It was beautiful once, Scelus. A planet of dense, dark forests and jagged mountains. The air was always cold and rain lashed the tops of trees and mountains alike for weeks without ceasing. Under the cover of the trees the light was always dim, shadows more common than clear sight. Terrible animals, if such horrors could be called that, stalked their prey in these perfect conditions. We were that prey, the descendants of humans who colonized this world thousands of years ago. Then the Imperium found our world and everything we knew for generations changed at the whim of one man. A new purpose was decreed for us, to be tested by the conditions of our homeworld, our bodies honed to provide the Imperium with recruits for a new chapter of inhuman Space Marines. That was before we were betrayed, that was before we found our true path, and that was before the terrible beauty of Scelus was burned by the fires of war. Though we are now outcasts from the Imperium we have kept our chapter's name to both remind us where we came from and what we are now. As it was written in the Index Astartes over three thousand years ago we are, now and forever, the Sons of Malice...
~Kathal, Anarch of the Sons of Malice
Scelus is a planet at the cadian sector of Segmentum Obscurus. Scelus, the Feral World that was the capital planet of the Sub-sector, was the Chapter homeworld of the Sons of Malice, and was declared Perdita at the time the Chapter turned upon the Imperium.The tribes were almost entirely eradicated by the Cadian 331st in a planet-wide campaign of genocide. The remaining tribes now worship The god of Malice ( A.k.a Malal).
The barbarous, cannibalistic rituals of the feral tribesmen influenced the sons of malice so much that they got excommunicated. Scelus contained a Schola Progenium, that was subject to a raid by by the Iron Warriors.
Early Years of Scelus. The original inhabitants of Scelus were reptilian humanoids with humans slaves for thousands of years humans never even spoke directly to their masters until the "Grimnath uprising". The "Grimnath uprising" was led by a group of warriors who acted like meat shields for the reptilians to hide behind, while at war, the uprising was crushed within weeks but had already done more damage than what the reptilian captors could ever perceive, as the humans started to think of freedom and they were determined to have it or die trying. It took some years for the humans to start co-coordinating, when the captors started suspecting of a rebellion but could not prove it. Slaves went missing overnight and decomposing corpses were found days or weeks later. The reptiles didn't know that the corpses were from the human dumping grounds where they just threw dead humans.
Two months after the worlds capital was depleted of live slaves the reptiles were struggling to do what the slaves were always doing, thousands of slaves came out of hiding with their makeshift weapons, the reptiles were so tired they couldn’t fight off the humans who showed no mercy to their captors and killed every reptile and their hatchlings even their eggs were destroyed and within hours the city was purged of all reptilians and not one escaped. The city was then secured and the humans had all the technology ,of the reptiles and their own. Using this to the fact that no reptilian knew of the rebellion, they armed themselves and raided all cities within 500 miles and waited months before bombing the cities into rubble. After the cities and towns were destroyed the whole planet knew what had happened and there was a war in every town and city, if the reptiles won, the city would be reduced to ruins and if the humans won they would gain a new stronghold, it took 12 years for the war to end and the Reptiles could not win against the human’s determination, unbending courage and ferocity was shown when the reptiles tried to surrender, the humans refused and wiped every reptilian specie from the face of the planet burning every corpse so there was not a trace of reptiles anywhere on the whole planet. Hundreds of years later the humans had formed into 5 factions
Factions "The First" Chose their name from being the first to fight back against their captors. They have the most land and the biggest military and population. Every one learns how to fight as soon as they can stand.
"The Barbaignas" are really 2 different factions who have allied themselves and become one.They are the second largest faction and are the sworn enemy of "The First", hating them because they are the strongest Faction around. It’s likely that if they were to have won the war against "The First" they would have turned on themselves.
"The Rekram" were the smallest of all the factions and the only ones to move out of the lizard’s cities. They moved to the northern pole of the planet and built a city there and began a life of research. when the Rekram were attacked by the "baraignas" , the "Rekram" had impenetrable shields and power to keep them on forever. Refusing to give up and break the shields the "Bargainas" kept attacking, two months passed before the “Rekram“ got tired and then a pole rose up from the ground to the top of the shield turning the shield black then the ground began to rumble, 3 hours later the shield went down but over 1 million turrets could be seen and opened fire destroying all their enemies. After that the "Bargainas" never attacked them.
"The qujap" were the second biggest single faction who were deemed unworthy opponents by the "Bargainas" as they chose not to fight back and they were the link between the other Factions but besides try to bring peace they did nothing exceptionally important in the human race on the planet of Sculus.