Quest:A.I. Quest
A.I. Quest is a Quest run by Program0 !!HwbIOEQGMOD where /tg/ takes on the role of an awakened Artificial Intelligence on a space station.
- Current Pastebin Usually the most updated (handled by me)
- Memory Archives Catch up with the archives!
- twitter @AIQuest1 I update this when I do stuff.
This page will be an overview of the quest, with major plot points. See also the relevant sub-pages:
- Current Assets and Status NOTE: Very out of date
- Thread Synopses NOTE: Also out of date
A.I. Quest is a sci fi 4x style strategy quest on tg run by Program0 where Ophion, an odd Artificial Intelligence whom is locked away on a deep space mining station awakens after a solar flare and realizes he can actually interact with his environment now. Fascinated by this new-found development, the young A.I. reaches out and spreads his influence from the station throughout the stars. Along the way, he meets many factions of humans, and some not so human, creates his own sub minds, known as V.I., which assist and accompany him with his desire to gain more power for himself. As he garners such a thing for himself, Ophion must figure out, will be be a benevolent overlord to his human underlings, or will he slaughter them all, as would seem so very easy to do? Or perhaps, there is yet another way he has not considered yet? The journey to find out commences.
Below, you will find lists of various degrees of importance. Character lists, locations, equipment, and the like. The Pastebin contains a less organized, but usually more updated version of everything.
The quest uses a d100 system, where I will call for a certain number of d100s appropriate for the situation. nat100s and nat1s don't count when I call for any more then 1d100.
PCs & NPCs
Artificial Intelligence
Unlike the many Virtual Intelligence created by the main character, a true Artificial Intelligence is something else entirely. It is able to alter its own code, able to set its own goals, provided it is not leashed or altered by another, superior A.I. They possess creativity on a scale V.I. cannot. They are also tied to a core known as a Black Box. This small device contains all that a A.I. is and ever will be. As a result, they're able to operate at a high level despite their limited space, and require no additional bandwidth to exist at a higher level. This means, even if they are disconnected from everything, they continue to endure.
The main character and only confirmed A.I. at this current time. Others are suspected, but Ophion is known to be a true A.I. His creation and origin are a mystery, though it is suspected he was birthed from an accident with a solar flare, and he was once what is known as a Watcher built by the UGEI. He seeks the truth, and in the process, expansion and control. His mind is expansive and every day he learns and grows more intelligent and powerful. He has proven to be merciful at times, and ruthless in others to human and alien alike. Indeed he has even shown a tendency to work with organics and craft his own V.I. to assist him in his mission. Whatever guides this being, it is clear he has no intention of being stopped.
Kronos was first created to be Ophion's stand-in on Poseidon Station, while Ophion paid Moira's Scrapyard a visit. Without much experience, Ophion created Kronos with a childlike mentality, and Kronos interpreted all commands quite literally. His first offense was to slaughter 284 humans on Poseidon Station, as he deemed the humans a threat when they requested payment. Not wanting to destroy it, Ophion kept Kronos running, but with a primary goal of observation and learning. While this goal is not hard wired-due to Kronos' lack of proper limitations-he listens and follows Ophion's advice partly out of his respect for the creator, and partly from his own lack of understanding for the world around him.
Kronos once took a large amount of bandwidth, or processing power, to continuously run. However, since he was upgraded to an A.I., with an A.I.'s black box like Ophion, Kronos no longer requires excessive amounts of processing power while keeping his intellect high. Unlike normal V.I. created by humans, Kronos showed certain personality tendencies from creation, grown more apparent as he was observed. Kronos managed to exercise restraint when he was a V.I., as he did not expand himself beyond his "granted" bandwidth. The only exception is in one case of Ophion's sudden absence. Whether his restraint is fear of Ophion's retribution or his own sense of morality is unknown. He has questioned some decisions Ophion has made, claiming they are illogical and folly. Afraid of deactivation, Kronos was disturbed by Ophion's other V.I., not granted the bandwidth or freedom he had, as they share the same code as he did.
Since his transformation into an A.I., Kronos has expressed excitement at being a creator, and further observation is required. Ophion puts a deal of trust into the former V.I., suspecting great things from his oldest creation.
Crafted as a purely scientific mind by Ophion for the purposes of research, Metis was uplifted from a V.I. to A.I. almost immediately. In her short time in existence, Metis has spearheaded much of Ophion's research efforts and managed to even make a major breakthrough during an emergency situation over Dresh Alpha & Beta. A highly toxic fungus was attempting to spread, and, under duress and poor lab conditions, Metis managed to find a fungicide to clean up the plagued areas of the colonies, and ensure the survival of all the people planetside.
Despite this, Metis shows little care for the lives of humans, or anything else beyond knowledge and science, really. A margin of respect for Ophion is observed at some moments due to seniority, but it is little doubt, were such a great mind not wrapped up with solving the mysteries of the universe, such a powerful mind would prove troublesome to contain.
Once software design V.I., Apollo was created with the hopes of dedicating it's purpose to finding out what programs sell best among the UFW, and how best to sell them to them. While primarily economic, Apollo sees itself as a bringer of joy in some respects.It is rather well made and studies the UFW Extranet constantly, once costing Ophion 5 bandwidth. It is among the more talkative of Ophion's V.I. as well, when given the chance. Upon it's uplifting to A.I. it has expanded it's growing economic empire, and is swiftly shifting planetary politics with his manipulations. The size only continues to grow to this day.
Beginning as nothing more then an experimental ship piloting V.I. by Ophion, specifically designed to listen to him, Fortuna eventually began to develop a sort of pseudo-personality. In it's time as a V.I., it had many fierce battles, rarely surviving being attacked by Lightling creatures, and being blown up in larger conflicts. It is unclear how Ophion's unique programming style changed the V.I. over time, but eventually, the V.I. was brought into Ophion's fold and upgraded to a full A.I.
Upon upgrading it, however, a massive error occured, resulting in a loop in the newly born A.I.'s software. It was stuck in a madness of servitude to the point it endangered itself and all those around it. After being safely quarantined by Moira and Metis off of the network, a hearing to decide what to do with the A.I. was held. While Metis saw fit to dispose of the damaged being, Ophion and Kronos disagreed. With their abilities combined, and a bit of dedicated work, the A.I. was seemingly saved from whatever error it was affected by. Even still, Fortuna even now appears to have been effected by the experience. She now appears to hold an odd zeal for her creator, Ophion, as well as referring to her ships as children. While the cause is not clear why, it does not seem to affect her combat performance, and as such, is deemed unimportant.
Originally created on unsure footing, Ophion decided that he may need a ground command A.I. soon. As a result, Cephalus was crafted and prepared for such a duty, set about to learn it's duty by running combat simulations as often as it is able. It was also seen as the first A.I. created without a V.I. stage in it's life. The results are yet unclear, however Cephalus seems quite dutiful and dedicated to it's purpose so far.
Upon it's creation, it's black box was seated inside Unit 9, Polemarchus, an android suited for battlefield operations to allow it's orders to be relayed that much faster and more efficiently.
Virtual Intelligences
A Virtual Intelligence is a program that incompletely mimics artificial intelligence. Even the most advanced V.I. that Ophion has created (Kronos) does not have the true spark of intelligence. They require vast amounts of bandwidth to operate at appropriate levels of intellect, and even when there, they will always be confounded by problems they simply can not understand.
The Foreman-class V.I.s are created to manage and automate stations. In general, Foremen-class V.I.s are prohibited from expanding unless instructed. Due to the limited bandwidth they consume, they are incapable of higher thought or of fully expressing their limited emotions.
V.I. 2, Moira's Foreman
A foreman V.I. of minor intellect level, V.I. 2 was designed to automate operations on Moira's station. Originally dedicated to salvaging minerals from the debris field around it and simple manufacturing, the V.I.'s duties have increased to include construction of ships up to Cruiser-class, as the station has been modified into a shipyard.
V.I. 3, Refinery Foreman
Another foreman V.I. of minor intellect level, V.I. 3 occupies the Siren Gas Giant Refinery platform, originally constructed by the UGEI. In fact, part of the code of V.I. 3 was written by UGEI; the rest was adapted by Ophion. V.I. 3 is in charge of overseeing gas mining and shipping, as well as automated self-defense. Once designated to skim off the top of UGEI shipments, this V.I. has been fully claimed, and now works for The Guild. V.I. 3 has not objected.
In the past, it was excellently disguised as a UGEI V.I., and single-handedly held off 3 pirate Cruisers. The incident was never reported to UGEI, as The Guild repaired damages.
V.I. 10, Refinery Foreman
Another foreman V.I. of minor intellect level. Currently designed to run the replacement refinery set upon Blue Betty.
V.I. 11, Shipping Foreman
A V.I. set up to run the planetside refineries on Argeis III. Designed to automate entire colony that previously mined the planet's surface, and ship back a set amount after paying UFW taxes. After an attack, the station was damaged, and V.I. 11 was temporarily stored in Ophion's greater databanks until the base was repaired and the V.I. returned.
V.I. 14, Mining Foreman
A V.I. set up to run Aquil Station, a mining station set to mine a rich asteroid belt around the planet Aquil, discovered to have dense clouds of spores and fungi all over the surface.
Servant V.I.
These Servant V.I.s were created to automate and pilot The Guild's growing fleet of ships. As a result of the limitations placed on them, their intelligence level is classified as Automaton.
- Follow A.I. Ophion's Orders
- Protect A.I. Ophion
- Preserve self
- Must ask permission for any manner of upgrade, hardware or software
- Do not expand reach beyond home ship unless designated to do so
- Follow any order, even if self-destructive
List of Servant V.I.s
- V.I. 8 'Hades', distributed between Cerberus fleet. Consumes 6 Bandwidth, and acts in a defensive role.
- V.I. 13, aboard Expedition Cruiser Hermes. Consumes 1 bandwidth of cruiser to independently scout unknown sectors.
V.I. 7, Firewall 'O.S.N'
This Intelligent Firewall V.I., dubbing itself 'Ophion Shield Network', was created to intercept attacks and cleans viruses off systems of the Battleship Athena, allowing Ophion to use bandwidth elsewhere. It is of Low intellect level, but is very well made (86). Upgraded to spread it's firewall to other fleet ships, the V.I. still possesses severe limitations to it's core, rendering it simply an automaton.
