Warhammer Army Project/Pirates of Sartosa

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Pirates of Sartosa: Warhammer Army Project, 9th Edition Tactica

Created by Mathias Eliasson, this project was a homebrew attempt at giving many of the units, nations, and factions that never got Armybooks of their own (and those left behind and never got one in 8th Edition) such a thing.

It should also be noted that Eliasson is constantly updating his work, so don't expect this page to stay current forever. If anyone wishes to actually update this page and the items that need it, later on, go ahead.

Why Play WAP Sartosa


  • You are a Pirate
  • You will aways have a cannon


  • your army is entirely composed of humans with no armor and Leadership of 7 or lower.

Army Special Rules

  • Naval Bombardment: Once per game, For every full 1000pts in your army, you get D3 Cannon shots with D6" scatter that originate from the edge of your deployment zone. With a cannon's range being 48" you should fire them when the enemy is midway before they touch you.
  • Dirty Fighting: Pocket Sand the rule. Just before a model in the combat phase, you can roll one WS check using the highest in your unit. Passing takes -1WS from the enemy.
  • Sea Shanty Singers: A musician by a different name.
  • Sea Legs: Re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
  • Blunderbuss: 12" S3 gun with quick to fire, move or fire, d3 wounds and piercing 1. A decent deterrent against charges.

Lore of Stromfels

  • Lore Attribute: Dark Waters
  • Signature Spell: Wrath of the Shark God:
  1. Water Blast:
  2. Drowned Man's Face:
  3. Watery Grave:
  4. Eye of the Storm:
  5. Stormfel's Jaws:
  6. Rip Tide:

The Pirates Booty

Army Units

Lords & Heroes

Special Characters

Generic Characters

  • Pirate Lord/Captain: These guys are important as they always share their leadership to others within 6". Of course, this is added to make a general's Inspiring Presence go 18".
  • Pirate Sorcerer/Lord: Your basic wizards, with access to Fire, Metal, Heavens, Death, Shadows, and Stormfels.
  • First Mate:

Masters and Idlers

Are unit upgrades Like Champions. Your army may only have one of each of the following for every Pirate Captain or Lord you have.

  • The Bosun: when an attached unit takes a non-break Leadership test, roll 3d6 discard highest.
  • The Look-Out: re-rolls "look out Sir! test and can use it even if the unit is below 5 models. Gives more protection for attached Characters.
  • The Master Gunner: Reroll 1's to hit when shooting with handguns and pistols. If he is put on a War Machine, you can re-roll one Artillery Dice per game.
  • The Navigator: Before the placement of scouts, redeploy the unit up to 12". With a reliance on line of sight guns and flimsy units, repositioning may help.

Core Units

  • Pirate Crew: The core of your army, with any sort of ways for armaments. Grab Bucklers or dual wielding for frontlining, grab throwing knives or pistols if you plan on blasting them.
  • Deck Gunners: they are empire Handgunners without state Trooper for one more point. They can take blunderbusses for free.
  • Buccaneers: A more dedicated Melee unit with Skirmish, +1 WS and I, and are -1 to hit in melee. Lacks Dirty FIghting.
  • Harpooners: Skirmishing javelin throwers. The leader can take an anti-big'un harpoon gun.
  • Swabbies: Your legion of expendable wastrels that don't count towards Core. You could give them an off-hand weapon to help with dual-wielding or get knifves for ranged support. Either way, you shouldn't rely on them being anything more than something to die.

Special Units

  • Ship's Mates: Can only have one per each Pirate Captain or Lord. A upgraded version of Pirate Crew that becomes Stubborn if a Pirate Captain or Lord is in the unit.
  • Powder Monkeys: Pistol fanatics that never run out of ammunition and have fancier S4 pistols with piercing 1. Armed with a Brace of Pistols, these fuckers get to use Pistol shots as melee weapons and shooting while charging (if the enemy breaks from those shots they have to flee as their reaction).
  • Grog Lubbers: A bunch of drunkards even harder to deal with than Centigors. Their benefit comes in their booze providing an S3 breath weapon on the charge or in close combat and their bottles being impressive firebombs.
  • Dwarf Sea Dogs: Dwarf Pirate Warriors, have a Slayer's lack of armor but are tougher and braver than the rest of your pirates.
  • Norse Reavers: Pirate beserkers, gain Frenzy the turn they charge.
  • Wokou Raiders: Anbush pirate fighters from Cathay or Nippon. Each can buy a two-handed sword with piercing 1 and a 6++ parry, dual-wielding weapons, or bows.
  • Sons of Stromfels: Badass Shark-Oges of Pirates. Each has Killing Blow and attack again for each unsaved wound they make.
  • Deck Cannons: Cheap Cannon that can buy alternative fire modes if grapeshot doesn't cut it for you.
    • Chain Shot: S6 and hits d3 Files of enemies.
    • Heat Shot: Gain Flaming attacks with -1 on misfires.
  • Swivel Gunners: Gunner with an S6 piercing mini-cannon of a Gun. Such a powerful gun has drawbacks, of course: Roll a 1 to hit and the model must roll another d6 with a 1 instantly killing them. Always good to kill knights or Dwarf bunkers.

Rare Units

  • Sea Serpent Riders: Pirates Riding Monstrous eels and poisoned attacks and Stomps.
  • Dark Maidens: Possessed Treekin Maidens. Instead of shooting, they can make an Enemy take a -2 Ld test during the shooting phase and they take damage equal to the amount they fail.
  • Flying Galley: A flying Swivel gun Platform with one in the front and back.
  • Hell-Hammer Cannon: Giant S10 d6+1 wound Great cannon that can take alternate fire options.
    • Ironfist Mortar: S 4/8 large stone thrower with piercing 1 and d3 wounds.
    • Triple Barrel Cannon: Act like regular cannons that shoot 3 S10 d6/d3 wounds. This load's so much that it can only fire every other turn.
  • Turtigon Battle Platform: A Moving Fortress Turtle. Has a move and fire Cannon, and Breathes fire. Be wary about how much damage he takes because his attacks and breath bot take a big hit if he loses enough wounds.
  • Sea Giant: A Giant with Natural Armor and lacks the random attack table. It can forgo its 5 attacks to deal one big anti-monster attack at the end of combat.

External Links

The Project's website