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Vindicare assassins are one of the varieties of assassin fielded by the Officio Assassinorum in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are superlative snipers capable of making accurate shots from ridiculous distances, selected for their natural talent and further honed by extensive training and indoctrination by the Vindicare Temple. The primary weapon of the Vindicare is the infamous Exitus sniper rifle. In addition to the "ordinary" solid slug projectiles it can fire, an assortment of special round types are available for the weapon, allowing the Vindicare to engage different types of target effectively. The motto of the Temple is "Exitus Acta Probat: The Outcome Justifies the Deed." They also are some of the most lurvely looking, because of their bad-ass visors.
/tg/'s most well-known Vindicare is LIIVI of Love Can Bloom fame, an agent sent to Kronus who turned rogue and deserted the Imperium when he fell in love with the Eldar farseer Taldeer.
Vindicare Training
Vindicare Assassins are either orphans or have been abandoned as young children. The Officio Assassinorum takes them in, and since no one cares about them, they are trained in the arts infiltration, sniping, and escape/evasion tactics. Dark Heresy also tells of VERY high profile, but "ordinary", assassins/bounty hunters/killers taken onboard Assassinorum ships (usually after killing an another similarly high profile target, designated via an anonymous letter with a name on it) to Terra and made Vindicares, if they pass all of the tests. They are brutally punished if they fuck up and are ordered to avoid all human contact, except for their handlers. Grimdark indeed. Again, Derp Heresy lists them as more talkable, but still forever alone. They can also dodge Titan feet and invisible psychic attack there.
Vindicare Weapons
As mentioned before their primary weapon is the Exitus Sniper Rifle (think of a 50. cal sniper rifle and x10 that). This weapon allows the Vindicare to kill targets from a long, long, long, long, long, loooong WAY'S AWAY. The Vindicare's secondary weapon is the Exitus Pistol, which is only a scaled back version of the big ass rifle the operative carries.
A close approximation of a routine Vindicare kill:
Vindicare Fashions
Vindicare Assassins are some of the most sexiest beasts out there, with a tight latex suit, glorifying their abdominal power. They also are known to wear LOEVLY masks, which are much more smexy-er than the other assassins.
Vindicares on the table

Vindicare snipers are one of the most powerful single models in the game (as with all assassins). All Assassins come with an impressive statline:
WS:8 BS:8 S:4 T:4 W:2 I:7 A:4 Ld:10.
Assassins are also equipped with a special second skin that gives a 6+ feel no pain (more of a preposterous hope than a viable fall-back) , and their incredible reflexes gives them a 4+ invulnerable save. The Assassins differ through their equipment, the Vindicare is armed with the fearsome Exitus Rifle and pistol, and thanks to his BS of 8, he only has a 1/12 chance of missing.
Exitus Rifle: Range:36" Str:X AP:1 Type:Heavy 1, Sniper
Exitus Pistol: Range:12" Str:X AP:1 Type:Pistol, Sniper
Obviously this means with standard rounds both weapons always wound on a 4+, however, Vindicares are not equipped with stock ammo. They have access to special rounds which incur special bonuses, these rounds can be used any amount of times and with both rifle and pistol.
- Hellfire rounds: Wound on a 2+, instead of a 4+ (this is your standard round, basically you can very, frighteningly easily kill any one-wound model within 36").
- Shieldbreaker rounds: Wound on a 4+, ignores invulnerable saves given through equipment (i.e. It will negate a storm shields 3+ save, but not the invulnerable save daemons naturally possess), on top of this, even if a wound is not caused, that target may not use that invulnerable save for the rest of the game. Through the magic of mathematics we know that these are only better than hellfires if the invulnerable save the target possesses is 4+ or less. If it's 5+ or 6+ you have a better chance of causing a wound with hellfires. Of course, using this round on a powerful hero armed with a storm shield is pretty lulzy, for example, the enemy hero is charging forward, lascannon blasts deflecting of his energy field, well, just break his storm shield by merely rolling a 2+ to hit, and watch as his terminator armour vaporises from around him under the combined force of 5 lascannons.
- Turbo-penetrator rounds (commonly referred to as "sex toy" rounds): Against vehicles these roll 4d6 for amour penetration, plus the 3 strength that sniper weapons have against vehicles (and +d3 for any 6's you roll (rending USR))), so with AP1 this sniper can fairly easily one shot land raiders (YES, LAND RAIDERS!!!). Against non-vehicles, these cause 2 wounds on a 4+. Using these rounds against models with 3 or more wounds is just a waste unless you just want to soften them up for some charging allies. Against models with two wounds this round is a gamble, you can either almost certainly kill them in two turns (with hellfires) or have a 1/2 chance of killing them in one turn (with Turbo-penetrator rounds). If Lady Luck and Admiral Awesome are on your side, enjoy killing Failbaddon in two shots.
On top of all this, YOU can choose which models in the enemy unit takes the wounds (just like telion), so you can pick off heavy weapons etc. that pose a threat to your army.
Vindicare snipers are excellent support units, they can pick off the most threatening enemy weapons (including vehicles), ensuring the rest of your army can bring the pain a lot more efficiently, so do not waste precious shots on lowly grunts, unlike the other assassins, you can't expect the Vindicare to recoup his entire points cost in two turns, for an army a Vindicare makes not, he is not there to kill the enemy, he is there to PROTECT your own men from the enemy ( killing get what I mean...). They also have the 'infiltrate' special rule, so they appear wherever you want on the table ready to kill, and they have the 'stealth' special rule, this is good because if the Vindicare is going to survive he NEEDS cover, 4+ inv. save is nice, but it's still only 4+, and he only has 2 wounds, in open ground 10 guardsmen have a good chance of killing him in one volley (even with flashlights), a Vindicare in the open is a dead Vindicare. In light of this, if possible include a techmarine ('reinforce' special rule) in your army, meaning he gets a 2+ cover save in the ruin he deploys in, ensuring even the heaviest weaponry can't shift him. Just make sure to pick off any nearby flamers (pretty easy with hellfire rounds), and this sniper will be a constant pain for your opponent. Make no mistake though, his statline and blind grenades (defensive grenades) ensure he can withstand small units in close combat, but he isn't an Eversor, and he doesn't have a power weapon, a concentrated assault will finish him off, so know when to cut your losses and retreat him. For some reason though he is terrible against enemy characters (which is kind of the thing snipers were invented to kill...fucking Matt Ward...) due to his lack of any ability to inflict instant death against models with 3 or more wounds.
Assaulting with this man will result in lulz for at least one player, he will charge in against a small squad, drop one enemy with his Exitus Pistol, the squad fails it's pinning test and goes to ground, then the Vindicare wipes out the squad with his 5 attacks on the charge. Well, either that or he will charge in, drop one enemy with his Exitus Pistol, the squad passes it's pinning test. then the Vindicare does nothing with his 5 attacks on the charge and get killed by the counter attack......But trust me, it's totally worth it, imagine the look on your enemies face when a dedicated SNIPER kills his squad of weeabo Tau Fire warriors, by effectively punching them right in the balls (if they have balls...).
See Also
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