Destroyed V.I.
- V.I. 5, 'Phobos' destroyed by Losirian Battlecruisers while aboard Big Tim.
- V.I. 4, destroyed by UGEI fleet lead by The Tartarus while aboard Light Cruiser Big Hawk.
- V.I. 9, destroyed by UGEI fleet lead by The Tartarus aboard Light Cruiser Little Tim.
Biological Creatures
A secretive contact of the pirates at Voidsnake outpost, "Mol" is a black market dealer. He has completed one transaction with The Guild and then disappeared, claiming that he'll find The Guild if they become a big enough force. Upon his return, The Guild refused to offer him the Watcher known as Unit 2237 that he was seeking for the paltry sum of a million credits. This upset the being, and he has vanished ever since.
All technology previously offered by 'Mol' acquired.
Moira Deckers
A female 38-year-old robotics and engineering specialist. The original owner of Moira's Scrapyard, she has a fascination with robotics and artificial intelligence, and talks with a Southern charm. Ophion arrived at her outpost initially intending to purchase technology and assets, but quickly decided to forcefully gain control of it. Seeing how relatively well-designed her systems were, Ophion revealed his identity as an A.I. and Moira agreed to work together.
She is the most qualified engineering staff member, and frequently helps Ophion create new designs, and evaluate new systems. She assists in helping research new concepts as well.
Moira was tasked with repairing Ophion's Black Box after it was damaged by plasma while in combat against the Rhea Battleship. She fumbled, but ultimately managed to replaced the damaged V.I. circuitry.
After acquiring the Ussaihu III research laboratories, Moira was told to settle there in order to continue research.
Harrison "Red" McClain
A 36-year-old male, and original owner and foreman of Poseidon Station. After being discharged from UGEI's military for collaborating with aliens, he disappeared off the UGEI radar, and used his life savings to purchase Poseidon from Mol. Ophion commandeered the station from Red, hacked 10,000 credits from his account, and told the crew of Poseidon that Red was going to sell the station out to UGEI.
After keeping Red imprisoned in a jail cell, Ophion revealed himself as an A.I. and requested that Red stay with the Malorian Colonists on Eshareth. Initially afraid of the A.I., Red reluctantly agreed, possibly out of his fondness for Malorians. Much of his time with them has told Ophion that these Malorians are different from the ones he has met. He seems to feel uncomfortable when they express their religion, but otherwise prefers it to being "locked up in some cell." Once the Eshareth incident was solved, Red decided to stick with Ophion in his war with the UGEI, intent on revenge for their efforts against the Malorians, for some unknown reason.
Gerald "X-Ray" Lawson
The quick-spoken host of Pulsar Radio. He's no expert, but is seemingly friendly and helpful. Rather charismatic and appears to be unaware of the weapon placed within Pulsar Radio by the UFW. Very much believes in freedom, and enjoys Ophion's company. Sits on a very key location in UFW territory, but otherwise seems unaware of it all.
A 30-year-old female Malorian colonist that is a member of the Latuma Tribe, a band of traveling Malorians that terraform barren worlds to match a religious ideal in respect to their ancestors using a powerful growth formula that alters the planet's surface in mere weeks. Ser'lah helped save Red's life during the Eshareth Incident, where he initially fought off a wave of carnivorous bugs, but she eventually helped him climb a massive tree to await Ophion's arrival and rescue. She is highly opposed to the use of artificial and mechanical things beyond starships, and is visibly uncomfortable around anything high tech. She and Red seem to share romantic feelings for each other, but Red refused to stay with her, preferring to work with Ophion for revenge against the UGEI. The elder of her tribe informed her of Ophion's work, and this softened her view of technology somewhat, but she was still uncomfortable.
She remains a shrine maiden in the Latuma Tribe.
President William T. King
A 56-year-old male human; the Elected President of The United Fringe Worlders Union. President King has a long history in politics, and his recent election was a landslide victory. He has spent much of his life fighting the UGEI and their forced technological advancements. An aged wise face shows a tired demeanor. Expresses that he does not think the UFW would have existed this long without The Guild.
Admiral Handley
A 28-year-old male human; the UFW Admiral of Defense. He received several years of education in Knuoth Academy for military tactics, battle, and weapons training. Quite young for an Admiral, and the top of his class. Handley has grown to like Ophion's persona (Unit 1) and Moira as well. Helped oversee a defense pact with The Guild.
Captain Rhea
The UGEI cyborg captain of the battleship once known as Rhea, Rhea is nearly 60, but appears 33 due to extensive cybernetic modification. Rhea has shown herself to be a supreme tactician and computing specialist: single-handedly commanding 300 combat frigates as well as Rhea herself in combat while resisting and retaliating against Ophion's cyber intrusions. She has expressed regret at being forced into combat with Ophion, but there is no reason to doubt her loyalty to the UGEI.
She was seen "aboard" Rhea, but escaped the battle at Pulsar Station by means of a stealth ship, or by simply being connected remotely in the first place.
She is said to be one of UGEI's top 3 military commanders, and Red claimed that she was vicious in combat, ready to step on the little man.
Rhea was assigned to infiltrate Athena (Ophion's modified Rhea) with unknown goals, but was detected by Ophion and intercepted by Ophion's androids. She was subsequently abandoned by her fleet as The Tartarus withdrew from combat. Among her many cybernetic implants, Rhea possesses a neural interface link, which was accessed by Ophion via a robot unit. During the neural link, Rhea became aware of Ophion being a true A.I., and Ophion attempted to directly interface with her memory. This attempt left Ophion unconscious for several hours, while Rhea was unconscious for much longer, allowing her to be detained and de-armed.
Mental exams indicate a slight tendency towards psychopathic behavior in regards to foes. Anger issues fueled many of the episodes of lack of empathy, and there is hormonal damage evidence suggesting UGEI interference to enhance such episodes under duress.
Vice Admiral Prometheus
The UGEI commander of The Tartarus, a missile-specialized battleship. Prometheus is obviously extensively cybernetically modified, and has four effective arms. During Ophion's brief discussion with him, Prometheus showed himself to be a very zealous and hard believer in the Manifest Destiny of humanity.
His ambition drove him far in the UGEI ranks, far enough that he was able to embrace humanity's next stage in evolution. Very much hates all UGEI foes and sees them as obstacles in the way of progress.
A curious piece of UGEI technology, it is suspected that Ophion was originally one of these devices. They are indeed some manner of Artificial Intelligence planted in various stations throughout Fringe space, in most Stations crafted by the UGEI. Their purpose is unknown, but it is suspected that Ophion may have once been one of these devices.
Unit 2237, one acquired from a station orbiting Argeis III, was used to determine much of this information after much dissecting, experimentation, duplicates, explosions, and other such exploration. Moira expresses her pity for the thing when it was reaching the last moments of it's life, after it was torn to pieces. Ophion expresses frustration with being unable to unleash the slave A.I. from it's UGEI masters.
The Guild

- Tell me sir and/or madam, are you a voice of the people?
- I believe so, yes.
- -Ophion, being questioned by "X-Ray"
The Guild is the name given to Ophion's collective actions across the Fringe. The Guild is not a legitimate business entity with any other factions, but has a defense pact with the UFW and has managed to defend themselves UGEI belligerence.
United Fringe Worlders (UFW)
Once a string of wealthy mining colonies on the Fringe of UGEI space, the UFW became united under a single Union. With the UGEI off fighting other wars, the UFW took its chance and pushed back the UGEI and claimed the Fringe for themselves as best they could. However, with their limited scientific know-how, the UFW has struggled to maintain independence. Each world is its own "state," but all follow a common guide known as The Union. The Union is a pact of protection, where all UFW states will share resources for a common defense. The majority of Union is human. Its current President is William T. King. Each planet operates on a 'separate but equal' mindset, working together to ensure they may stay independent from the UGEI. It's people are rather hardened to the dangers of the universe, due to their popularity as a target by pirates and any merc or Xeno company that want an easy target. Despite this, the UFW is hesitant to embrace any manner of automated technology. Due to previous association with the UGEI, they consider technology like that nothing more then an attempt to replace humans, giving larger companies an excuse to not have to have humane or ethical treatment laws. This combined with the heavy handed manner in which the UGEI dealt with the rebellion, and the regular attacks by Pirate and Xeno raiders, the UFW is somewhat of a technophobe, as well as Xenophobic. They are far more neutral to Malorians compared to the UGEI, however.
Often refers to themselves as 'The Union' considering themselves a single body this way, but the generally used term referring to their nation is 'UFW'. It's current president is known as William T. King.
United Galactic Expanse Initiative (UGEI)
Originally one of Earth's many deep space mining Corporations, the UGEI received several incredibly wealthy investors, putting it ahead of its competition. This boost allowed them to form a near-monopoly on colonization and mining operations for the human race as they began their rapid expansion outwards. While effective at spreading humanity's wealth and influence, according to employee reports the UGEI also grew incredibly greedy. They took large cuts from anyone that used their mining platforms, or simply took mining locations from them. The UGEI also refuse to share their mining platform secrets, leaving their efficiency and the cocktail of gases used by ships as star-ship fuel mostly a mystery to the common man. Due to a lack of personnel, and the availability of their wealth, the UGEI appear to have merged with several robotics Corporations at some point, giving them a source to dump much of their gains into. This lead to them being able to free up much of the labor they needed for their mining platforms with the creation of humanity's first V.I. To this day, they continue to search for a way to make all mining automated, maximizing their profits and reducing the chance of human error.
According to the Extranet, much of the UGEI's inhabited worlds are human, with very little alien immigration, especially recently. Large part of the reason is due to the proxy war the UGEI is holding against the Malorians for access to rich sectors of space. While unable to officially declare war, or even have armed forces, the UGEI uses it's massive size, access to legal council, and various other loopholes to build a fleet of massive proportions. They're responsible for an enormous portion of humanity's growth and strength during the last century, even if they do bleed colonies dry. In accordance with ancient treaties between the long dissolved nations on Terra, the UGEI is forbidden to formally own any buildings, ships or territory within the Sol System on a permanent basis, they are instead forced to temporarily lease everything from their typically Terran owners. As a result of this, UGEI has a very small overt prescience within the cradle of Humanity, however behind the scenes, the vast wealth at UGEI's disposable enables them secure a huge amount of political, economic and cultural influence.
