MEQ is a slang term among Warhammer 40,000 players that stands for (Space) Marine Equivalent. It refers to any unit with a stat-line similar to that of a Space Marine (WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+). Usually the important part is how easy or hard they are to kill (Toughness, Wounds and armor save).
TEQ, short for Terminator Equivalent, refers to a unit with a statline similar to Space Marine Terminators. Usually, this means a 2+ armor save and some kind of Invulnerable save (on top of the regular MEQ profile).
- Space Marine Terminators
- Grey Knight Paladins (which are actually just super-Terminators)
- Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators and Deathwing Knights (although, again, these are just super-Terminators)
- Chaos Space Marine Mutilators and Obliterators (which are just mutated Terminators), plus Chaos Terminators (which are just Terminators with spikes)
GEQ, short for Guard Equivalent, refers to units with a statline similar to Guardsmen. Usually, this means S3, T3, and a 5+ save.
- Imperial Guard (pretty much everyone)
- Eldar Guardians
- Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors