A troglodyte, in the general pop culture understanding of the term, is a nasty, vicious, twisted, stunted little monster, usually dwelling underground.
In Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder, the term is used a little... differently. Troglodytes are a subrace of Lizardfolk that dwell in the Underdark, and worship their own Demon Prince, making them usually Chaotic Evil cannibals - much like lizardfolk under the reign of a Lizard King. Really, the only major difference between the races is that troglodytes stink.
No, seriously; troglodytes are infamous for powerful musk glands that give them a distinctly overwhelming and foul odor, so potent that it outright gives them the Stench ability. You can tell TSR was prone to scraping the creativity barrel, huh?
Despite this, troglodytes did get a more nuanced appearance in Dragon Magazine #265, where they were one of the seven "Primitive PCs" for AD&D.