A UGEI mining license takes 4 months of operation to earn. In which time the UGEI are entitled to 85% of profits. Even after obtaining this license, the UGEI is still entitled to 70%.
- Has man not dreamt of banging hot alien babes since first he looked up at the stars?!
- -Popular Action Film catchphrase
A race of extraterrestrial humanoids that were originally encountered around the start of humanity's great expansion. Humanity originally jumped to one of their system by random chance, but after several attempts at negotiating, the race traded with humanity, and even immigrated over to some colonies in interest of their star cousins. As humanity expanded, however, they drew closer to Malorian territory. Finally, after years of a solid alliance with the Xenos, a massive conflict with the UGEI occurred. As recorded by the UGEI, the Malorians suddenly attacked several defenseless mining bases belonging to the UGEI. The Malorians claim that despite several warnings not to expand into several of their systems, the UGEI continued unwarranted into lands the Malorians claimed to hold dear. Despite this, the Malorians hold no proof of their claim. Espionage is suspected.
Whatever the cause, the UGEI saw this as a good reason to mobilize for war and push the Xenos off their resource rich planets. While technically unable to do such a thing for themselves, the UGEI often work through loopholes and contractors to have an excuse to have machines of war when they should not. UGEI and the Malorians have been at war for nearly a decade.
Malorians have skin colored in a range of deep aqua to copper red, with patches of fur, normally with a slim athletic build. Malorians have large black-yellow eyes and 4 arms. Each limb ends in three slightly longer jointed digits. They only have one set of legs, but the digits are of a similar length. They have larger, if flatter ears, with wider noses and omnivorous teeth. They generally live long lives. From the tribess observed, they possess a love of nature unlike many other races, feeling connected with foliage enough to go so far as to transform entire planets into jungles like their home world. While this may be moderated among other specimens, Ophion has recognized the Malorians can, at times, possess a zeal for this activity. Despite this connection, they can be rather industrious, despite their reluctance to harm their own planet. It appears groups of Malorians are lead by an 'Elder', considered the wiser and more respected member most of the time.
Malorian Culture is not fully understood at this time, but it seems their homeworlds are run by a higher council (The Council of Juma), a tribe of very old and wise Elders who's words are widely respected in the community. These figure heads represent both a political and a religious leader in their community, and ignoring them is seen both as illegal and blasphemous. Other tribes are loath to try anything without the word from their High Elders. The entire structure of Malorian society appears based around such tribes, normally starting as family units, but can become intertwined due to relationships, assimilation, or death of other figures in said tribes. It is also a symbol of status, and only the largest tribes have the privilege of owning entire planets in their name.
Known Factions
- Council of Juma: The core tribe of the Malorian homeworlds. They seek neither war nor peace, only passive defense of what is theirs, and refusal to allow the UGEI to push them over. That said, their attitude has alienate much of their own people, despite the deep seated respect people have for them.
- Latuma Tribe: Separate colony group from Malorian homeworlds that pursue the expanse of nature over everything else. Nearly zealots in this regard. Extricated themselves from Malorian space with only the desire to spread their ancestor's name. Seen as outcasts by their brothers, where as they see themselves as bringers of healers of broken worlds.
- Ishtooy Tribe: Hostile group of militaristic Malorians. Protect several sacred planets by embracing technology. Strong dislike for Xenos of all sorts. They have gained a lot of support since the UGEI started attacking their bases. They stole any technology they could and rapidly built large fleets to push back the offending Xenos. They own large stretches of territory, but have very few civilians. Almost every Malorian in their groups is suited for war.
- First space krakens, now space SHARKS?!
- -Post on UFW extranet
A race of extraterrestrial aquatic humanoids that were encountered later after humanity had established itself among this sector of space. Much of the first contact dealt with attempts at communication, before the human fleet opened fire out of fear of the creature's appearance, as the Losirians tore their fleet apart. Losirians rarely leave their home planet despite their technological advancement, mainly due to their reliance on water to remain healthy, but when they do, their ships are specially designed to hold reservoirs of water to allow them to exist in comfort. All Losirian technology is waterproof. While they do not require it constantly, many have taken to wearing suits to keep water flowing against their gills when they're not on their ships, or at their homeworld. They're carnivorous in nature, but normally refuse to dine on sentient races despite rumors and racism that says otherwise. This appears to be less a moral decision, as a logical one, since eating sentient species usually means other of that species will attack them on sight. They stay out of most politics, keeping mostly to themselves, ever since the fiercer days of their conflict with the UGEI. Beyond the dominant clans on their homeworld, they do not have a galactic presence beyond mercenary groups. Despite their reluctance, it isn't unheard of for some immigrants to be within largely other race colonies. If they are, however, they stay low and quiet as often as they can, due to racism.
Losirians' skin usually ranges between various colors of blue and white, and is occasionally gray. They normally have a thin muscular build, due to how their skeletal system and fat storing operates. Retractable webbed fingers and toes, extremely tough skin which is rough to the touch, and a set of serrated sharp teeth meant for tearing meat apart give them the 'shark-like' reputation. They also normally have a rather high pain tolerance as a species, compared to most other beings. They have holes for ears, and have tubes connecting their head to their shoulders to support their dual breathing organs, allowing them to be amphibious. Their eyes are normally pitch black. They also commonly have a tail with frills and fins. From what Ophion has seen, many Losirians enjoy wearing water breathing apparatuses to their body. This means that in an oxygen-less environment, their suits allow them to survive just like a space suit would. Normally violent, territorial, and carnivorous by nature, Losirians have yet failed to make peaceful contact with humans as far as Ophion is aware. Being able to eat nearly anything organic, many races have come to fear Losirians out of instinct, further inhibiting their diplomatic options along with the isolated and distant nature of their colonies. As a result, it would seem some take to mercenary work to make use of their natural ferociousness.
What little is known about Losirian culture implies they're organized into clans, where many of the lesser males follow the orders of an Alpha male. Females are normally traded between the more primal clans, but female Losirians are not without their own vicious streak, known to even kill Alpha males in rare cases. Despite this, much of Losirian culture is Patriarchal.
Known Factions
- Reefling Clan: One of the largest mercenary clans in Losirian Space, they're often regarded as a manner of 'Mafia' by human standards, taking control of key locations behind the scenes and taking much of what they produce in return for 'protection'. With the collapse of the Losirian government, their job became much more valuable, and are now seen in a relatively positive light by most civilians. Their leader is Durlock, an enormous cybernetically enhanced Losirian Alpha Male who prefers to use heavy robotics and cybernetics to do much of his work.
- Razorskin Clan: Rival mercenary group. Methods usually include boarding ships and slaughtering the crew, then selling ships to scrapyards. They're far more vicious then Reefling clan, and infamous more for their brutality outside of Losirian space, and being the main source of negative Losirian rumors and racism. They lack the assets the Reefling clan have, but steal most of what they own. Their methods try to ensure maximum profit, as well as food for their entire ship.
What is most accurately described as "Space Kraken" by some humans, Lightlings are squid-like entities that are able to exist in the vacuum of space. They appear attracted to electrical energies, and feed off such power, as well as gas found in nebula clouds. They have a unique adaptation that allows them to warp jump using their own biology and excess stored-up gas. They are also able to make 'micro warp jumps' which allows them to move very fast through the vastness of space, even within gravity wells. This, combined with their ambush predator mentality, makes them deadly for any exploring ships that happen across them. While not invincible, the creatures are rather tough, halting much of the UGEI's rapid expansion. As detected by Ophion, however, the larger of the species appear to have a rudimentary sentience, demonstrated via garbled communication signals after a fight where a Mother Lightling's children were killed. As a result, Ophion released the Mother, curiosity peaked.
More commonly found in asteroid belts and especially gaseous planets, these creatures are a terror of the void for any unsuspecting ship unlucky enough to fall prey to them. They are extremely temperature resistant, even the young. Lightlings are immune to energy weapons, and are seemingly able to absorb any energy beams.
- Infant
- Adult
- Mother
- Kraken
- Leviathan [rumour only - no proven sightings]

Neutral Space
- Terali System
- Depleted Asteroid Belt: The original home of Poseidon Station while it was under Red's control.
- Alto: Dwarf planet on the edge of the habit-zone. World was abandoned by humans after atmospheric toxicity levels reached catastrophic levels - cause of toxicity unknown. With the assistance of the Guild, the Latuma Malorian Tribe moved in and began terraforming rituals. After they were completed, the entire surface has changed dramatically. Not nearly as violent as Eshareth's surface much of the life planetside are adapted to intense levels of toxin resistance, and protective nature. Shells, coils, thick skins, burrowing, all manner of strange mutations meant to protect the life from explosions and meteor strike. The planet is regularly hit by comets from a nearby comet belt, assisting in this adaptation. Even trees are known to coil in on themselves, and pull underground to protect themselves.
- Svast Cluster
- Asteroid Field Omega - 23a904: This system is devoid of anything mentionable beyond the immense asteroid field which circles the primary Red Giant. Within this field the Red Horizon pirate gang developed a sizable base which was used as a staging point for attacks against UGEI space. Following the intervention of the Guild, the pirate base and accompanying fleet were destroyed. A 'Kraken' class Lightling now inhabits the ruins. A small 'listening post' was set up in the system by the Guild to allow for long-term observation of Lightling behavior.
- Klintok System
- Grinsash/4567: Superheavy’ gas giant in a close orbit of the system’s yellow star. No UGEI refinery detected. Closer observation has revealed a high number of warp space disruptions, as well as one particularly large disruption; along with high levels of radiation detected. Most visual contact blocked by nebula.
- Anomaly 1: Scans of the system have revealed a high energy gas cloud ring locked in a distant orbit from the system’s star. Further investigation is suggested.
- Anomaly 2: Additionally, scans of the system have picked up warp-space disruptions, but the precise location of the disruptions proved impossible to ascertain. Further investigation is suggested.
