Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Order/Eldritch Council
The common keywords of these warscrolls are: ORDER, AELF and ELDRITCH COUNCIL.
- Archmage: Above average Wizard. One spell/unbind a turn, with +1 to unbind rolls, and can take a horse (to move 14" to position himself and flee the myriads of things that will try to kill him, do not even think about getting him to combat). His save seems (and is) ultra-lame at first, only 6+, but his unique spell gives, at 6+, himself and every friendly model (model, not unit) within 18" a save-after-the-save of 6 against wounds/mortal wounds. So he's not as bad protected as he seems (still fragile), and his spell can be truly great. But he'll be close to the action, so protect him with Korhil/healing or some other defensive trick the Highborn have in spades. And even with that, don't get too close to him, the two of you will probably have to part ways very soon.
- Loremaster: Like a standard Swordmaster with 5 wounds, that also is a one spell/one unbind a turn Wizard. Oh, and his unique spell, at 5+, makes a model at 18" max to re-roll failed hit and wound rolls. So, you use it on a Dragon, you make a 40-50% more powerful Dragon. And don't get me started on what happens if Teclis learns his spell. So he can be brutal, but you have to get him relatively close to powerful Heroes, but his 4+ rerollable against shooting save will make his survival likely. Another great Hero.
- Drakeseer: Also counts as a Behemoth. A less killy Prince on Dragon (but still terrifying), with worse save, and without command ability, but he's a one spell/one unbind wizard. The special thing about him is his spell: range 18", 7+ casting roll, deals one mortal wound, another two on a 4+, if you don't fail another three on 4+, and keep repeating until it fails/kills the target. A more powerful version of Arcane Bolt, not so great if used by himself, because he's a mediocre Wizard, but put Teclis within 16" of him so he learns the spell, and together (use also the breath weapon of the dragon) you can decimate entire units from the distance, not bad. If you want a big Monster with a little support tackled on, look no further.
- Archmage on Dragon: Also counts as a Behemoth. See the entry about the Drakeseer, but without his unique spell, and he's a one spell/two unbinds Wizard. You can give him a Sword to gain more attacks, or a Book to cast one more spell per turn, I say go with the Book, it's more useful in the long run. Either way you also add +1 to casting rolls, one more reason to take the Book. His unique spell, Drain Magic, for 4+ stops any effects caused by a spell on any unit within 18", and if that unit is a Daemon, also deals D3 mortal wounds to it. This is good defensively, but better offensively, because you can remove the +1 save to a unit from Mystic Shield, all for the low value of 4+ (but really 3+, remember the +1 to casting rolls, so you almost auto-cast this), and with Arcane Bolt it can also ruin any Chaos Daemon/Seraphon day, good utility. Take this and Teclis to out-magic anything but Tzeentch armies, and Seraphon with lots of Slann and Lord Kroak (well, and Nagash, but nothing out-anythings Nagash).
- Swordmasters: Counts as Battleline if you army only consists of Eldritch Council. The Swordmasters were glass cannons before, but now they have a 4+ save REROLLABLE in the Shooting phase, all while still bringing the pain with 2 3+/3+/-1/1 attacks with rerollable 1's to hit. Simple but brutally effective, just tell them the general direction of something you want dead. Take two, with a standard bearer in every one and keep them close to boost your bravery by 2.
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