Sorcerers of Khorne

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Khorne does not allow sorcerers to serve him so the idea of Sorcerers of Khorne is heretical even to Chaos. It's Double Heresy, unholy shit. Yet here we are and here you will RAGE. I guess the writer of this doesn't know about Gore Mages. Or the Haemorrhage psyker power.

Incidentally, this story was written by some smarmy 40k faggot who knows nothing about Warhammer Fantasy. For one thing, Khornates in Fantasy don't say "maim! kill! burn!", and actual Khornate sorcerers are just Chaos Warriors with premonition and no armour.


And how the fuck would a mere Imperial Captain know that much about Chaos?

The Petition

The God of Blood, Progenitor and Inheritor of All Rage, had watched this petitioner for his audience climb the mountain of skulls and best his daemon in honorable combat before prostrating himself before the Skull Throne.

"Speak, warrior," Khorne said, "For you have earned it."

"Uh, yeah," The warrior began, slightly unsure, "I was sort of wondering why we can't have sorcerers is all."

"Because!" Khorne bellowed, "Sorcerers fight from afar like Skaven cowards!"

"Well, okay, so ya know our battle cry of 'Maim, kill, burn'? Yeah, we don't do a lot of burnin' I notice so what if sorcerer could set our weapons or our fists on fire or something so we can burn while we maim. That'd be pretty awesome."

Khorne leaned back against his throne and gave this suggestion due consideration.

"Oh, and they should breathe fire too!"

A firing squad lined up outside the town, rifles at ready to defend these citizens of the Empire. Beastmen, mutants and worst charged at them like mad orcs. They knew if they but held the line and kept up the rate of fire this town would be saved.

The captain raised his hand to signal the first volley of fire when he spotted something a little odd. Walking almost calmly amongst the charging horde was a man wearing the lower remains of a tattered robe and an axe with an overly long handle almost like a staff.

What's this, some foul sorcerer of Chaos? The symbol of Khorne was emblazoned on his axe and on his bare muscled chest and Khorne allowed no sorcerers. It was impossible. But foul powers circled around him as he raised his overly long axe like a staff and shouted in plain Riekspiel so all could hear.

"Maim! Kill! BURN!!!"

Without final incantation, the weapons of the enemy was set ablaze with sorcerous fire as red as blood. The captain shouted for them to fire, but the haze of the flame and other foul magics made it so not many shots hit.

Soon the enemy with their weapons of chaos fire was upon them, slaughtering them. The last thing the captain saw was the Sorcerer of Khorne, a ball of red fire emerging from his mouth and the roar of a dragon.

That day the town burned, their flaming skulls piled high in presentation to the Skull Throne. Khorne was pleased.

A Very Different Take

There was a Sorcerer in the World Eaters Warband in Dawn of War: Winter Assault. This is one of the rare breaches that was considered Goto level. Gore Mages and/or a fallen Librarian The World Eaters killed all their librarians.

If the main Khorne page is to be believed, the Winter Assault Sorcerer isn't that big a fluff breech. As mentioned elsewhere on this wiki, Khorne is fine with the magicks of summoning daemons. To summon daemons, you need sacrifices. To get the sacrifices, the player needs to manually guide the Sorcerer over to an Imperial Guard base, smash up the outer defenses, tie up the Ogryns with regular troops, cast a mind control spell on some Guardsmen, then escort the brainwashed Guardsmen back to the blood pit. Everything except the brainwashing step is done in what Khorne would call a "manual" method, earned with the sweat of your brow, the power of your own body, and the strength of your will. What's more, the Sorcerer isn't doing it from the safety of a distant hilltop, you have to send him into the thick of the fighting where only his wits will keep him alive. It's genuine warfare no matter how you slice it, something Khorne has little choice but to begrudgingly accept.

40K Faggotry Aside

Yes, Khorne does indeed have SEERS dedicated to him. But there is a catch.