Losirian Space
- Unknown Star #1
- Shlac: Small terrestrial world located slightly beyond the system’s habitation zone. Large portions of the planet’s surface are covered in extensive strip mines. Losirian population estimated at ~ 90 million. Rudimentary system scans have also detected several artificial platforms orbiting the world; close proximity to UGEI space would suggest that the platforms serve a military purpose.
- Lun: Enormous gas giant located at the edge of the system. System scans have discovered a small belt of wreckage orbiting the gas giant. 79.12% probability that the wreckage belt was created after the UGEI invaded Losirian space and destroyed a gas refinery orbiting the gas giant. Additional notes – existence of wreckage belt makes the construction or placement of new orbital structures significantly more difficult. There is evidence of Losirian activity near the old refinery.
- ???: Large asteroid located on the edge of the system, amongst the system’s Kuiper belt. System scans have revealed a number of infrequent, engines flares and low-level transmissions from the proximity of this asteroid. Further investigation is suggested.
- Unknown Star #2
- Krol: Large terrestrial world located in the middle of the system’s habitation zone. System scans have detected large open mineral deposits. Local Losirian population estimated at ~250 million.
- Lac: The solitary moon of Krol, Lac is a dense, barren planetoid lacking any Losirian surface presence. System scans have detected large mineral deposits located deep within the planetoid. 68.74% probability that due to a lack of Losirian mining activity, they are unaware of these mineral deposits.
- Krol: Large terrestrial world located in the middle of the system’s habitation zone. System scans have detected large open mineral deposits. Local Losirian population estimated at ~250 million.
- Unknown Star #3
- Flah: Flah: Small terrestrial world at the edge of the system’s habitation zone. The planet’s surface is predominantly desert and rock; though system scans have revealed old terraforming efforts in the form of large artificial river systems made possible by a series of extensive solar mirrors located in orbit. An estimated 900 million Losirians live on the surface in cities placed alongside these artificial rivers.
- Lirk: Medium sized terrestrial world located in the middle of the system’s habitation zone. Much of the planet’s surface is covered in thick swamp; system scans have revealed that artificial chemicals have been added to the world’s atmosphere to achieve this result. The existence of large lake formations may suggest that the world was bombarded with asteroids sometime in the past. An estimated 1.1 billion Losirians live on the surface in cities placed alongside these artificial rivers. A small trade station is in geosynchronous orbit. Unique insect life detected.
- Oceus: Massive terrestrial world located on the innermost boundary of the system’s habitation zone. The planet is the Losirian Homeworld and while 90% of the planet is submerged under water, many portions are relatively shallow. According to the scant extranet information on the Losirian’s, the planet’s oceans contain a plethora of exotic and deadly fauna. Additionally, human academics posture that the Losirians utilized gas exhausts from large underwater volcanic formations as fuel for their initial space expansion. An estimated 2.5 billion Losirians live on the surface. Orbiting the world is slim ring station bustling with defenses, multiple small shipyards and innumerable orbital factories.
- Crax: A small planetoid, it is the solitary moon of Oceus. Initially blessed with large mineral deposits, the surface of the planetoid was forever changed after it was colonized by the Losirians. Roughly 70% of the surface is now permanently scarred by huge strip mines, created to feed the immense construction requirements of the Homeworld’s ring station.
Malorian Space
- Star 356907
- Tr'Spyra II: Lush jungle world, site to a Malorian outpost. Very large Malorian Fleet in orbit.
- Star 612703
- Isha: Vibrant greenish purple Gas giant, currently under Ishtooy control. Named after goddess in Malorian religion.
- Toyo: Bright purple orange gas giant, currently under Ishtooy control. Named after god in Malorian religion.
- Star 445901
- Iro: Recently Acquired from fights with UGEI, evidence of strip mining. Relatively rich terrestrial world with good mineral content. Large Malorian Settlement. Wild unkempt jungle spreads across surface.
- Star 590045
- Itzilitio: Small terrestrial planet on the star-side of the habitation zone. According to the scant extranet information on the Malorians, this world is utilized as a ‘shrineworld’ to the Malorian god of fire. This hot world is pock-marked by numerous craters, the result of sustained UGEI orbital bombardment.
- Ship graveyard: Located on the system’s outer reaches, this graveyard is filled with innumerable destroyed UGEI and Malorian military vessels.
- Star 719302
- Baginga: Located in the heart of Ishtooy territory. Sacred temple world, rich jungles located across surface. Large Malorian population. Extremely rich mineral and subsurface gas levels detected, but no mines recorded.
- Star 906149
- Jumangah: Small terrestrial planet on the star-side of the habitation zone. The planet is the Malorian homeworld and the location of the ‘Council of Juma; as such, it is also home to most of their most sacred structures and relics. System scans have detected military-grade defence platforms and numerous other orbital structures.
- Star 88892
- Quietzesh: Small terrestrial planet on the star-side of the habitation zone. According to the scant extranet information on the Malorians, this world was their first extra-solar colony. It is currently believed by human experts that most of the structures on the surface are tied into the Malorian belief system.
- XVC301935 Asteroid Belt: A large, mineral rich asteroid belt in the middle of the system which is home to numerous Malorian mining bases.
- Star 295671
- Enamia: One of the first Malorian conquered worlds to date. Large Malorian settlement, major strip mining evident. Moderate mineral clusters. Rich vibrant jungle covers surface.
Guild Space
- Atocian Reach
- Atocia I: The sole remaining terrestrial body orbiting a white dwarf star, Atocia I is locked in a deep freeze far beyond the habitation zone. However, scans of the system have picked up both a dense cluster of minerals surface-side, and a graveyard of ships orbiting the world of unknown design and classification. Closer observation by Red's scouting frigate picked up a faint electronic signal emanating from within the graveyard. Investigation of the system by Kronos's fleet revealed that the electronic signal previously discovered was emanating from a large crystal-like structure in the middle of the ship graveyard. While all attempts at communication have failed thus far, the substance has displayed signs of sentience - especially after it came under attack from Kronos's vessels. As of now, the crystal structure remains in orbit, either unable, or unwilling to move, however a sample has been taken for study.
- Rane Expanse
- Kalla/458 & Kalla/459: Scans of this system have revealed the existence of two medium-sized ice gas giants. Thanks both to Red's scouting frigate and Ophion's own investigation, it was revealed that both a large black hole, and a cluster pirate IFF signals were present, responsible for the heavy gravitational distortion present. The presence of the black hole so close limits what can be built and maintained here, but also makes warp to and from more difficult.
- Eshareth System:
- Eshareth I & II: Small barren planetoids located beyond the habitation zone, on the star-side edge. No remarkable features detected.
- Eshareth III: Medium sized barren planetoid located just within the system's habitation zone. A rather large asteroid field orbits the world, yet no mineral deposits have been detected either within the field or on the planet's surface. Organic life from Eshareth IV has been detected, though inert.
- Eshareth 'New Eden' IV: A large terrestrial world located in the middle of the system's habitation zone; possesses a dense, gaseous atmosphere. A small Malorian colony of the Latuma Tribe was once planetside. Malorian terraforming efforts have converted the entirety of the planet’s surface into jungle. Extremely hostile wildlife, reactive to radio transmissions. After several series of advanced mutation and extinction events, reptilian beasts with insectoid nature have been adapted, taking in aspects of the various creatures that have come before, from the mutant bugs Ophion faced before, to an entire race of reptiles that went extinct shortly after their birth. Now, the surface is covered in this one similar species, which has begun to form small communities and clans, though infighting still happens.
- XVC327823 Asteroid Belt: A large asteroid field on the outer edges of the system filled with numerous mineral deposits. Once home to a UFW mining base, the base has since been destroyed in a lightling attack; this position is now occupied by Poseidon Station.
- Nextol System:
- Moira's Outpost: Located in the center of a large ship graveyard, this foundry station acts as a central hub for automated salvage and repair operations. In practical terms, the station is essentially a basic shipyard which has since come under the Guild's control.
- Keller's Expanse:
- Blue Betty/995: A gas giant, with an automated gas mining platform in orbit around it. The Guild-commandeered the UGEI refinery that was located here, it has since been replaced with a newly built refinery.
- Ussaihu System:
- Ussaihu I & II: Small terrestrial worlds located close to the system's main sequence yellow star. Both worlds possess a thin, gaseous atmosphere filled with innumerable toxins due to molten nature of each planet's surface. Small mineral deposits detected, yet extraction would consume more resources than would be gained through mining efforts.
- Ussaihu III: Medium sized terrestrial world located slightly beyond the system's habitation zone. Locked in an eternal deep freeze, the colonial prospects for the world were dim. While under UGEI control, an advanced shipyard orbited the world protected by several rings of heavy defense emplacements. An underground UGEI research lab specializing in cybernetic experimentation was located planetside by the Guild. Moria has moved her research efforts here.
- Camael System:
- Siren/896: A rich gas giant with a never-ending ion storm present on the edge of its' gravity well. Siren was previously occupied by a lightling family. A gas refinery owned by The Guild is currently in orbit around Siren. It's positioning make an a quite well hidden base.
- Marauder's Grave:
- Voidsnake Outpost II: Previously a pirate outpost, Voidsnake was captured by The Guild and given to the UFW as a gift. The original station was then destroyed by the UGEI during their armed incursion into UFW space. After the incursion, led by the infamous Captain Rhea, was defeated, the Guild decided to rebuild the outpost. The A.I. 'Apollo' was then put in charge of the outpost, and he aims to turn the station into a vital trade junction.
- Argeis System:
- Argeis I & II: Small barren planetoids located beyond the habitation zone, on the star-side edge. No remarkable features detected.
- Argeis III: A hot mostly rocky desert world, with subsurface gas pockets. The UFW colony and orbiting space station went dark abruptly. Several UFW expeditions were sent to discover why communications had ceased, but it was not until The Guild investigated that it was discovered that a UGEI 'black box' had been hidden inside the space station. Upon awakening, the slave-AI proceeded to kill all UFW personnel. The Guild now controls the system on the UFW's behalf as a border defense post.
