Sanguine Shields

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General Information:

The Sanguine Shields are a successor chapter of the Blood Angels based on the planet Alexandria, located in the Borea system. The chapter was founded in M37 during the 22nd Founding by Brother Alexander, a former member of the Sanguinary Guard. The chapter took part in the Great Culling, where it established links with the Officio Assassinorum and the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Sanguine Shields are non-Codex Astartes complaint chapter, and maintain their own unique structure and series of ranks, based upon those of ancient Grese, a pre-Imperium power. The chapter homeworld, Alexandria, is divded into several hundred city states, termed demoi. The chapter master of the Sanguine Shields rules Alexandria as Hegemon. The leader of the city states are required to take an oath of loyalty to the chapter master upon their ascension. The city states maintain their own Imperial Guard regiments, termed Dune Riders, which favour hit-and-run tactics using light vehicles. As part of Alexandria's tithe, the city states are required to send their best Dune Riders to the chapter. Most do not return, but those who survive are given the honour of becoming Neophytes.

Chapter Organisation:

  • Chapter Master (Polemarch)
  • Archontes (Tagma Captains)
  • Tindanotai (Death Company)
  • 9th Tagma (Scouts/Recruits)
  • 8th Tagma (Buggies/Speeders)
  • 7th Tagma (Buggies/Speeders)
  • 6th Tagma (Buggies/Speeders)
  • 5th Tagma (Buggies/Speeders)
  • 4th Tagma (Rhinos/Predators)
  • 3th Tagma (Rhinos/Predators)
  • 2nd Tagma (Rhinos/Predators)
  • 1st Tagma (Rhinos/Predators)

Marine Designations:

  • Peltasts (Scout Troopers)
  • Hypastistai (Line Marines)
  • Heitaera (Honour Guard)
  • Thorakitai (Devastators)
  • Tindanotai (Rage/Thirst)
  • Prodromoi (Vehicle Units)
  • Athanatoi (Dreadnoughts)

Rank Structure:


  • Polemarch (Master)
  • Navarchos (Admiral)
  • Konostaulos (PDF/IG)
  • Archon (Line Captain)
  • Lochagos (Sergeant)


  • Heitaeros (Honour Guard)
  • Phalanges (Elite Marine)
  • Thorakites (Devastator)
  • Hypaspist (Line Marine)
  • Peltast (Scout/Recruit)


  • Athanatos (Dreadnought)
  • Tindanotes (Rage/Thirst)

Chapter Fleet:

  • 1x Battle Barge (Trireme)
  • 6x Strike Cruisers
  • 8x Gladius Frigates