You see, actual Khornate Sorcerers in Fantasy aren't Sorcerers at all, but are in fact Vitkis (the Norscan word for 'shaman') who bear Khorne's mark. In lieu of casting spells, these Vitki; who are known as "Bloodfathers", instead are endowed with GODLIKE MARTIAL PROWESS AND UNMATCHED KNOWLEDGE OF EVERY FIGHTING MOVE AND BATTLE TACTIC EVER. And also the ability to see gruesome visions of hardcore bloodshed, so they know exactly where to go.

A fine example of a Bloodfather would be Alfkaell the Aesling, eh kills Kurgan zars for disrespecting Khorne and gives awesome speeches telling people about the futility of fighting his god and doesn't afraid of anything. He is a supporting antagonist in the aptly named Blood for the Blood God novel by C.L. Werner.


Discipline of Blood (Warhammer 40K)

The restriction on Chaos Sorcerers being unable to take a Mark of Khorne is removed. The restriction on Daemon Princes of Khorne being unable to take Psyker mastery levels is removed. A Sorcerer or Daemon Prince with the Mark of Khorne must generate at least one of their spells from the Discipline of Blood (unless from the Chaos Daemons Codex) and may generate up to half of their powers from the Discipline of Blood.

Frenzy (Primaris): Warp Charge 1. The sorcerer radiates with the power of rage and hatred, infesting everyone around him with a murderous frenzy. Frenzy is a Blessing that targets the psyker himself. Whilst the power is in effect, all models (friend or foe) within 12" of a psyker that are locked in close combat receive all the bonuses they would receive from charging (+1 A, Furious Charge, Hammer of Wrath, Hatred). If they have already charged, they gain these bonuses twice.

  1. Blood Haste: Warp Charge 1. The sorcerer tempts his brothers with the scent of blood, driving them to the battle sooner. Blood Haste is a Blessing that grants the psyker and his unit the Fleet and Hammer of Wrath USRs.
  2. Daemonic Steel: Warp Charge 1. The Sorcerer invokes the powers of Khorne's forge to strengthen his weapon, so that it may better spill blood in his name. Daemonic Steel is a Blessing that gives the psyker's Force Weapon the Daemon Weapon (See Codex Chaos Space Marines) and Furious Charge special rules.
  3. Khorne's Contempt: Warp Charge 1. Khorne shows no favor to those that avoid conflict and will go to any lengths to display it, even if it is through the psyker. Khorne's Contempt is a Malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Whilst the power is in effect, the target unit must make a Leadership Check on a 3d6 each time it tries to overwatch, retreat, or move away from the closest enemy unit. If the unit fails the Leadership check, it suffers one Wound for each point the unit failed by, with no saves of any kind allowed.
  4. Maim! Kill! Burn!: Warp Charge 1. The heat of Khorne's forge is so great that the weapons of his followers are set ablaze with it. Maim! Kill! Burn! is a Blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 12". Whilst the power is in effect, all melee weapons in the target unit (save those models get for having no melee weapon and a pistols alternative profile) gain +1 Strength and the Shred USR.
  5. Martial Glory: Warp Charge 2. The psyker radiates the aspect of the Blood God that forces everyone around him to prove their worth in glorious close combat, abandoning those crude and cowardly guns. Martial Glory is a Blessing that targets the psyker himself. Whilst the power is in effect, all units within 18" of the psyker can only fire Snap Shots and are forced to attempt a charge if at the start of their Assault phase there is at least one enemy unit within 12" and line of sight.
  6. Unstoppable Fury: Warp Charge 2. The sorcerer's power is so great that his warriors will constantly fight, even if all their blood has been spilled. Unstoppable Fury is a Blessing that grants a single friendly unit within 18" the Eternal Warrior and Feel No Pain (5+) USRs.

Lore of Khorne (Warhammer Fantasy)

Chaos Sorcerers and Sorcerer Lords may take a Mark of Khorne for 10pts. The restriction on Daemon Princes of Khorne not being able to take wizard levels is removed. A Sorcerer or Daemon Prince with the Mark of Khorne must select spells from either the Lore of Fire or the Lore of Khorne.

