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Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes
First Founding: Blood Angels Dark Angels Imperial Fists Iron Hands Raven Guard Salamanders Space Wolves Ultramarines White Scars
Second Founding: Angels of Absolution Angels Encarmine Angels of Redemption Angels of Vengeance Angels Sanguine Angels Vermillion Aurora Chapter Black Guard Black Templars
Blood Drinkers Crimson Fists Doom Eagles Excoriators Fists Exemplar Flesh Tearers Genesis Chapter Iron Snakes Mortifactors
Novamarines Red Talons Raptors Soul Drinkers Storm Lords Wolf Brothers
Third Founding: Executioners Scythes of the Emperor
Fourth to Eighth Founding: Howling Griffons Marines Malevolent Sable Swords Sons of Guilliman
Eighth Founding: Mantis Warriors
Tenth Founding: Astral Claws
Thirteenth Founding: Death Spectres Exorcists
Twenty-First Founding: Black Dragons Fire Hawks Flame Falcons Lamenters Minotaurs Sons of Antaeus
Twenty-Second Founding: Fire Claws/Relictors Steel Confessors
Twenty-Third Founding: Marines Errant Star Phantoms
Twenty-Fourth Founding: Celestial Lions Disciples of Caliban
Twenty-Fifth Founding: Angels of Vigilance Fire Angels
Twenty-Sixth Founding: Mentors
Unknown Founding: Astral Knights Blood Ravens Celebrants Fire Lords Guardians of the Covenant Hammers of Dorn Invaders Knights of Blood Rainbow Warriors
Red Scorpions Space Sharks Silver Skulls Storm Wardens Valedictors Vorpal Swords
Unsanctioned Founding: Consecrators Sons of Medusa
Chambers Millitant: Deathwatch Grey Knights
Astartes Praeses: Black Consuls Excoriators Fire Claws/Relictors Night Watch Subjugators Viper Legion White Consuls