Imagine Joffrey Baratheon growing up, and gaining the favor of the god(dess) of being a colossal narcissistic asshole FOR being a colossal narcissistic asshole along with a demigod powers, and an army of sick fucks. That's who's the Sigvald is.
Sigvald was born from an incestuous relationship between a powerful warlord and his sister. Sigvald was beautiful from birth, save for a horned birthmark on the back of his neck, and was spoiled by his father until expelled from his tribe by his father due to his "fondness for human flesh". Sigvald proceeded to murder his father in his sleep and departed for the Chaos Wastes, earning Slaanesh as his patron. Now, Sigvald marches at the head of an army devoted to himself, eradicating anyone he deems to be ugly, crude or irritating.
Sigvald has burned down cities on a whim; one story suggests that he destroyed the town of Chamburg because the wine there was not to his taste. Other exploits include declaring war on a province of the Empire because he once broke a nail on a warrior priest's armor during a previous battle and heading to Ulthuan to scalp as many High Elves as he could because their hair was prettier than his/they were more renowned for pretty hair than he was.
He is spoiled by Slaanesh and is described as being extremely self-centered: his body-guards bear mirrored shields so that he may preen himself in the midst of battle. His gifts from Slaanesh have left him beautiful on the outside, but rotten inside. The ground literally reshapes itself for him and his feet float and inch above the world's surface. He wears an armor of ensorcelled gold that never rusts or gets dirty and fights with Silverslash: a rapier of silver forged from the sword of Slaanesh.
He recently fought Krell in a badass battle in The End Times, where he destroyed him after Krell scratched his pretty face a bit. He was then sneakily smashed and pissed on by Throgg, who had the shit beat out of him by Sigvald earlier. TAKE THAT YOU SLAANESHI NARCISSIST JERK!!