Total War Warhammer/Tactics/Slaanesh

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This is the general tactics page on how to play Slaanesh in Total War: WARHAMMER. As the game isn't out yet and we know very little about how the faction will work, this page won't be filled out for a long time. However, we can make some early guesses based on the table top and the trailer.

Why Play Slaanesh?

  • You prefer Speed and using your mobility to outmaneuver and tear apart your enemy as opposed to the simple rip and tear.
  • Because you're a sexual deviant and this is the best way to show your horniness without going out in public. (Though given that this game is T rated expect the more sexual parts of Slaanesh to be toned down, at least until some of the modders have their say)
  • Because fuck armor, your crab claw ladies don't give a fuck about it.
  • You want to play the only army in the game that is non-binary inclusive.
  • Some degenerate is going to give you a NSFW mod, it's only a matter of time.


  • Speed: You will likely be one of the fastest armies in the entire game. Trailers and unit stats show so far that your cavalry, chariots, and Legendary Lord have a base speed of 100, and that almost all of your units that aren't infantry can keep up with them. You will most certainly be up there with Wood Elves and Beastmen with how fast you can get around the battlefield.
  • AP: Heavy armour shouldn't be a problem for you in the slightest. Factions that rely on armour like Dwarfs and Warriors of Chaos will dread when you come on to the battlefield.
  • Cavalry and Chariots: With numerous varieties of both Cav and Chariots you have the ability to be a really strong threat while on the move. Sure, Heartseekers and Hellstriders probably won't beat Grail Knights in a fair one on one fight but their sheer speed will mean that back line is probably doomed. Plus teh chariot variety means and armored front line is going to suffer.
  • Immunity to Fear: A big part of the Mark of Slaanesh on the tabletop was immune to psych, and since Khorne has frenzy on most of his units it's safe to safe Immune to Psych will be very common on your units. As such, you really won't give a shit about big scary monsters or units.
  • Diplomacy: Few mortals can resist the God(dess) of Pleasure. Unlike other Daemonic Forces, you have diplomatic options at your disposal. This can be useful to close off a front with a non-aggression pact, or even an alliance of convenience when necessary.


  • Fragile: The downside of having an army of half naked monster girls/boys/things? There isn't a ton of armour to go around. Expect to be taking a punishing on the way in (Not that Slaanesh has an issue with that)
  • Lack of Ranged: You can't hump your opponent to death from the other side of the map. Aside from maybe some mortals with javelins, don't expect much ranged play.
    • Note: in the unlikely event CA starts drawing from Age of Sigmar, Slaanesh may end up with the second best range game of the chaos factions due to the new "blissbarb" units Slaanesh got recently. Again: this is unlikely but we are speculating at this point and the possibility can not be fully discounted.
  • Lack of Fliers: When Furies are the best flying unit you have, it's safe to say you aren't a faction that is designed around dogfighting and controlling the skies. You will easily be the weakest Monogod faction when it comes to the air.
  • Dealing with Large Units: You better hope your monsters are statted as dedicated anti-large units because the rest of your army are not going to be able to deal with bigbois at all. You have no ranged units and marauder spearmen ain't gonna cut it against the likes of Bloodcrushers and Mournfangs. Ogres in particular will give you trouble since your low mass frontliners will evaporate the moment they're hit with an ogre charge.
  • No Flexibility: Everyone fighting you knows you're going to bring a fast glass cannon army. Like your other chaos monogod siblings, you do one thing well and can't do much else. Somewhat ironic that the factions closest to chaos are the most predictable opponents.
  • DLC: Sorry but trends are trends and some of your better units may be reserved for Lord Packs.


Legendary Lords

  • N'Kari: He's here and he's looking a lot like his classic artwork where he's facing down Aenarion. He's big, he's fast, he's purple, and he's got four nipples. Has a blistering 100 speed, which means he's a single entity monster that can keep up with warhounds and light cavalry. This guy is going to blitz across the battlefield and right into your "backline," which is good because he has only 15 armor and will need to hurry if he doesn't want to get turned into Swiss cheese by ranged units.

Generic Lords

  • Exalted Keeper of Secrets: If the Exalted Bloodthister is anything to go by, there will be an Exalted Keeper of Secrets acting as the lord while the standard one is a monster you can recruit. Expect a fast AP monster with the Lores of Slaanesh and Shadows that will be able to get around the battlefield very quickly. It's going to be way faster than a Bloodthirster but also much frailer, so it may be much more reliant on cycle charging and using it's mobility as opposed to the grinding style of the Bloodthirster. (Ironically, Khorne is better than Slaanesh at grinding, who knew?) It'll also probably be much more focused on dueling than the general slaughter style of the Bloodthirster.
  • Herald of Slaanesh: There was recently a leak showing that a voice actress actually played this unit for the game, so safe to assume it's coming. It will likely be a hybrid hero with the Lore of Slaanesh and/or Shadow magic along with AP in melee. Think a Loremaster for the High Elves only faster and frailer. Will likely also have some support abilities for nearby Daemons.


Legendary Heroes

Generic Heroes

  • Alluress: Likely to be a hero version of the Herald, like for the other three gods. Same spell lords and mounts.
  • Cultist of Slaanesh: It is most likely the bald elf chick that has shown up in some of the trailers. Based on her design she looks to be more of a speedy assassin type character.



