No Girls on the Internet

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This article has been flagged for deletion.
Comment on the article's talk page.
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Reason: Dubious relevance to /tg/, and this meme has been dead for years anyway.

The phrase originates from the godawful Early Days of the Internet, where it was seen as the dominion of basement-dwelling, generally male nerds. Most of these have since migrated to /tg/, so the meme fits perfectly.

A /b/tard said this:

If I can pontificate a bit, for your edification. One of the rules of the Internet is: "there are no girls on the Internet." This rule does not mean what you think it means. In real life, people like you merely for being a girl. They want to fuck you, so they pay attention to you and they pretend what you have to say is interesting, whether or not you are genuinely interesting, or that you are smart of clever, whether or not you are actually smart or clever. On the Internet, there is no chance to fuck you; this means the advantage of being a "girl" does not exist. You don't get a bonus to conversation just because someone wants to put their cock in you.

When you make a post like "hurr durr, I'm a gurl," you are begging for attention. The only reason to post it is because you want your girl-advantage back, because you are too vapid or too stupid to do or say anything interesting without it. You are forgetting the rule "there are no girls on the Internet." The one way around this rule, the one way you can get your "girlness" back on the Internet, is to post your tits. This is, and should be, degrading for you, an admission that the only interesting thing about you is your naked body.