Server Crash Bestiarum Vocabulum
Hostile Programs
Reaper.exe was a program originally created to delete the first virus, the legendary but mostly harmless Creeper. When the internet was born, however, both were trapped with the Olds of ARPANET and have grown similarly mad. Whereas the Creeper has become a mischievous trickster, Reaper.exe has taken its purpose to a fanatical extreme, seeking to delete any and all foreign code from every system it infests and claims - this includes Cybers and our human heroes, putting Reaper.exe in a dangerously neutral ground.
- Integration - ∞
- Interface - 6
- Power - 8
- Capacity - 2
- Data Scanning - 4
- Firewall - 0
- Unique Program: 5cyth3.exe - 2d10 + target's Integration - Melee
- With an infinite Integration, Reaper.exe has no conventional corruption limit. Any corruption exceeding 50 freezes up the program, however, as it struggles to decide if it is foreign code in the present system. It is then that it can be removed, but only to be forced upon a new website or node, where it will eventually unfreeze. (To simulate this, it is suggested that the Admin roll no less than two dice for a conventional Reconstruction check for Reaper.exe on itself.)
Minor Virii
Link Worm
The normally blue link in front of you flashes a crimson red and before you can shout it twists under your fingers rising up in a fountain of blood red data and slowly turns to strike.
The link worm is a insidious Virii that can entwine its data into that of a weblink to act as a living trap normally these Virri are just a quick bug sweep however removal of the worm from a link is somewhat harder and if not properly done than the link may be be destroyed forever.
- Integration - 5
- Interface - 3
- Power - 4
- Capacity - 2
- Data Scanning - 7
- Firewall - 0
Unique Program:Imbed Allows the worm to entangle its self with a weblink or a player.
-if (player) than CAP vs DATA save
-if save fail yes than 1d10 + 2 every round unless DATA vs target CAP to remove the worm.