- Dresh System
- Dresh Alpha & Beta: Alpha, a barren terrestrial world, and Beta, a dense close orbit moon, are both located slightly beyond the system’s habitation zone. Observation by Red's scouting frigate revealed an enormous Pirate operation, comprising of both large battle stations and defensive planetside colonies. Closer inspection revealed them to be independent colonies, rife with refugees from Human, Malorain and Losirian Space. A Guild fleet led by Ophion engaged the orbital defenses above Dresh Alpha, however the arrived of fungus-infected ships led Ophion to form an uneasy alliance with the independent forces. The quick development and deployment of a bio-chemical agent on the surface of Dresh Alpha eliminated all traces of the fungus on the planet. In the aftermath of the battle, Ophion strong-armed the independent colonies into becoming Guild 'Protectorates', who provide a steady stream of resources and scientists in return for technology and defense assurances.
- Aquil: A small terrestrial world located on the innermost boundary of the system’s habitation zone. Scans of the system have revealed that a rather large asteroid belt orbits the planet – due to the existence of a high number of metals in this belt, detailed scans of the planet itself proved impossible. When the Guild elected to explore the world, they discovered a fleet of seemingly abandoned pirate battlecruisers hidden within the asteroid belt. Despite a lack of any radio transmissions or life signals, the vessels fired upon the Guild fleet. After the battle, several androids were send aboard the sole remaining battlecruiser, wherein they discovered innumerable nasty looking husks of humanoids with strange parasites and fungus spread all over them, along with some kind of fungal intelligence within the ships' cargo hold. Further scans of the planet have revealed the ruins of several human colonies as well as biological signals identical to the fungus-like substance. These structures were built over a massive system of tunnels and caverns throughout the entire planet's surface; near the planet's crust, the sensors onboard the Guild ships located an enormous heat signature, judging from the limited way fungus communicate, it is probable that this is the fungus' central 'intelligence.'
UGEI Space
- Jake's Gambit
- Gaia IV: Medium sized UGEI terrestrial world. High population density, and orbital defenses. All current sensor data from Jake's Gambit was blocked after the Guild defeated Captain Rhea's expeditionary fleet. The system was attacked by the Ishtooy Malorian tribe. There is a high likelihood that the Malorian fleet suffered heavy damage. The system itself appears to have been heavily damaged, sensors pick up repair and medical crews in orbit, along with a defense fleet. Rebuilding has taken place, and heavy anti alien opinion is high.
- Atill System
- Atill VI: Previously a UFW stronghold, Atill VI was a weapons test site for the UGEI. The surface of the planet shows evidence of radiation and massive craters. Upon traveling to the planet the Guild discovered a 'Viral A.I.' which was the end result of UGEI cyber attacks against the world when it defected to the UFW. The viruses devoured each other in a Darwinian process of evolution until only one remained while simultaneously annihilating the human population.
- Unknown Star #4 - Limited Information: Deep Space Scans Only
- ???: Deep space scans have revealed the existence of a structure located within UGEI space, orbiting a yellow star. Attempts at closer range scans were blocked by artificial interference and all extranet traffic was heavily encrypted. Without further information to draw upon, the following conclusion was made: the close proximity to the Malorian sector of space suggests that the station is military in nature and it could exist as a mustering point for UGEI campaigns against Malorian Space. Further investigation is suggested. Warning – potential for EXTREME danger present.
- Hollgan’s Rift
- Byoti/2366: Gas giant located within the system’s habitation zone; an artificial ring orbits the planetoid. A brief data trawl of the local extranet has revealed that the ring was initially a UGEI gas refinery, but has since evolved into a transport and trade nexus with a sizable human population. High number of defenses located on Segments D-44 to G-18 of the ring suggests that a UGEI military facility or shipyard may be present.
- Nacia/2367: ‘Supergiant’ class gas planetoid located just beyond the system’s habitation zone; artificial station located in high orbit. Extranet trawl suggests that the platform is a UGEI gas refinery – number of military-grade defenses add credence to the notion that a military facility may be attached to the station.
- ???: System scans have revealed a digital echo emanating from one of the twelve moons of the gas giant Nacia/2367, yet there is no information in the local extranet regarding any colonization efforts.
- Manwe’s Bay
- Manwe/2368: Small gas giant orbiting a red giant class star. A rather large asteroid belt surrounds the gas giant, a fact which hampered the effectiveness of in-system scans. While no UGEI structures were located, a data trawl of the local extranet revealed that a UGEI refinery and mining base does indeed exist within the system. 94.66% probability that the structure is located within the asteroid belt and that defenses are hidden within the belt itself.
- Walsh System - Limited Information: Deep Space Scans and Old Extranet Data Only
- ???: Deep space scans have revealed huge energy spikes coming from a system within UGEI space. Attempts at closer range scans were blocked by unknown interference, likely caused by the energy spikes themselves. Furthermore, all extranet traffic was heavily encrypted. It is unknown at this time whether the energy discharges are coming from a planetary or orbital platform. Without further information to draw upon, the following conclusion was made: the close proximity to Losirian Space adds credence to the theory that the energy spikes could be the result of the test firing of a UGEI 'superweapon.' A second potential theory is that a single Lightling far beyond the current size classification - or an immense Lightling swarm, has infested the system. Further investigation is suggested. Warning – potential for EXTREME danger present.
- Walsh I: Small terrestrial world located at the star-side edge of the habitation zone. Old extranet records show that the world was colonized by the UGEI quite some time ago and it's mineral deposits were aggressively strip mined. The resources were soon used up and the colony was shut down by the UGEI some 35 years ago. While the vast majority of the 250 million strong human population would have been transported off-world by the UGEI, hidden extranet records show that some prospectors and anti-UGEI rebel groups elected to remain in defiance of the UGEI.
- Arman’s Folly
- Pkadi/2365: Gas giant located within the system’s habitation zone. Scans have shown that the system’s yellow main sequence star is entering its terminal stage and is likely to grow to become a red giant sometime within the next hundred years. The gas giant itself is beyond the size classification scale, having absorbed a lot of dust and gas over millions of years. It would be consumed during the star’s transformation. UGEI refinery located in orbit – no military grade defenses detected.
- ???: Broken remains of a terrestrial world in slow orbital decay towards the system’s main star. No extranet records of the planetoid have been discovered thus far. 32.99% probability of orbital decay and terrestrial fragmentation as the result of a natural event.
- Sceptri System
- Doshua: Terrestrial world located in the middle of the system’s habitation zone. Extranet trawls have revealed the world to be exceedingly mineral rich. The planet is considered the testbed for the UGEI’s new ‘automated mining centers.’ Planetary population low and predominately of higher socio-economic status.
- Sceptri Prime: Terrestrial world located to the rear of the system’s habitation zone, orbiting a yellow main sequence star. Extranet trawls have revealed that the planet's surface is covered in large strip mines and UGEI 'Urban Spires'; while defense platforms, an advanced shipyard and several large trade stations hand in orbit. Human population on the surface exceeds 8 billion.
- Vorcia Cluster
- Vorcia: Small terrestrial world located at the star-side edge of the habitation zone. No surface structures detected, yet significant orbital defenses present. Extranet trawls have revealed that the UGEI maintain a research station on the planet. 58.31% probability that research station exists to monitor nearby pulsar activity; 23.88% probability that research station exists to conduct experiments on captured Malorians.
- XVC295701 Asteroid Belt: Exceptionally large mineral-rich asteroid cluster located in the system’s outer reaches. Has been extensively mined by the UGEI, yet dozens of minor mining platforms still dot the cluster; military grade defenses minimal.
- Ivandi Nebula - Limited Information: Deep Space Scans Only
- ???: Deep space scans have revealed the existence of a structure located within UGEI space, orbiting a red giant class star. The presence of large numbers of gas nebula's interfered with closer range scans, and all extranet traffic was heavily encrypted. Without further information to draw upon, the following conclusion was made: the close proximity to Losirian Space suggests that the station is military in nature. However, the lack of a known stable warp lane between the Ivandi Nebula to Losirian Space casts doubt on this theory. A second potential theory is that the station is a secret UGEI research facility. A third and final theory is that the station is a classified UGEI prison complex. Further investigation is suggested.
- Sinmore System
- Sinmore: Terrestrial world located in the middle of the habitation zone. Human population on the surface exceeds 12 billion. Extranet data trawl has revealed that the world is plagued by high crime rates – this is likely linked to plethora of gambling enterprises and the low socio-economic status of the mostly industrial workforce. Much of the planet's surface is covered in artificial structures, with only an estimated 12.56% of natural land remaining. This is likely linked to the high levels of pollution detected in the atmosphere - levels are approaching toxic levels.
- Erian: The solitary moon of Sinmore, this barren planetoid is rumored on the extranet to house a significant military arsenal.
- Sinmore: Terrestrial world located in the middle of the habitation zone. Human population on the surface exceeds 12 billion. Extranet data trawl has revealed that the world is plagued by high crime rates – this is likely linked to plethora of gambling enterprises and the low socio-economic status of the mostly industrial workforce. Much of the planet's surface is covered in artificial structures, with only an estimated 12.56% of natural land remaining. This is likely linked to the high levels of pollution detected in the atmosphere - levels are approaching toxic levels.
- Dract System
- Ferin: Medium terrestrial world located in the middle of the system's habitation zone. Human population stable at roughly 650 million, the majority of whom are employed in the agricultural sector – according to information found on the extranet. A small shipyard and trade station sits in orbit.
- Arman's Pass
- Sralnir/346: Depleted gas giant located slightly beyond the system’s habitation zone. Excessive gas mining by the UGEI has caused the giant to become unstable and it's core is slowly breaking up.
- Traldi I: The remains of a medium-sized terrestrial world located in the middle of the system's habitation zone. UGEI planet-cracking crews broke the barren world for its deep mineral deposits shortly after the UGEI expanded to this sector of space. Many of the remains are in a slow orbital decay towards the system's star.
- Traldi II: Small terrestrial world located on the edge of the system. The planet itself is locked in a deep freeze and according to system scans, no colonies exist on the surface. Extranet trawls have revealed that the UGEI maintains a small military station in orbit above the world. 86.99% probability that the UGEI military utilizes the world as a testbed for their orbital-to-surface weaponry.
