Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Order/Order Serpentis

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The common keywords of these warscrolls are: ORDER, AELF and ORDER SERPENTIS.


  • Dreadlord on Black Dragon:

A heartless elf mounted on a (as always) very fast and powerful Dragon, and he's no slouch in combat himself. You can give him paired weapons or lance to deal more damage, or a crossbow to be shooty, but usually the best option is the shield to make him live longer and use his Comnand Ability again and again. Because he makes an Order Serpentis unit from within 14" reroll wound rolls, wich can be awesome, specially combined with his great mobility. He also can make nearby units ignore batttleshock if some fleed before. He's an awesome General, no matter how you use him.


  • Drakespawn Knights:
  • Drakespawn Chariots:
  • War Hydra:


Ebondrake Warhost

A Dreadlord on Black Dragon, 2-3 units of Drakespawn Knights, 1-2 units of Drakespawn Chariots, 1-3 units of War Hydras. Reroll all wound rolls aof 1, Dreadlord gets a one-use 8" bubble that lets units charge (or attempt to) in the hero phase.

Army Building

Allied Armies

External links

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