Let it Flow! (let it flow! I am one with sea and skyyyyy!) (Lore Attribute): As the battle drags on, more blood is spilled, giving the sorcerer more material with which to work. For every two turns that pass, the casting wizard adds +1 to its attempts to cast spells from the Lore of Khorne.

Bloodlust (Signature Spell; cast on a 5+): The sorcerer controls the blood of those near him, causing it to boil and froth with rage. Remains in play. Bloodlust is an augment spell cast upon a unit within 6" of the sorcerer. That unit gains the Frenzy special rule. If it already has the Frenzy special rule, then it gains the Hatred special rule. Alternatively the sorcerer may choose to extend the range of this spell to 12". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 7+.

  1. Blood Rain (Cast on a 5+): The sorcerer causes the blood from one of the pools nearby to crystallize into spikes and rise into the air before flinging those spikes at the opponent. Blood Rain is a magic missile with a range of 12" and causes 2D6 Strength 3 hits. Alternatively, the sorcerer may increase the number of hits to 3D6; if he does so, the casting value is increased to 10+.
  2. Impale (Cast on a 6+): The sorcerer thrusts his hands into the blood at his feet and causes spikes of crystallized blood to burst from the pool and impale those near him. All enemy models within base contact of the Sorcerer suffer a Strength 5 hit. Monsters suffer D3 hits instead.
  3. Blood Rush (Cast on a 7+): The sorcerer tempts his fellow khornates with the scent of blood. Remains in play. Blood Haste is an augment spell cast upon a unit within 6" of the sorcerer. That unit gains the Swiftstride and Impact Hits (1) special rules. Alternatively the sorcerer may choose to extend the range of this spell to 12". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 9+.
  4. The Hounds of Tindalos (Cast on a 8+): Before Karanak was Khorne's favored, Tindalos held its position. Tindalos's end came when it was given an impossible task: take the skulls of 888 warlords within the same number of minutes. Tindalos made the task possible by splitting its essence into thousands of disembodied maws. When the task was done, Tindalos found that it could not pull itself back together. Remains in play. The Hounds of Tindalos is a hex spell cast upon a unit within 12" of the sorcerer. That unit must roll 3D6 when taking Break, Terror and Panic tests and discard the lowest die. In addition, for each point any Break, Terror or Panic test is failed by, the unit suffers a S5 hit. Alternatively all Break, Terror and Panic tests must take a 3D6 roll without discarding the lowest dice. If this is done, the casting value is increased to 12+.
  5. Sorcerer's Hypocrisy (Cast on a 10+): Blood flows from the ground back into the bodies of the sorcerer's allies. Khorne will be angered by this and requires that those who have regained their blood pay him back. Blood Debt is an augment spell with a range of 24". The target unit instantly recovers D3+1 wounds worth of models slain earlier in the battle (cavalry counts as two models). The wounds in the unit are regained in a strict order: first, the champion is resurrected, then the musician (standard bearers are never resurrected - if the bearer been slain, the banner is gone for good), displacing rank-and-file models as required; rank-and-file models with multiple wounds (including command figures) are healed to their starting value; finally, any remaining wounds resurrect rank and file models (in the case of multiple wound rank and file models, the first resurrected model must be healed fully before the next can be healed, and so on). These models are added to the front rank until it reaches at least five models - additional models can then be added to the front or rear rank. If the unit already has more than one rank, models can only be added to the rear rank. For every wound restored the player controlling the sorcerer loses 10 victory points.
  6. Exsanguinate (Cast on a 15+): The sorcerer rips the blood out of an enemy. Exsanguinate is a direct damage spell with a range of 12". A single character in the targeted unit must pass a Toughness test or be slain with no armour saves allowed. If the Toughness test (and Ward Save if applicable) is failed, then make the same test on another model in the target's unit. Keep doing this until one model passes the test or there are no models left to slay. This spell does not work on undead.

End Times. Wrath of Khorne (Cast on a 25+): The Sorceror calls down a Brass Skull to strike his foes. Place the Large Round template anywhere within 30" of the Sorceror. The template is treated as a Stone Thrower shot that does not scatter.