Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is all right with me, Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate! - LazyTown
Oi! You'z lot! You'z part of my crew now. Any problemz with dat, you talk to da complaintz department. Dat'z me gun, by da way. - Kaptain Bluddflag
Pirates are scavenger, sea bandits that raid and loot anyone on their sight. They were known to be pretty cool for having a ship with black skeleton flag as well as being badass as fuck for fighting heavily armed navy on daily basis. Sadly, it isn't the most bright profession since they will most likely be hanged by the navy or died of scurvy. But if they did succeed, like hell they will be famous and feared by everyone as soon as anybody saw their pirate flag and run the fuck away. It sure is free for being a pirate.
Types of Pirate
Caribbean pirate - The most common of all, the most iconic of all pirates that feature in almost in every media. The pirate captain is known for wearing eye patches, having a pet parrot with hook for arm and peg leg, which you should know that guy is badass when he lost most of his limb and is still able to fight. They are also known having a black skeleton flag (see above) while sailing a ship with a fuck load of cannon(if they are rich). The most successful pirate likes to hide their loot with a map point to its location, further promoting more people to become pirates.
Vikings - Scandinavia pirate with badass beard and horn helmet. Exist long before the Caribbean pirates and they sure made themselves famous all over the Europe.
modern pirate - Mostly just poor 3rd world Somalian. They armed with many modern weapon from assault rifle to rocket launcher. Not as cool as the badasses above, sadly.
Warhammer Fantasy pirates - Most famously Varg and Skaeling, who likes to wreck Empire's shit by raiding their border. There's also vampire pirates like Luthor Harkon, one of Abhorash's student.
Warhammer 40k pirates - Ranging from chaos worshiper, sadistic slave trader, cunning glass cannon and fucking orks, they are all badasses.
One Piece - Pirate king Gold D Roger hide a big treasure on an islad Raftel and everyone is going to find it! Some using this chance to be free from their dictators government that oppress them while the evil one just want to be more powerful and rich by collection fruits that gives you superpower. The world is big and there are sea monsters bigger than your ships, have fun.