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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

StarCraft is Real Time Strategy video game, made by Blizzard. Despite being THE most balanced asymmetrical RTS ever and the South Korean national religion, StarCraft is most famous in neckbeard society for the "It's all stolen from WH40K" holy war.

Long story short, there are rumors, denied by both Blizzard and GW, that StarCraft at first was developed as WH40K game, until GW for some retarded reason rescind their permission on using the 40K universe (like they don't want a part of the bazillion tons of money Blizzard tend to earn for their games). /v/ tends to accuse GW of stealing Blizzard's ideas, which sounds silly at first, until you see the current Tyranyd design (prior to SC, the nids looked very different, as in, they looked sillier than the Space Marines do now). /b/tards tend to laugh at both /v/ and /tg/ and troll them to generate even more delicious copypasta.

To be fair, there is a lot in common between Starcraft and the 40k universe; but if you remove your fanboy glasses it's obviously because both settings are conscienceless rip-offs of the entire sci-fi genre with less then 0.1% original content - it's not like there weren't human space marines, ravenous, rapidly adaptable bug monsters, and psychic alien warriors before 40K. Deep inside your heart you know it.

Srsly, in Starcraft I (1998) and Warhammer 40,000 fluff is so fucking similar that if you are familiar with both game, you can't distinguish an actual different between them. Just replace Old Ones with Xel'naga, Nids with Zergs and combine the Tau and Eldar together with the Protoss. It has even a similar GRIMDARK taste. But after Starcraft II release, all of that have been retconned

TL/DR: If you're a fan of 40k or SC, stop bitching about all that "stolen" shit. It's a mark of fool doing that, and by doing that you make all your fellow fans look retarded. 40k is a blatant Mega crossover fanfic, 90% ripped off from Dune, Doom, Alien, Starship Troopers, Star Wars, 1984, Event Horizon, H.P. Lovecraft, Mecha Anime and so on all pasted straight onto Warhammer Fantasy anyway.

TL;DR: Quit. Bitching.