Vampire: The Requiem
Vampire: The Requiem is the flagship title of White Wolf's New World of Darkness line, and, as its name suggests, the equivalent of the Old World of Darkness's Vampire: The Masquerade gameline. The changes are as follows:
- 13 Clans with fleshed out, restricting histories become 5 Clans with vague, open-ended histories and numerous Bloodlines (essentially sub-Clans). Naturally, both oWoD and nWoD fans believe their way to be the true way.
- The Camarilla becomes 5 Covenants with mutually exclusive goals. In-universe, the Camarilla used to exist in the past but disintegrated when the Roman Empire fell.
- The Sabbat becomes VII.
- The Infernalists become the more sporadic, less-organized Belial's Brood.
- Arguably the biggest difference is that you can't just make someone a Vampire by draining them and feeding them your blood, now you have to spend a dot of Willpower.
- A new group of antagonists called the Strix are added. They aren't exactly vampires, but instead are shadowy, demonic owl-like beings that despise all forms of life and Humanity (to the point where they consider a Humanity 0 vampire too human) and claim to be a physical manifestation of the Beast. While they don't normally possess physical forms, they can possess corpses and unfortunate vampires to use as meat-puppets.
There are all sorts of splats and expansions, including one for playing in the Roman Empire, one for various other historical settings (WW1 to Ancient Egypt), one for playing as a ghoul and one for the eighties (I am deadly serious).
Now into its second edition (originally released under the title of "Blood & Smoke"), which gave vampires a fairly big boost. For example, they no longer only downgrade bullets to bashing; they downgrade all Lethal damage to Bashing unless they're full of Bashing damage.