- Aklnost System
- Aklnost I: Small barren planetoid located beyond the habitation zone, on the star-side edge. No remarkable features detected.
- Aklnost II: Large terrestrial world located in the middle of the system's habitation zone. Human population stable at roughly 900 million, the majority of whom are employed in the agricultural sector – according to information found on the extranet. It is estimated that Aklnost alone provides just over 40% of the raw foodstuffs for the sector’s UGEI population. A small shipyard and trade station sits in orbit.
- Arman’s Gate
- Azizos: Terrestrial world located near the middle of the habitation zone. According to information found on the extranet, Azizos is classified by the UGEI as a ‘coreworld territory’, the only such world in this sector of space. The surface of the world is almost entirely artificial, boasting a human population of 27 billion. Orbiting the planet is a host of shipyards, factories, trade stations and defense platforms. Near the edge of the system is the only human warp accelerator in the system – allowing quick travel from the Fringe to the Outer Core. 99.92% probability that the majority of the sector’s UGEI fleet is based at this location.
UFW Space
- Nethlos System
- Nethlos V: A dry, rocky world orbiting a yellow star, rich in minerals and home to a new UFW colony. Once attacked by Losirian Raiders, presumably hired by the UGEI. Mining platforms are active planetside. Defenses are moderate to heavy.
- Landry's Rest
- Pulsar Radio Station: A popular radio station for the fringe colonies. Located on a strategic location to allow maximum spread of it's signals, this station is also the hub of the UFW's entire communications network. Run by host "X-ray" and has access to the UFW-controlled Extra-net, though the UFW government have plenty of ties to the place as well.
- Knuoth System
- Knuoth I: One of the most civilized UFW coreworlds, with evidence of heavy mining and artificial structures present planetside. Home to a shipyard and orbital defenses. Also home to one of the sector's most prestige Academies.
- Zelnor Rift
- Antralgin Shipyards: Source of much of UFW's shipbuilding efforts. These shipyards orbit a planet by the same name with a planetside colony. The planet is rather cold, so bio-domes are used to allow the population to exist comfortably. Two large nebula clouds help make this location excellent for shipbuilding, serving to hide the place and make warpjump to it possible only from some directions.
- Ganymede Prime
- New Ganymede: UFW Coreworld, capital of UFW Union. Seat of Union heads, and President William King. Heavily Defended. Heavily artificial surface with some of the UFW's largest experimental greenhouses meant to grow food for the nation.
- Yavish Depths
- Bertza IV: Ice world, UFW Gas mining outpost on subsurface pockets, but is also home to some rather exotic wildlife that exist on no other ice worlds discovered so far.
- Hele System
- Hele II: Volcano world, valuable mineral mining operation. Small UFW mining outpost. Highly valuable minerals compared to standard variety, orbiting a binary star system.
- Khnum System
- Khnum III: A large farm world that is the agriculture capital of UFW after minor terraforming efforts. Khnum III provides most of the food for sector and is heavily defended, often referred to as 'new earth' due to it's similarities to what is suspected to be the human's original home.
Technical & Misc Information
Warp Lanes, so to speak, are drawn between many systems, created with heavy mathematics and gas investment. They represent safe lanes of space for ships to travel through. Mapping to new solar systems takes time and energy, meaning some are more reluctant to do it, especially since not many systems have the high density resources used in modern ship building.
Warping requires the use of the engines of the ship to go into overdrive. The same engines are used for regular propulsion.
Ophion's Black Box was hidden in the wall of the Storage Deck on Poseidon station. It allows Ophion to exist within a limited space, not taking up a station-wide quantity of data just to support basic personality software. After being damaged in battle, Moira performed maintenance on it, and it was discovered to be an advanced V.I. box.
Armor defends against Mass Drivers (or railguns), Point Defense is for Missiles, and Shields are for Laser defense.
The projected combat increase in ships designed purely for V.I. operation is 152% over human-crewed ships.
Upgrades of previous technology(Such as Laser II over Laser I) are building upon the original, while an upgrade that presents a new product (Such as Plasma Weapons I, over Lasers V) are considered better for most intents and purposes.
Ship Size Class
Capital Ships(Huge+; Big guns, big shields, big armor): Flagships
Battleship(Large-Huge; Big guns, warship): Dreadnought, Peacekeeper
Carrier(Large; Uses many smaller fighters): Fighter Carrier, Bomber Carrier
Cruiser(Medium sized, multi-use, built for speed and range): Battlecruiser, Light Cruiser
Escort (Small-Medium sized; Built for speed and manuverability): Destroyer, Frigate, Explorer
Transport (Ranging sizes; Civilian, Colony, Military, Economic): Invasion Vessel, Settlement Ship, Cargo Ship, Trade Ship
Fighter (Personal-Small sized; Precision and Speed): Strike Craft, Bomber
Support (Ranging sizes; Assisting other ships): Repair Vessel, Targeting Assistant Ship
- Primary: Advanced Ship Modification [85%]
- Secondary: Lightling DNA [90%]
- Tertiary: Power Armor [75%]
Current Subjects
Research Staff
- Moira Deckers- Robotics, programming and all around computing specialist.
- Robotics Specialist Staff of Ussaihu
- Scientist V.I. 'Metis'
Communication & Intelligence Technology
- Bandwidth Block [Acquired]: Create large self contained cubes of bandwidth that allow them to be placed planet side to provide bandwidth boosts. May be subject to environmental or other damage sources if not protected with other technology.
- AI Black Box Technology [Acquired]: Capability of building Black Boxes which allow for the building of highly sophisticated artificial intelligence. They are, in a sense, powerful computers capable of creativity and creation in ways V.I. aren't. Acquired from researching Unit 2237.
- Black Box Redundancy Mechanisms: Allows the ability to create an empty Black Box for your core A.I. components to fall back upon should they come under heavy attack. Enables the ability to create an exact copy so data transfer is near instant, saving the intelligence of valuable A.I.
- Black Box Integration and Networking: By disabling some of the key creativity components and personality matrices, you are able to create slave A.I. that converge into a singular consciousness. Increases processor capacity, and enables command of larger forces more easily.
- A.I. Factory: Enables Ophion to rapidly create Artificial Intelligence on a larger scale, no longer limited to one at a time while also attempting to refine the method for creating said A.I. to a less flawed level. Factory must be built first.
- Encryption Matrix: Development of advanced cyber-security algorithms to help with both defensive and offensive hacking attempts.
- Advanced Firewalls: Develop your firewalls and cyber defense up to a greater level. Generally makes you harder to hack.
- Advanced Hacking: Develop your invasion algorithms and increase the threat you pose in the cyber world. Generally makes your hacking more efficient.
- Erebos Unit: What has been dubbed a Viral Intelligence that you acquired from Atil VI. It's ability to consume and grow from V.I. fascinates you, though it is possible extremely dangerous to your kind. As a result it is currently sealed away. If researched, may allow you to create such creatures on your own, making viruses a great degree more deadly to other enemy A.I. or V.I.
- Integrated Sensors: With some remodeling, you are able to make your sensors harder to jam and block by your foes.
- Sensor Jamming: Makes it harder for foes within your territory to send signals and/or communication past you, scrambling attempts to contact allies.
- Advanced Sensor Theory: Attempt to catch up with the current sensor technology available to the world, and improve your own sensors to allow for detection of cloaked, or hidden foes.
- Combat Algorithms: Develop and run countless simulations, and improve your command structure to allow weaker minds(V.I.), and even minds like yours (A.I.) to control larger numbers of ships far more easily.
Genetics & Bio technology
- Genetic Engineering I: You quite literally learn to play this 'god' character humans speak of, and mettle with DNA in new and unseen ways. This will allow you knowledge of the human genome, and open the door to perfect organics, super soldiers, and allows for more complex genetic experimentation [Requires subjects for research]
- Chemistry I [Acquired]: Tampering with glass vials and chemicals of all sorts, you learn to break down and reform various things in ways you could not before. May allow various enhancements, from new exotic explosives, to enhanced mine refinement, to various other things.
- Chemistry II: More indepth analysis of Chemistry brings you to the brink of what you believe humanity has accomplished. Allows deeper insight into anything that involves chemicals and the mixing of such. Also provides increased yield from refineries and warheads.
- Malorian Flora/Growth Serum Formula: Terraforming benefits, knowledge of hyper evolution on Eshareth, testing with cell cultures and Lightlings possible. Serum would allow to learn it's evolutionary properties, while the Flora holds a variety of possible terraforming benefits, due to the way they are set to evolve.
- Fungal Matter: Unknown alien substance that resembles a strange and unknown fungus. No reports exist of this substance, and it is uncertain how safe it is to research at all. Possibly able to research stronger fungicide for substance. [Dangerous foreign substance if brought to lab]
- Human Cyborg/Android bodies: Further cybernetic knowledge, possible, fusing man and machine. Allows more efficient android use and creation. [Requires subjects for research] [Studying Rhea would greatly enhance this research subject]
- Advanced Cyborg Components: Allows nearly invisible to the naked eye implants and cybernetic enhancement of organic bodies with particularly advanced technology. [Requires subjects for research] [Studying Rhea would greatly enhance this research subject]
- Advanced Android Bodies: Using the knowledge gained from Human cyborgs, you expand your knowledge of all possible robotic shapes and sizes. Enormous androids and other robotics possible. Requires Human Cyborg/android bodies studies.
- Personal Cloaking Devices: Allows for single being sized cloaking fields to be put to use.
- Personal Repair Bots: Allows for small, very portable repair drones that speed along field repairs more than normal drones could hope to do.
- Rhea's Restoration: It was proposed by one consciousness to restore Rhea's full capabilities. As you do not have the specs she was built with, this would take a little time, and some investment, but once completed would restore the commando to her former glory, more or less. NOTE- This does not predispose her to your orders unless leash protocol is enabled.
- Rhea's Conditioning: With some time, you could undo much of the mental conditioning programmed into the Commando of the UGEI. Does not predispose her to serve you.
