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Revision as of 04:40, 6 October 2018 by 1d4chan>SkyeAuroline (Removing the "shilling" and doing some more formatting.)
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Rule System Shadow of the Demon Lord derivative
No. of Players 2+
Session Time 10+ minutes
Authors Miguel Lopez and Tom Parkinson-Morgan

"You dig giant robots!
We dig giant robots!
CHICKS dig giant robots!"

Megas XLR Theme Song

Lancer is an RPG about customizing, upgrading (and sometimes destroying) your very own mech from scratch. The player starts with a pilot, with a set of skills, stats, and talents, and a mech, composed of a CORE, which provides the base ratings of your mech ranging from HP to how good you are at aiming your massive underside cannon, and a SHELL, which is the external hardware covering the core. This can be anything from armor, weapons, and different sorts of fun systems (including a memetic virus that leaves those who see it stunned with brain damage or a gun dubbed Omnigun that is a "... piece of experimental hardware so advanced that it does not classify as any weapon...").

The Setting


The core system is pretty basic; 1d20 versus a target number (10 for skill checks, and a defensive stat for attacks) with up to 3d6 (taking only the highest) as Accuracy and Difficulty penalties granted by talents, circumstances, etc. The pilot side of the game is lightweight storygame-y stuff, while the mech side is 4E-like tactical combat on a grid.
