot in melee comparatively, they barf five times the damage (needs confirming, probably no longer true) the normal Troggoths do and with higher range. Seeing as their barfing is a high-Rend, high-damage attack, this makes the lady absolutely terrifying
    • Her spell is a reverse Mystic Shield that lowers enemy Saves even further and heaps on another To Hit penalty, and is now only 7 to cast.
    • The lady has a chance of dealing damage to you if you try to go around all the To Hit penalties and just shoot her ass with magic - on a roll of 4+ she deals D3 mortals.
    • Finally, she even heals D6 wounds every hero phase!
    • If you give her the Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron spell, then let it damage her for D3 wounds (which happens at the start of the hero phase), then immediately heal them back with the D6 heal (which can happen any time during the hero phase - so that's always after you've dealt the damage).


  • Dankhold Troggoth:
  • Skitterstrand Arachnarok: Naked Huge Spider. With no Grot on his back, he is able to begin the game in reserve and pop out at the end of any of your movement phases before the fourth round.
  • Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty: Huge spider covered with people. Loses the ambush ability, but gets 10 shooting attacks and the ability to reroll run and charge rolls, plus dealing D3 mortal wounds on a 2+ roll after charging. Finally giving you a reason to take this over the one with Shaman.
  • Arachnarok Spider with Flinger: Huge spider covered with people and a catapult. 2 less shooty and spear attacks attacks and no reroll+impact damage, but the Flinger itself aims at a unit within 36", rolls a dice and on a 6+ (5+ on a 5+ models unit, 4+ on a 10+ models unit) deals D3 mortal wounds and forces the targeted unit to be the last to attack in the successive combat phase. Great at tripping up large blobs and while not reliable the one time you get this on a big monster might be worth the gamble.
  • Aleguzzler Gargant: Good ol' Giant is here. If you roll a double when he charges, he is too drunk to do it and forces the two players to confront dice rolls in order to choose where he will fall down and deal D3 mortal wounds. Same thing when he dies. And when he piles up, you pick the closest enemy model, roll a dice and istantly kill it if the result is the double of that model's wounds.


  • Bad Moon Loonshrine: The main help for your little guys for zero points cost. Not only does it makes friendly GLOOMSPITE GITZ units within 12" pass Battleshock tests automatically, but allows every Stabba or Shoota unit to resurrect with half models after it was entirely destroyed on a 4+ roll (every unit can be resurrected only once).


Arachnorok Spider Cluster

(- p) (min; max


(- p) (min; max

Moonclan Skrap

(- p) (min; max

Skitterstrand Nest

(- p) (min; max

Skulkmob Horde

(- p) (min; max

Spiderfang Stalktribe

(- p) (min; max

Spider Rider Skitterswarm

(- p) (min; max


(- p) (min; max

Squig Rider Stampede

(- p) (min; max


(- p) (min; max A Dankhold Trogboss, 3-9 units of Troggoths and 0-2 Aleguzzler Gargants.

Every time a model in the Battalion makes an unmodified 6 to wound roll, that attack deals one extra damage.

Age of Sigmar Tactics Articles
General Tactics