Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Order/Kharadron Overlords

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Get ready to play some Dwarf Fortress in the sky! The Kharadron Overlords are one of the first truly "new" factions introduced to Age of Sigmar since the Stormcast Eternals, and are also one of the most radically different from other AoS armies in play style, with so much focus on vehicles, guns, and tech that you could be forgiven for thinking they are a 40k army at first glance.

Why Play Kharadron Overlords

  • Because you want to bring mad science and a lot of guns to the Age of Sigmar swords and sorcery fight.
  • Because you want to laugh maniacally while you bomb melee armies to oblivion with an air navy.
  • Because this is arguably the first new faction in Age of Sigmar that is undeniably awesome.
  • Because you've waited over 20 years for Squats, and you're gonna take what you can get.

Allegiance Abilities

Armies with the KHARADRON OVERLORDS allegiance have the following ability:


When you choose a Kharadron Overlords army that isn't a Sky Port (more on that in a bit) Can choose an Artycle (which this author thinks is a stupid wording) Amendment, and Footnote from the tables below, Alternatively you can roll a dice for each table.


1.Defend Your Territory: you can re-roll battleshock tests for your units if they are fully within your Deployment zone

2.Honour Is Everything: You can re-roll any hit rolls and wound roles of 1 for your Heroes if their target is a Hero or Monster. Barak-Zon has this by Default

3.Master of the Skies: Re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for your unit if your target can fly. Barak-Zilfin has this by default.

4.Respect Your Commanders:re-roll battleshock tests if your units are within 8" of a Hero from your army. Barak-Nar has this by Default.

5.Seek New Prospects:Re-roll battleshock tests for your units if they are within your opponents deployment. Barak-Urbaz and Barak-Mhornar has this by default

6.Settle The Grudges:When both armies are set up, select an enemy unit. Your army can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 against that unit. Barak-Thyryng has this by default.


1.Always Take What You Are Owed:Your army can include one additional artefact of power. Barak-Urbaz has this by default.

2.Don't Argue With The Wind:When you run with a Skyvessel, you are always considered to have rolled a 6. Barak-Zilfin has this by default.

3.Leave No Duradin Behind:A unit that failed a battleshock test and is 7" of your armies Skyvessel can roll a dice for each model that flees, on a 5 or 6 you no longer flee.Barak-Zon has this by default.

4.Prosecute Wars With All Haste:On your first turn, you can run AND shoot. Barak-Mhornar has this by default.

5.Trust Aethermatics, Not Superstition:Your Heroes can try to unbind a spell just like a wizard in the hero phase. If they already have this ability (i.e. the Atheric Navigator) then they can unbind two spells instead. Barak-Nar has this by default.

6.Trust To Your Guns:Units from your army add 1 to their bravery as long as there's no enemies within 3" of them. Barak-Thryng has this by default.


1.Surrender is Rarely Profitable:Once per battle, if you must take a battleshock test for a unit. you can replace the roll with a 1 instead.

2.There's No Reward Without Risk:Once per battle, you can re-roll the charge distance for one of your units.

3.There's No Trading With Some People:Once per battle, if your opponent suffers an unsaved wound from one of your units attacks, roll a d3, the enemy unit will suffer that many additional mortal wounds.

4.Today's Foes Are Tomorrow's Customers:Once per battle, if one of your units retreats and runs, you can replace the run roll with a 6.

5.Without Our Ships We Are Naught: Once per battle, you can re-roll the dice for an ability that heals a Skyvessel.

6.These Are Just Guidelines:Once per game, during the hero phase, you can change your Artycle by rolling a dice. If you roll an Artycle that requires you to pick an enemy you do so immediately. your previous artycle is no longer in effect.

Alternatively a player with the KHARADRON OVERLORDS Allegiance can instead choose to represent one of the Six Major Sky-Ports. Each one has their own fixed interpretation of the code, however the player is given access to:

- A unique Footnote to that city

- An option to select a second footnote from the table aside from "These Are Just Guidelines" (Barak-Mhornar is the exception to this rule)

- A unique command trait or artifact

- A special ability

- An additional unit to add to a Warscroll









  • Brokk Grungsson:
  • Arkanaut Admiral: Adds a nice buff to nearby Kharadron, but is mostly focused on being a combat character.
  • Aetheric Navigator:Allows Skyvessels to move an extra d3". Dubious usefulness in a competitive scenario.
  • Aether Khemist:Gives a nearby unit an extra attack for their weapons. Stick him in a Skyvessel with some Thunderers and laugh at your opponent's tears.
  • Endrin Master:Can heal a Skyvessel for D3 wounds every hero phase, a nice addition to any Ironclad.


