Wargames Atlantic

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Wargames Atlantic
Year Established January 2019 (Approximate)
Notable Employees Bob Naismith
Notable Games Death Fields
Website https://wargamesatlantic.com/

Wargames Atlantic is a miniatures company. The company is notable for having sculpting done by Bob Naismith, who used to work at GW.

Their main appeal to /tg/ is their Death Fields line, which is pretty clearly designed to provide cheap proxies for Guard armies. The Les Grognards kit comes with more twice the amount of men (and 192 heads) for the same price as a Cadian squad. They also have a growing line of interesting historicals (as of right now, they're the only ones making plastic French Partisans).

The downside of cheapness is that there are a few more limitations than some of the other third-party manufacturers. While the actually models are fairly high quality, they're also fairly monopose. The aforementioned Grognards kit has only three body and three rifle arm poses, so you're going to get very familiar with the same nine dudes in your guard army.

Update: the Grognards have a second set, which is a combination of heavy weapon teams and command models... The box is really good as you can build 6 heavy weapon teams from it and the command option has the choice of a medic, banner bearer, sniper, powerfists (though there bloody odd looking) and multiple command heads (including lady guard). So if you want to make a guard army on the cheap buy yourself one command/ heavy weapon box and a couple of infantry boxes, it will total 60 models (12 in the command and 24 per infantry box).

Also in fairness to the infantry box you do get all the special weapon options and a sergeant choice (though why they put both the chainsword and pistol arm on the right hand is beyond me).

£75 (£25 a box) will get you 6 heavy weapon teams (more if you can convert), a boatload of special weapons (coming in four flavours though the plasma and melta variants are a little off) and enough options for as many officers as you like. Honestly anyone looking for something more akin to the imperial guard from 1997 (as those plastic catachans came in a box of 20 at first) then it is really worth a look. Anyone with a half decent bits box can make these little guys into something pretty special....

From my sixty men I built...

2 x company commanders

1 special weapon squad with 3 x sniper rifles

1 special weapon squad with 3x meltas

1 infantry squad with flamer

3 infantry squads with lascannon and plasma

1 heavy weapon team x3 mortars (6 men)

Now that is a core for any budding guard commander...

Also Wargames Atlantic if your listening please make a Grognard Cavalry set.

Notable Products

Death Fields

  • Raumjäger Infantry
  • Les Grognards
  • Einherjar

Great War

  • German infantry (1916-1918)

Iron Core

  • Eisenkern Stormtroopers


See Also

Model Manufacturers
Anvil Industry - Avatars Of War - Blood and Skulls Industry - Brother Vinni - ChapterHouse Studios
Fantasy Flight Games - Fireforge Games - Freebooter's Fate - Games Workshop - Hasbro - Iron Wind Metals - Kromlech
Mad Robot Miniatures - Mierce Miniatures - Mantic Games - North Star Military Figures
Plast Craft Games - Privateer Press - Ral Partha - Reaper Miniatures - Shieldwolf Miniatures
Spartan Games - Tamiya - Victoria Miniatures - Victrix - Wargames Atlantic
Warlord Games - WizKids - Zealot Miniatures - Zenit Miniatures