Such is life on Volg

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Volg is without question, one of the shittiest places to live in the Imperium. Located on the hive world of Fenksworld, corpsestarch is the meal of the day and executions for said corpsestarch are common. The stories below come from a Dark Heresy player whose character hails from the hive.

The posts

Volg Hive Scum likes sharing Volgite culture and history with other Acolytes during mission downtime.

>"Old Volg story for children. One day, little girl go to dispenser to buy corpsestarch. Mutant crawl out of vent and take her to sump pit for eating. Days later, family find little girl parts in waste duct. Parts maybe mutated and can't go in corpsestarch. Family executed for more corpsestarch. Such is life on Volg."

>"Old Volg ghost story for children before mandatory night cycle unconciousness enforced. Some children make hear strange noise from oxygen recyclers. Get scared, think maybe a ghost. Children are executed for heresy, is no such thing as ghosts. Such is life on Volg."

>"This one, you like. Old Volg story for religious instruction. One day, dredge sinker scraping algae off mold filter. Think he maybe see pictograph of Blessed Emperor's throne on filter. Replace filter and take to Cleric. Cleric executes him for wasting mould filter. Such is life on Volg."

>"This one, Old Volg military legend. One day, Volg raise Imperial Guard regiment for make send to off-world for glorious battle with Orks. Volg Guardsmen great warriors kill many Orks. Volg no afford war tithe for send men home, only afford cold storage. Commissars execute all guardsmen send home as corpsestarch. Much celebrating. Such is life on Volg."

(On visiting Feudal World that celebrates a twisted, 40k version of Christmas 'Emperor's Day' for our game's 'Christmas Special')

>On Volg, have holiday every year for one hour. Special break hour for children. All year, children collect tooths and implants not processed by meat sump for corpsestarch. Lucky children find whole finger when go to corpsestarch dispenser make dinner. On holiday hour, children give corpse trinkets as gifts. Child with most trinkets is the winner. The winner gets executed, luck is another word for heresy. Such is life on Volg."