Jetbikes are freaking sweat rides that any fan of sci-fi will know and imagine owning one one day. They fly so not fear of getting a flat tire or getting bogged down in mind. They often have sweet weaponry that you can fire as you streak towards your enemy, meaning between your firepower and speed you will often outdo them easily. And like the Eldar of Saim-Hann and the Ork Speed Freakz, you can get that rush from going really, REALLY fast.
As with everything cool and deciding humanity needs to be fucked from every angle possible, GW has decided the Imperium doesn't need Jetbikes and has thus made it a lost technology to the Imperium, dumping your proud marines back onto warts and tires old bikes.
To rub salt in the wound, GW has done two things. Firstly the pesky Eldar and the wimpy Tau both have access to Jetbike/Jetbike-like rides, so they can fly around blowing raspberries at you. (I guess Marines do get land speeders but that is like a car to the motorbike that is the Jetbikes. Instantly not as trendy). So if the enemies of the Imperium having it wasn't even, there is the second thing. During the Great Crusade the Imperium DID have Jetbikes. Only in small numbers but growing and the Legiones Astartes used them as dedicated fast response units and to pick up chicks (check out this motor baby!).
But the Imperium is ridiculous at keeping back-up copies of all it's technical data and they just....forget or lost the means to make Jetbikes. Such a gross example of fail that has continued to haunt the Imperium and Imperial players to this day. (Heck I wonder if the Imperium is even aware now they use to have Jetbikes.....hmmm).
The only remaining known one is used by the Master of the Ravenwing of the Dark Angels Chapter, Sammael, who uses it to hunt the fallen....ummm go to hunt heretics. Like the rest of the Dark Angels, he is a dick who doesn't share the fact outside of the chapter he has a working Jetbike. Of course if you thought that would mean the Imperium could, you know, start making Jetbikes again for it's armed forces, think again. The Adeptus Mechanicus is so anal about anyone touching technology they would probably hide it in a museum somewhere to gawk at on some stand. Then again perhaps they do have some left that they do just that with and perhaps Sammael has a whole nest of Jetbikes to ride, as his one has been working surprisingly well for many centuries despite dragging into a warzone after another.....
Basically the Imperium has no Jetbikes left because everyone is a greedy superstitious twit who would rather horde their goodies then share. And who are the victims? WE ARE because we don't get to have Jetbikes in our armies.....(fail).