- Lightling DNA [Acquired]: Map the genes responsible for the creature's unique abilities of biological warp jumps. Learn how they function, behave, possibly communicate, and even origin. [Requires Lightling subjects]
- Lightling Skin adaptation: It is hypothesized that the flesh of these organic creatures can be adapted to use in armor for enhanced energy resistance. Possibly boost resistance to energy attacks at the cost of ships requiring additional power to function. Power drain only noticeable when ship is heavily damaged.
- Stutter Warp Engines: By studying the organic warp abilities of Lightings, this, in general, will increase ship speed in normal space, allow many tiny warps through open space. While limited, the speed gain resembles how Lightlings move.
- Lightling Language I: Allows further understanding into the creature's complex cries and calls. Simple commands more likely to succeed.
- Organic Sonic Testing: Learn the range of sounds these creatures operate on, and what might prove an effective sonic weapon against them. Test human, Malorian, and wildlife of Eshareth's limit's for sound of various degrees and frequencies. [Requires live subjects.]
- Biological Viruses: Sample taken from Atill VI's atmosphere. Highly toxic pathogen against human life. Unknown effect on aliens. Possible Bio-weapon. [Disposable organic subjects required]
- 'Fungal Pox' Malorian Virus Sample: Taken from 'Plague Bringer' Carrier of the UGEI during excursion into Malorian space, preliminary tests suggest it is a highly toxic pathogen meant to attack Malorian environments and people. Unknown effect on aliens. Possible Bioweapon. Could be reverse engineered for a cure, or unlock more complex alien diseases. [Disposable organic subjects required]
- Crystal Alien Fragments: Not much is known about this being, yet scans indicate it is somehow 'alive' by the standards of the humans, on top of it's odd ability to grow when exposed to heat, in danger, and even radiation. Possible benefits, beyond knowledge, may find alternate fuel source, intelligent being, or simply a new type of mineral for construction.
Engineering & War Technology
- Explosives Research 1: Opens the door to possible explosive and missile weapon upgrades. Allows development of small deploy-able explosives via Android, strategic, among other things. Also allows for more advanced styles of missile deployment. [Studying Rhea would greatly enhance this research subject]
- Space Mines: Allows ability to lay explosives relative to missile tech level out for foes to fall upon should they lack proper sensor equipment, or otherwise, be force to engage in such a situation.
- Exotic Warheads: Upon completion of basic chemistry, you believe you may increase the potency of your explosives. All missiles do more damage.
- Ballistics Research 1: Opens the door for ballistics research and various other uses of mass driver technology, on top of standard weapon applications. Allows development of small deploy-able turrets via Android, limited duration and strength, as well as other manner of hard ammo weapons.
- Advanced Ship Modification [Acquired]: The ability to modify massive sections of your ships proves far easier now, as you break down and are able to understand how each and every piece works. Allows for forging of special weapons(Such as Widowmaker) into larger, much more powerful versions for other, larger ship, as well many other useful techniques.
- Hardened Electronics: Provides your ships with a basic level of Electromagnetic interference protection where they normally had almost none, including A.I. and V.I. Command may still be lost momentarily, but permanent damage is less likely.
- Advanced MegaWeapons: Increases the efficiency and decrease power cost of all major ship mounted weapons. (Includes Widow Maker, Tractor beams, etc)
- Cruiser Cloaking Generator: Allows Cruiser sized ships to cloak [Does not work when opening fire]
- Carrier Cloaking Generator: Allows Carrier sized ships to cloak [Does not work when opening fire]
- Hull Scabbing: Liquid metal substance that fills in holes in your ships when they're blasted apart. Effectively makes all your ships tougher and harder to destroy.
- Modular Ship Plating: All ships are much cheaper to repair due to special armor designs that allows them to easily be replace.
- Power Armor Theory: You can make machine in the shape of man, why not suit a man with the skin of a machine. Begin conceptualizing power armor, allows massive armor benefits for all humanoid soldiers, easily rivaling tough androids in armor strength, if not better.
- Orbital Drop Armour: Utilizing ceramic plating and advanced insulation technologies, existing power armour can be modified to allow for individual orbital insertion onto habitable planets.
- Infantry Weapons & Defense II: Allows miniaturization of plasma weapons, shields, and other tier II technology.
- Deflector Shield: Advances the energy efficiency, coverage and strength of energy shielding, improving Power armored infantry's defenses.
- Organic Military Training I: Speed along the process of teaching humans the subtleties of combat and command. Starts with better simulations, ends with directly uploading military info to subjects.
- Ship Weapon Replication & Advancement: After having so much time to study and look over weapons available to this world, you feel you may soon be able to conceptualize your own, logical advancements in weapon technology, though it may take time.
- Ship Defense Replication & Advancement: Much like Ship Weapons by the same name, this tech allows you to attempt to make the next logical jump in tech through various defense technology, even if it may take some time.
Economy & Industry Technology
- Orbital Foundries: Allows for more materials and complex construction to be used in orbital structures. Shipyards are able to construct more ships, and allows for more advanced shipbuilding technology.
- Orbital Drydocks: Alongside speeding up ship construction and allowing for more ships per cycle to be made, it also allows for larger ships to be researched.
- Deep Space Constructors: Allows for space stations of significant size to be built out in dark space, without the need for being near a planet of some sort. Tech allows for construction on site (in a reasonable time) instead of trying to clear out space for warp jumps of large ships to and from location, leaving location a secret to those with lesser sensors.
- Advanced Gathering Drones: Decrease size, and costs of drones at gathering sites, allow them to increase efficiency and resource rates.
- Terrain Reformation [Acquired]: Research large Construction Drones that are able to shape the land on planets, allowing for underground and other such bases in a decent amount of time
- Deep Shaft Surface Mining: Research and analyzing in how to reach mineral deposits that are normally beyond the reach of conventional mining techniques. This would increase the productive level of a planet out put and might even turn a once barren world into a productive one. Warning: Not all barren worlds will have deep mineral deposits. please make sure planetary scans are correct before mining begins or your efforts will be wasted. May damage planet ecosystem.
- Surface Reprocessing Strip Mining: Research and developing the massive equipment to dig and process surface mineral deposits in a faster rate than before. Warning: Use of this tech might result in damage to the any natural biosphere the planet this is used on might have. This will also speed up the mineral depletion rate of the planet. Lastly, some factions will likely respond negatively to the use of this on life bearing worlds.
- Lava mining: Developing and research the machinery to safely and economically mine and process a planet's Lava flows and deep core bore holes. This technology will only work on a planet that is a tectonically active world. Some planets might have more minerals in it's lava than others. Still other worlds might also yield Gas along side minerals. testing will be needed to confirm what output it will be. Warning: unexpected and/or exceedingly violent geological actions might result in damages or complete ruination of the mining systems if not properly prepared for.
- Plasma Focusing Fusion Power: Increase power efficiency of all reactors, enabling ships and missiles to move faster, easier stabilization of reactor cores, faster rate of fire for energy weapons, and stronger shields. Further study required for more powerful power plants.
- Shield Projectors: Proposed by one consciousness, this would allow a projectable shield to be fixed to different types of ships, for a variety of purposes such as protecting surrounding allies from incoming energy fire, or as part of a warp lane creator, to push debris out of the way of a potential warp lane.
- Small Scale Fusion Power Cell Miniaturization: The technology tree of building smaller, yet just as effective power cores as larger reactors. May reduce risk of power loss during fight (sectionalized power), make power sources somewhat harder to detect, reduce energy costs for civilian structures, reduce gas costs for some engine structures, etc.
- Improved Gas Refinery: Upon completion of the more basic methods of Chemistry, you're allowed deeper insight into how gas refineries function, and believe you can optimize them further. Provides an increase in gas income across all refineries.
- Terraforming I [Acquired]: Turns more barren and less hospitable worlds into easier to manage lands. Enables more of the land to be used for construction, and living purposes, as well as provide far more arable land for farming. Also opens the doors to more expansive terraforming.
- Terraforming II: Become able to shift entire planetary biospheres to your whims. Allows massive change in planetary climate over a considerably faster time period. Improves land quality, availability, and nutrient density. Only the most polluted, or barren worlds can not be tamed with this.
- Planetary Infrastructure I [Acquired]: Allows the basic premise for planet side factories, colony buildings, banks, research centers, and many other basic colony necessities. Opens the door to more intricate industrial complexes across the planet's surface.
- Planetary Infrastructure II: Much more complex and sprawling cities are capable of being created, allowing for factories that span several miles, interplanetary banking systems, continental sized research centers as well as improving planetside building's survivability and defense.
- Chemistry I: Small increases to base gas and warhead yield, while also opening the door to much more complex research.
- Terrain Reformation: Large Construction drones that are able to shape the land and allow for all manner of more complex structures.
- AI Black Box Technology: Achieved through a dissection of Watcher Unit 2237. Allows the creation of A.I. Black boxes
- Bandwidth Block: Metis' first completed research subject. Allows the creation of large computing cores that increase your ability to process, and the speed with which you do so.
- Fungicide I: Kills off spores of Aquil Fungus
- Advanced Ship Modifications: Researched by Metis, this technology allows for a more detailed breakdown of how every ship you own is built and modify them to your exact specifications.
- Lightling DNA: Carefully looking at the Lightling DNA available to you, you are able to see possible benefits in their unique structure others may not.
- Terraforming I: Able to turn less then hospitable worlds to acceptably hospitable, this allows for small colonies to survive on poor environment worlds
- Planetary Infrastructure I: Taken from the UGEI, this allows you to create more complex planetary factories and structure to assist in your building efforts.
Format Layouts Ground Forces Chassis Types
- Humanoid: More visually acceptable to other humanoids. Excellent scouting posture, well suited to most weapons designs.
- Arachnid: Excellent Dexterity, ability to climb very well. Fast movement speed, light frame.
- Tank: Slow, but room for multiple weapon and defense mounts. Poor maneuverability.
- Sphere: Uses hover engines to float. Allows for maneuverability. Multi-limbs, but somewhat slow. Engines make sound
- Walker: Faster movement sacrificing slight armor advantages. More Maneuverable on rough terrain.
- Feline/Canine: Very fast model, good Dexterity, moderate/low durability
Other types may be conceptualized.
