Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
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When D&D 4th edition was announced it was immediately accepted with a lot of negative feelings by a rather large number of people. Realizing a lot of 3 and 3.5 material would suddenly become mostly useless and that Wizards will be making a significantly different game, Paizo Publishing decided to cash in on the 4th edition naysayers and appeal to the people who wanted to stick to the old edition, but realized it still needed fixing.
Thus Pathfinder came about, usually called D&D 3.75, due to the fact that it largely resembles the 3.5 ruleset but with various non-drastic updates, fixes and changes. Notably, grappling now makes sense (gasp!) and Half-orcs, and Half-elves don't suck anymore. Every class that was powerful is made even more powerful while melee classes continue to get nothing interesting or good (Improved Trip is now TWO feats). However, most still agree that the spellcasting classes are more powerful than the others. This is assuming that your DM isn't a newfag incapable of compensating.
Noted for the extremely well-textured campaign world (which contains elements lifted from pretty much everything, ever, from real-world history to crappy pulp Sci-Fi to LotoR), entire published campaigns called Adventure Paths, and decent maturity level (in both senses. Gay people exist, as do bum-fuckin', banjo-playing, inbred hillbilly ogres). The setting is both good and total shit at the same time, no better than any decent gamemaster can come up with on their own.
Essentially fairly well-done Darker and Edgier D&D. And the adventure paths & modules are pretty good. If you're the sort of skub DM who uses shit like that.
Pathfinder's barbarians are champion swimmers, but only when raging.
The Pathfinder RPG inspires a large amount of nerdrage over its rules, with frequent bawwing over fucked class balance, perceived nonsensical nerfs to fighters, buffed CoDzilla and wizards and general trollage. Any discussion of the differences between Pathfinder ("3.75" for fanboys) and regular 3.5 is almost guaranteed to produce a flamewar.
Tau Pathfinders
They're the scouts and snipers of the Tau army. They're typically armed with light Pulse Carbines (which allows them to pin enemy units down) if they're scouts or Rail rifles, which are essentially man-portable railguns, if they're assigned to do sniper support. The main use of Pathfinders are their Markerlights, which allows them to paint enemy units and allow everything targeting it to fire with greater accuracy.
Eldar Pathfinders
The veteran rangers of craftworlds, mostly Aliatoc, become Pathfinders. They function much like Rangers, in which they're primarily used for scouting or sniper support, but they're armed and more experienced, making them very deadly opponents......that until someone takes them on in meele.
- Pathfinder at Paizo Publishing, for those too damn lazy to use Google.
- Pathfinder Wiki because every goddamn thing has a wiki these days.
- Pathfinder SRD For those of you who are too lazy to get the books.