Also(Applies to all red colored text)
Same old same old (only used if 2 fields have redundant information)
Expansion content (not in the main rulebook
Forgeworld Model
Old Composition
New Composition
Hunter Contigent
-HQ:1Commander and 0-1Fireblade
-0-1 XV8 Crisis Bodyguards
-Troops:''Any'' 3-6
-Elites:''Any (Except Bodyguards)'' 1-3
-Fast Attack:''Any'' 1-3
-Heavy Support:''Any'' 1-3
- 0-1per Core: Contigent Headquarters:
-1 Commander or Commander Shadowsun
-0-1 Etheral or Aun´Va or Aun´Shi
-1-2 Units of XV8 Crisis Bodyguards
- 1-10per Core Formations chosen in any combination from the following list
-Optimised Stealth Cadre
-Firebase Support Cadre
-Infiltration Cadre
-Retaliation Cadre
-Drone Network
-Heavy Retribution Cadre
-Air Caste Support Cadre
-Allied Advance Cadre
-Assigned Air Caste Asset
-Armoured Interdiction Cadre
Special Rules:
Unbreakable Bounds of Comradeship: Units from this Formation that have the Supporting Fire Special Rule can provide Supporting Fire to any other model in this Formation if they are within 12" of each other rather than 6".
Ambushes and Feints:Units from this Formation that are within 12" of the Commander or Cadre Fireblade at the start of the Shooting phase can Run or move Flat Out and then shoot in that Shooting Phase.Each unit must complete both actions before you move onto the next unit - otherwise the chance to make the second action is forfeit
- 3-6 Formations chosen in any combination from the following list:
-1 Kayon Cadre
-1 Mont´ka Cadre
-1 Mon´wern´a Cadre
Special Rules:
Ideal Mission Commander: If this Detachment is your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Warlord Traits table.
Co-ordinated Firestorm: If a unit from this detachment inflicts one or more hits in the shooting phase on one or more units it may apply a single markerlight hit to one of those units.
Additional Info:Due to new rules(in the unit entries):
Shadowsun can always be taken as Commander
Aun´Va and Aun´Shi can always be taken as ethereals
Work in Progress:
Formations,Units And Special Rules
Old Composition
New Composition
Firebase Support Cadre
2 unit of XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
2 units of XV104 Riptide Battlesuits
Special Rules:
Co-ordinated Firestorm: Instead of firing independently in the Shooting Phase, all units in a Firebase Support Cadre can participate in a co-ordinated firestorm.When they do so all units from this Formation must shoot at the same target,resolving their shots as if they were a single unit - this includes the use of markerlight abilities.When resolving this Shooting attack, all firing models have the Tank Hunters and Monster Hunter special rules.
Infiltration Cadre
3 Pathfinder Teams
2 units of XV25 Stealth Battlesuits
1 unit of TX4 Piranhas
Special Rules:
Intervention Request Beacon: If a unit from this formation is completely destroyed, you can activate the Formation´s Intervention Request Beacons.If you do so all units you have remaining in Reserves arrive at the start of your next turn(there is no need to roll for them).
Neutralisation Lattice: If a unit from this Formation inflicts three or more markerlight hits on a target unit in a Shooting phase,inflict a single seeker missile hit on the enemy unit in addition to placing the markerlight counters.Note that you do not need to roll for hit for the seeker missile,nor do you need to have a unit capable of firing the missile in range of the target(the missiles are fired by support craft flying high above the battlefield).
Drone Network
1 unit of Drones
Heavy Retribution Cadre
1 unit of XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuits
2 units of KV128 Stormsurges
Special Rules:
Optimum Fire Position: You can reroll failed To Hit rolls if the target unit is within 12" of a Ghostkeel Battlesuit from this Formation.
Monsoon of Destruction: If a unit is chosen as the target by at least two units from this formation in the same Shooting phase, that unnit cannot Run or move Flat Out in their next turn. In addition, such units must halve the result of any Charge rolls they make in the next turn(rounding fractions down).
Assigned Air Caste Asset
1 AX39 Sun Shark Bomber or 1 AX3 Razorshark Strike Fighter
Armoured Interdiction Cadre
3 units of TX7 Hammerhead Gunships
1 unit of TX78 Sky Ray Gunships
Special Rules:
Interlaced Predictive Targeting: Pick a point anywhere on the Battlefield at the start of your Shooting Phase.The point you pick is the centre of this Formation´s Predictive Targeting Grid.You can re-roll failed To Hit rolls for attacks made by models from this Formation if the target unit is within 6" of the point that you picked.
(E)(Composite unit)Gunfort
(E)(Composite unit)Tidewall Defence Network->Tidewall Rampart Fortification Network
(E)Counterstrike Cadre
(E)Rapid Insertion Force
(E)Ranged Support Cadre
(E)Piranha Firestream Wing
(E)Ghostkeel Wing
(E)Skysweep Missile Defence
(E)Ethereal Council
(E)Drone-Net VX1-0
(E)Riptide Wing
(E)Air Superiority Cadre
Special Rules:
Special Rules:
Placeholder: Placeholder.
Placeholder: Placeholder.