Primaris Space Marines

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"They were forged for Mankind's darkest hour, and that hour is upon us" ~ Roboute Guilliman

"I am reaching my limit! Oh Yesssssssss!" ~Matt Ward after climaxing from the news

Lookout Chaos, there's a new kid on the block.

Primaris Marines are the next step forward in Space Marine evolution (Not counting the Raptors). Big Bobby G got together with Belisarius Cawl and put together this next generation of Astartes. They are bigger, faster, stronger, and maybe smarter than all that have come before them. Buckle up boys, its about to get hot in here.

New Stuff

  • The basic Primaris Marine is encased in Mark X Tacticus Armour. Basically it's the best of all the suits that came before it wrapped up into one convenient package. (Sadly no Beakie helm, but at least it's got that sweet Maximus style vox grill.)
  • They Wield the Bolt rifle as their standard firearm. Apparently a "perfected" version of the ubiquitous bolter, it certainly has a statline to back it up. [Range: 30" Strength: 4 AP: -1 and Rapid Fire]