  • Marauders of Slaanesh: Slannesh's warriors of pain and seduction (no, not those guys. or those guys. Look, Slaanesh has a lot of freaks working for them, ok?) The big difference between these guys and normal Mauraders is they have Immune to Psych, meaning they are far less likely to run than their cousins in the Warriors of Chaos and Norsca. Come with an Anti Large spear version, an Anti Infantry sword claw version, and a tanky whip version. Use them as your cheap screeners to protect your Daemonettes from missiles.
  • Daemonettes: Very fast, very AP heavy, and very squishy Daemonic infantry unit. Roughly equivalent to wardancers, stats wise, but considerably faster.
  • Exalted Daemonettess: Faster, killier, sexier Daemonettes. Roughly equivalent to bladesingers, stats wise, but considerably faster.



  • Seekers: Has the potential to be one of the fastest units in the entire series, unfortunately they don’t even have any armour, so cycle charging might be your best strategy when using them.
  • Heartseekers: Named after the unit champion of Seekers, these things are most likely to be a straight upgrade.
  • Hellstriders: Essentially the same as the above, only they’ll cut their losses and run rather than fight to the bitter end. Will come with lances (or pincers rather) and Hellscourge whips.


  • Seeker Chariot: Given that the Exalted version is confirmed these guys are a very good bet. This one is the more likely of the two to act as a normal chariot unit rather than a single entity. Expect it to be super fast for a chariot but probably even more brittle when trapped in prolonged melee.
  • Hellflayer: Essentially acts as a giant lawnmower, able to plough through infantry. Unfortunately it’s a wide target so might get singled out by ranged fire.
  • Exalted Seeker Chariot: Recently confirmed. Expect an extremely fast but extremely fragile chariot that will mow down any heavily armored infantry it comes across. Unknown whether it will be a single entity or come in a unit. Likely to serve as a mount for Slaanesh characters.

War Beasts

  • Fiend of Slaanesh: Imagine even faster, bigger, rat ogres with poison and you’d get the idea. Would be able to keep up with the rest of your forces, but unfortunately has just as much armour as the rest of them.
  • Chaos Furies (Slaanesh): Essentially the same as the other furies, acting like daemonic harpies with buffs from their god. In this case, speed and armour piercing.


  • Chaos Spawn of Slaanesh: Appeared in the Nurgle vs Slaanesh video. Will likely be used the same way you use normal Spawn, only might be faster and have better AP
  • Soul Grinder of Slaanesh: Judging from the design in the Nurgle vs Slaanesh video, your version actually looks to be pure melee with the Daemon Bone Claw attachment. Expect it to be the fastest of the Soul Grinders with impressive melee, but it won't have the range that makes the others so versatile.
  • Keeper of Secrets: Given that Khorne and Tzeentch got Greater Daemons as generic units, I think it's safe to say the same thing for Slaanesh's princes of horny. They will likely be fast character killers designed to duel other single entities. Given what we have seen with the Lord of Change and Great Unclean One, they will likely have a couple spells from the Lore of Slaanesh.


Multiplayer Strategies

Slaanesh is all about one thing, going at your opponent as fast as possible. Oh, they will resist, but you'll get your way in the end. Slaanesh really needs to find that perfect vulnerable position and slide right in. Don't go for grinding here, get into the habit of rhythmically pulling in and out to get the best result possible. Be sure to conserve as much of your unit's energy and fight too, you don't wait to climax too early. If all goes well eventually everything will come together in one big- SNAP I'm the embodiment of ecstasy and excess and even I was getting sick of the sex puns! Ok fine, you have a ton of mobility and dps on your units but they will fall apart really fast if they meet stern resistance. The lack of ranged and fliers also means you will have to get to that backline the old fashioned way. It will be a Micro heavy army that will reward good timing and have one of the higher skill floors in the game. Now go teach those ungrateful bastards our horny ways!

  • Dwarfs: Oh man, if you can micro well you are going to have a field day with Dwarfs. You have pretty much everything that they hate fighting from an affordable AP frontline, fast flankers to dive the backline and chariots galore. Daemonettes will likely make the most cost effective front line, and a few mauraders to screen will allow them to get in without taking too much in the way of missile fire. It's unknown whether Seekers or Hellstriders will make the better choice for cav, but either way they should be able to rapidly get around and dive those cannons and guns before they can do much damage. With three options of chariots to pick from (go for normal seekers or hellflayers, they'll be available in more numbers) you should be able to punch through their lines and dry hump that silly book of theirs. Really, the only thing that won't work are monsters as Dwarfs have plenty of missiles and Anti Large, so Fiends, Spawns and KOS can stay at home, meaning a Herald will likely be your best Lord option. If you can micro well you can dominates this match up but if not... well, prepare for a lot of your skimpy crab ladies to get turned into sexy ground beef.
  • Nurgle: This might actually be a difficult one. Your biggest strengths are speed and armor piercing, but Nurgle's units have almost no armor to begin with and don't really have a back line to speak of. Fighting them is going to be like when someone in a cartoon punches a fat guy and their arm just sinks into his gut. You don't have the things that scare Nurgle the most, namely fire damage and ranged units. Instead you're going to have to rely on your superior mobility to cycle charge his slow moving units again and again. You might not benefit from your AP but you still have substantial charge bonuses. The real question is how many charges it takes to cut through Nurgle's absurdly large health pools and healing. If you get dragged into a war of attrition you're going to lose.
  • Slaanesh:
  • Wood Elves: Calling it now, this will be an interesting mashup. You both are going to be fast, and very squishy, so dealing with their archers should be easy. However, your lack of armor on your nude beasts will make them easy targets. So basically a drag race of vegans vs virgins
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