Krell is a former Chaos Champion of Khorne who died before the time of Sigmar, but was raised as a unique Wight Lord by Nagash himself. Even after Nagash's defeat, Krell was such an asskicker that even Sigmar couldn't do more than imprison him, whereupon he apparently "died" again. Centuries later, his prison-tomb was found by Heinrich Kemmler, the powerful and insane necromancer known as the Lichemaster, who broke Krell free and restored him to undeath. Originally, the Lichemaster believed that Krell was his servant, but with the coming of The End Times, Krell's true status - as Nagash's loyal Mortarch of Despair - has been revealed.
Krell is a melee monster, as you'd expect of an Undead Champion of Khorne. Traditionally, he sports the Armor of the Barrows (magic heavy armor), and the Black Axe of Krell (magic greataxe that causes continuing damage). His latest version of stats as the Mortarch of Despair gives him some new tricks, like gaining Heroic Killing Blow if he's in the same combat as Nagash (hilariously, due to RAW you can use that to kill Nagash), and regaining wounds when enemies fail Fear, Terror and Break tests within 12".
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