  • Arkanut Company:These guys aren't great at shooting or combat (Not to say that they're useless, they can definitely win fights against other cheap units, just don't expect them to take a unit of Liberators head-on) and their Battleshock is terrible. But they're cheap as chips and hold objectives fairly well (they're also good at being ablative wounds for your more expensive units). The Company can also take three heavy weapons per. ten men - you have a choice of: Skypike (range 2", 2 attacks, 4+ hit, 4+ wound, -2 rend, D3 damage), Light Skyhook (range 24", 1 attack, 4+ hit, 3+ wound, -2 rend, D3 damage), and Aethermatic Volleygun (range 18", 6 attacks, 5+ hit, 4+ wound, -1 rend, 1 damage). The Skypike adds a nice bit of punch to an otherwise squishy unit in combat, and the Skyhook has excellent range for when sitting on backfield objectives. The Aethermatic Volleygun is unfortunately not that useful, despite havign six attacks, because of it's poor hit and wound stats.



  • Grundstok Thunderers: They start with a basic gun, the Aethershot Rifle (18" range, 2 attacks (The gunnery sergeant makes 4 attacks instead of 2), 3+ hit, 4+ wound, -1 rend, 1 damage) and have access to a selection of interesting weapons of varying power and stupidity, they are as follows: Aetheric Fumigator (9" range, D3 attacks, 3+ hit, 2+ wound, -1 rend, 1 damage), Decksweeper (12" range, D6 attacks, 4+ hit, 4+ wound, -1 rend, 1 damage), Aethercannon (12" range, 1 attack, 4+ hit, 2+ wound, -2 rend, D3 damage), and the Grundstok Mortar (36" range, 1 attack, 4+ hit, 3+ wound, - rend, D3 damage). The Fumigator is good for units that aim to get close, the Decksweeper is useless, the Aethercannon is a massive damage dealer, and the Mortar can take light infantry at excellent range.
  • Grundstok Gunhauler:A support fighter for your airfleet, has a good damage output and movement value and neither are effected by wounds taken, which is good because this thing can take wounds off of any other non-Gunhauler Skyvessel withing 3" on a roll of 5+. It can be armed with either a Skycanon (18" range, 1 attack, 4+ hit, 2+ wound, -2 rend, D6 damage) or a Drill cannon (18" range, 1 attack, 4+ hit, 3+ wound, -3 rend, 3 damage), both are equally good choices so just pick whichever you think your army needs most.
  • Endrinriggers:
  • Skywardens:


General Tactics

  • Take a Khemist. Always. +1 shots to a unit of Thunderers? Yes please.
  • Thunderers, I love them, you love them, chances are your opponent doesn't. Let's talk about a few loadouts: All Mortars gives you good anti-infantry at long range, which frees your Arkanaut Companies from having to fight them, and your Skyvessels wasting their high-strength shots on them. Their range is so incredible by Kharadron standards that they don't even need a Skyvessel transport, just sit them in your deployment zone and fire away. Aethercannons spell doom for any tough models within in 12" bubble, adding a Fumigator or two to the unit will also deter potential charging.

Barak Nar Tactics

Barak Zilfin Tactics

  • Aetherspheric Endrins lets you essentially Deep Strike an Ironclad. Fill it with Thunderers, a Khemist, some Arkanauts to be their meatshields and probably some Endrinriggers because this thing is going to be target priority number 1.

Barak Zon Tactics

Barak Urbaz Tactics

Barak Mhornar Tactics

Barak Thryng Tactics

Building an Army

Unfortunately, Kharadron Overlords seem to be a more expensive army to start if you really want to get your foot in the door. All Kharadron lists consist of multiple Skyvessels and of course the infantry they carry - which is a large number of kits for what can be a fairly small army, but it can be broken down into manageable chunks easily enough.

If you aren't specifically aiming for a Battalion that requires certain models, a nice and cheap starter army would consist of one of the Leaders (This author highly recommends the Admiral or the Khemist, as they require less experience and knowledge of how Kharadron work to play effectively), a box of Arkanaut Company, and a Frigate. This will be approximately 500 points, and will give you a good feel for how Kharadron play.

How to expand from there is really down to your army direction and budget. There is no real wrong way to collect them.