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Welcome to InfiniCon, the Con that never ends.

A Convention so large that it occupies its own city. infinity City, the cleverly named home of InfiniCon is a relatively small, but densely packed urban utopia where fandoms of all kind coexist in a year-round celebration of anime, video games, sci-fi, fantasy, LARP, and just about any other kind of nerdy subculture you can imagine. With multiple conventions running all the time, each organizing their own large events and gatherings, the city is more or less split into districts.

For some, InfiniCon is like a theme park or a vacation spot. They come to visit for a while, see the sights, get some pictures with all the weird people in costumes, buy some souvenirs and leave with fond memories. For many more, InfiniCon is home. It is a fan's Neverland, where they get to live the dream, fully immersed in a surreal world where fictional characters roam the streets and where you can go to the local café and find a Jedi, a Ninja, a Space Marine, and zombie, sharing a table and conversing over coffee.

Luckily, for those who wish to stay, there is always work to be done in Infinity City. The large events require organizers, security detail, technicians, craftsmen, janitors, and countless other little jobs to pay the bills and stay just a little longer. Even those who don't want to runt he convention can find a job helping out the various vendors and stores dotting the city. Many talented and entrepreneurially minded citizens have even managed to form personal businesses repairing and sewing costumes, styling wigs, or building the complex and detailed props and armor that the costumed citizens cannot live without.

Now, you may be thinking that this all sounds too good to be true, and you'd be right. InfiniCon is not without its problems, though the people running the show do everything in their power to make sure that most don't hear about the darker side of the Con, but that doesn't stop it from happening.

The biggest issues in Infinity City are often about property. There's an extensive list of eager fans who want to move in, but there aren't enough rooms to go around. Rumors persist of certain groups muscling people out of their apartments so their property can be sold at a hefty mark-up, while others say that there is a band of unhinged citizens who have been making lesser known attendees disappear to secure some extra property. Plus some other shit, like the Drug trade from the Ravers or the costumed prostitution rings happening behind closed doors. (I'll edit this shit up later)

Vendors and businesses have to worry about getting their shipments on time as competing businesses make take it upon themselves to take them out of commission by sending other attendees to intercept and steal any incoming shipments. Crafters have to worry about being able to get enough materials to finish their next costume or reinforce a prop that will likely be used as an actual weapon.

Similarly, nerds are quite territorial to begin with, so amongst those who already own property, certain districts and bordering areas are always in disputes amongst different fandoms and whole factions. In some cases, the results of these disputes turn gang wars between subcultures and fans of certain series.

The Plan so far

InfiniCon is meant to be a setting, first and foremost. The initial idea was to create and explore the concept, expanding and detailing the things that hadn't been touched on yet. This went far better than expected and before I knew it, there were all sorts of anons chiming in and writing short stories and bringing the idea to life. Soon after, the thought of homebrewing a system to go along with the idea. I'm not quite sure what's happening with that, though I'd rather work out some of the larger details before getting that deep into this, as my plan was originally to run it as a World of Darkness setting.

Additionally, InfiniCon exists in a couple different flavors at the moment.

  • The Low Fantasy - InfiniCon is slightly more realistic, though no less corrupt and dark once you get into it. From a player perspective, it's more like a Film Noire story with players often playing Mercenary or Hunter types who take up any work they can get that falls outside the normal spectrum of legitimate business. Players might be normals, working as the diplomats and negotiators between the different factions, being the neutral party that isn't sided with any one series or genre.
  • The Batshit Insane High Fantasy - InfiniCon is not merely a gathering of cosplayers and dorks, there is something supernatural about it, something that alters the fabric of reality. Those who truly engage themselves in the fantasy of being a fictional character and immerse themselves in their fandom start to take on the powers and abilities of their character and series. Depending on how intense you feel like getting, this could mean a street-level supers type thing with people sporting enhanced agility and strength, or it could be a high end Exalted type rise to Godhood, where fully immersed characters warp the world around them, making it take on aspects of their fandom.