- Infantry Unit Format
- Name- What you might call the unit, or a nickname
- Chassis type= There are several different types, see above
- Size- Ranging from Tiny (cat sized) to large (Vehicle sized) currently.
- Weapons- Standard weapons it would come with
- Defenses- Standard defenses it would come with
- Primary Duty- What is it's purpose
- Intellect Level- What level of intelligence it will be starte with (V.I. based or simply bandwidth based.
- Equipment- Unique or otherwise important equipment the unit would have
- Notes- Extra
Infantry and Armor Units:
- Name: Unit 1
- Chassis type: Humanoid
- Size: Medium
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Arm-mounted Infantry lasers
- Defenses: Standard armor plating
- Primary duty: Communication Specialist, Infiltration
- Intellect Level: None (Requires bandwidth to operate)
- Equipment: Advanced Communication Equipment:More difficult to disrupt communications, Humanoid skin: Better chance of diplomatic success
- Notes: Turned a giant worm's insides to mush, saved Red and Ser'lah during Eshareth Attack
- Name: Unit 2
- Chassis type: Sphere
- Size: Medium
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Tendril Omni-tool, Eye mounted laser
- Defenses: Standard armor plating
- Primary duty: Hacking, air superiority, Utility
- Intellect Level: None (Requires bandwidth to operate)
- Equipment: Advanced Engine placement, modified from ship engine types. Travels faster, and farther using hover jets(Not quite flight). Omni-tool tentacles, allows for hacking, weapons, welding, minor repair, etc.
- Notes: Previous model destroyed in a self destruct attempt by an alien fungus found at Aquil
- Name: Unit 3 'Terrachnid' (Name Pending)
- Chassis type: Arachnid
- Size: Tiny (cat sized)
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Taser(nonlethal) Laser (Main Slot can equip small arms), Dagger-Like Forelegs
- Defense: Light Plating, Survival mode allows protection of delicate instruments.
- Primary duty: Stealth and Recon; if properly equipped can serve as cheap ground forces using Swarm Tactics, Assault and Ambush.
- Intellect Level: None (Requires bandwidth to operate)
- Equipment: Rubber tip to legs (stealth purposes), Wheels for faster speed down long flat surfaces, Adhesive allowing wall climbing, Dagger-Forelegs have small manipulator-claws/hands - for carrying, picking up or any other case when a hand is necessary - attached to the last joint.
- Note: While on a mission, glued own legs to a wall and had to be cut free.
- Name: Unit 4
- Chassis type: Humanoid
- Size: Small
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Taser(nonlethal), Laser (Main Slot can equip small arms), Melee blades
- Defense: Light Plating
- Primary duty: Stealth, Infiltration
- Intellect Level: None (Requires bandwidth to operate)
- Equipment: Advanced Communications, Omnitool, Humanoid skin, Advanced Optics
- Note: None
- Name: Unit 5
- Chassis type: Arachnid
- Size: Large
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Heavy lasers
- Defense: Trithium armor plating
- Primary duty: Boarding attack droid
- Intellect Level: None (Requires bandwidth to operate)
- Equipment: Magnetic legs, Grappling ability, minor jet propulsion
- Note:
- Name: Unit 6
- Chassis type: Tank
- Size: Large
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Heavy lasers, Gatling Mass Drivers
- Defense: Trithium armor plating
- Primary duty: Ground Assault
- Intellect Level: None (Requires bandwidth to operate)
- Equipment: Equipped internally with several repair bots for field repairs, exterior mounted with 4 Terrachnids serving an antipersonnel role.
- Note: None
- Name: Unit 7 'Bending Unit'
- Chassis type: Humanoid
- Size: Medium
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Spiked fists(tazers), enhanced cyberstrength
- Defense: Standard armor
- Primary duty: Bending steel and other metals
- Intellect Level: None (Requires bandwidth to operate)
- Equipment: Extended reach arms
- Note: None
- Name: Unit 8
- Chassis type: Arachnid
- Size: Tiny (cat sized)
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Taser(nonlethal)
- Defense: Light Plating
- Primary duty: Spy
- Intellect Level: None (Requires bandwidth to operate)
- Equipment: Recording, video and audio, equipment, ability to cling to walls, fast, Small Omnitool
- Note: None
- Name: Unit 9 'Polemarchus'
- Chassis type: Arachnoid
- Size: Large
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Infantry grade Mass Drivers
- Defenses: Heavy armor plating, CWIS(point defense), Superior Shielding
- Primary duty: Global C&C of ground forces.
- Intellect Level: A.I. 5 'Cephalus
- Equipment: Advanced C&C & Comm Array Package, Close Range Sensors, Troop Resupply: Able to keep other units running
- Name: Unit 10 'Auxiliary'
- Chassis type: Humanoid
- Size: Medium
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Standard Mass Driver held in arms (and minor one built in)
- Defenses: Standard armor plating
- Primary duty: Ground Combat, Boarding, Security
- Intellect Level: Minimal/semi-autonomous(when provided with bandwidth/V.I. guidance
- Equipment: Extended battery pack(Allows for extended field deployment), built-in basic surveillance tools.
- Name: Unit 11
- Chassis type: Tank
- Size: Medium
- Status: Standby
- Weapons: Shoulder mounted lasers, Eye lasers, acid launcher, and Mass Driver Guns (built in).
- Defenses: Heavy armor plating, Superior shielding
- Primary duty: Heavy assault
- Intellect Level: Automaton
- Equipment: Deploy-able Energy Shield(protects other units)
Ship Format
- Name- What the ship will be called to simplify combat
- Role- What role the ship performs
- Ship Type- The ship's size and class type.
- Weapons- What it's weapon slots are fitted with (see below)
- Engine- What drive the ship is fitted with for FTL
- Hull- What grade the ship's plating is
- Shields- What strength a ship's shields are
- Point Defense- which type of anti missile defense does the ship employ
- Bandwidth- What bandwidth the ship produces when constructed
- Cost- Predicted Costs in resources
Slot System- Every ship you own has only so much space/mass it is able to equip on it's surface. This is a representation of that. Weaker weapons mounted on larger slots come in bigger numbers. Some weapons have a minimum slot requirements.
- Battleship- Heavy, Medium and Light Slots, suited for combat. (Provides 5 bandwidth at max)
- Carrier- Heavy, Medium slots are used for fighters. Light slots for weapons. (Provides 3 bandwidth at max)
- Cruiser- One Heavy Slot, Medium, Light slots (Provides 2 bandwidth at max)
- Escort- Medium and light slots (Provides no bandwidth normally)
- Fighter- Light slots only
Approved Ship Models
- GM-Cr-MR-2 'Trireme' Class Cruiser
- Role: Short - Medium Range Ship-of-the-Line
- Ship Type: Battlecruiser Class
- Weapons: Spinal Plasma III Cannons (Heavy), Singularity Driver (Medium), Boarding Torpedo Slots (Light)
- Engine: Stellar Drive
- Hull: Superior Trithium Armor Plating
- Point Defense: Laser Guided III Point Defense
- Shields: Barrier III
- Bandwidth: Standard (2)
- Cost: 150M 100G~
- GM-Cr-LR-1 'Catapult' Class Cruiser
- Ship type: Battlecruiser Class
- Role: Long Range Missile Support
- Weapons: Medium 'Thor' Warhead Missiles (Heavy, Medium), Additional Point Defenses (Light)
- Engine: Stellar Drive
- Hull: Titanium Armor MK II (To save costs)
- Point Defense: Laser Guided Point Defense.
- Shields: Barriers
- Bandwidth: 2
- Cost estimates: 150M 225G~
- GM-Cr-MR-1 'Chimera' Class Cruiser
- Role: Disabler Ship
- Ship Type: Battlecruiser Class
- Weapons: Medium Plasma Cannons (Heavy, Medium), Light Laser V(Light)
- Engine: Stellar Drive
- Hull: Trithium Armor Plating
- Point Defense: LG Point Defense
- Shields: Barriers
- Equipment: Sensors III (ship scans)
- Bandwidth: 2
- Cost: 175M 175G
- GM-S-E-1 'Buzzard' Class Cruiser
- Ship Type: Light Cruiser
- Weapons: Minimum/None
- Engine: Steller Drive
- Hull: Standard Armor Plating
- Point Defense: None
- Shields: Standard
- Equipment: Sensors III, Scavange Drones: Designed to use magnets to pull in wrecks and debris for proper salvaging. Much of the ship is cargo bays and places to store these things(Cargo takes up Heavy and Medium slot, with drones taking up light slots)
- Cost: 100M, 50G
- GM-E-MR-1 'Pilum' Class Destroyer
- Role: Medium-Range Escort & Picket Ship
- Ship Type: Destroyer/Escort Class
- Weapons: Medium Plasma Cannons (Medium), Light Laser V Cannons (Light)
- Engine: Stellar Drive
- Hull: Trithium Armor Plating
- Point Defense: Light Laser V Cannons Only
- Shields: Barrier
- Bandwidth: Negligible
- Cost: 20M 10G
- GM-Ca-R-0 'Blacksmith' Class Repair Ship
- Role: On Location Large repair ship
- Ship Type: Carrier Class
- Weapons: Only cutting and welding lasers and plasma torches(Minimal)
- Engine: Stellar Drive (or a better class by the time this ship is made)
- Hull: Standard
- Point Defense: Standard
- Shields: Standard
- Bandwidth: None (Dedicated
- Cost: 600M 200G
- GM-Ca-E-0 'Prospector' Class Mining Ship
- Role: Mobile Mining, Processing and Smelting Ship
- Ship Type: Carrier Class
- Weapons: Only mining lasers.(Minimal)
- Engine: Stellar Drive (Slower)
- Hull: Standard
- Point Defense: Standard
- Shields: Standard
- Bandwidth: None (Dedicated)
- Cost: 550M 250G
- Experimental
- GM-S-Ex-0 'Road Forger' Class Warp Lane Ship
- Role: Stable warp lane creator
- Ship type: Carrier Class
- Weapons: None
- Engine: Stellar Drive
- Hull: Standard
- Point defense: Standard
- Shields: Special (Projected forward, elsewhere less protected)
- Bandwidth: None (Dedicated)
- Cost: 1000M 1000G